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This supermarket sells your food waste back to you in raccoon form
Not only is raccoon meat perfectly legal in California, it's also a brilliant way to reduce food waste.

Nationwide GMO labeling bills have another Groundhog Day
Since a GOP-controlled Congress is unlikely to embrace the mandatory labeling some Democrats support, don't hold your breath on this one.

These Valentine’s Day cards will show you care and cost you nothing
"My love is like a summer's day" -- rapidly warming, thanks to climate change.

Parts of Louisiana’s sunken coast are resurfacing
Is this an encouraging sign in the fight against rising sea levels?

We did the math on clean coal, and it doesn’t add up
Is carbon capture and sequestration a net win for the climate? That depends on how you crunch the numbers.

Are there any eco-friendly credit card companies?
A reader discovers that his credit card company is funding dirty energy. Umbra looks out for the planet's best interest.

Meet Lewis Latimer, the African American who enlightened Thomas Edison
He helped bring electricity to the masses, and understood the links between electric power and political power. He'd love today's distributed solar movement.

How Chicago’s Little League scandal cheats city kids
The young players from Jackie Robinson West were stripped of their Little League title. City kids everywhere may have lost a lot more.

Big Oil is desperate for your love. Watch their silly plea in this insane video
Divestment means breaking up with fossil fuels. We're ready to move on.
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Apple to spend $850 million on solar energy
Its massive new installation will produce enough power to supply 60,000 California homes, says CEO Tim Cook.

Why we need to fix our crumbling roads, not build new ones
Past transportation spending has mostly been directed to construction rather than repairs. Here's why that doesn't make much sense.

We’ll need more vaccines in a warming world
Climate change could make deadly diseases like rotavirus even worse.

Naomi Klein on the power of fossil fuel divestment
Taking our money out of oil and coal companies is just the start, says Klein. We also want to nationalize the companies and seize their profits.

Republicans can’t win Latinos while ignoring climate change
The GOP thinks Hispanics should be natural conservatives. Problem is, most Hispanics want climate action and most Republicans don’t.

Please look at these beautiful waves, because the ocean is awesome
When the seas inevitably rise to swallow civilization as we know it, at least it'll be f*cking gorgeous.

Oklahoma had 3 times more earthquakes than California last year
2014 was a crazy year for quakes in the Sooner state -- and fracking was partly to blame.

No, climate scientists are not manipulating their data
Some climate deniers say scientists are skewing data to show a warming planet. Here's why they're wrong.

Why Obama’s new transportation plan is pointless, in 16 tweets
We asked our resident transportation wonk, Ben Adler, to write about the administration's "Beyond Traffic" report. Here's what he did instead.

Should you be worried about solar leasing? Utilities think so
Some Republicans and utilities want solar leasing to seem shady. But experts think their concerns are overblown.

The FBI is targeting tar-sands activists. Should that worry you?
Activists from around the U.S. report a spate of unexplained visits by FBI agents in recent months.

Warning: This video about dying on Mars may make you weep
"If I Die on Mars," a new mini-doc from The Guardian, will leave you wondering what it'd be like to leave Earth and never come back
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