Thursday, February 26, 2015

Gogobot Houston

Whitewashed jeans and Stetson hats meet high heels and business suits in Houston, where easygoing Texas charm smooths the edges of a business-savvy city. These days, however, Houston’s art and food scenes are bucking like the broncos at its famous rodeo. Houston local Syretta offers a three-sided glimpse of the city: 5-star swank and splendor for Luxury Travelers, places like the Art Car Museum and hip sushi restaurant Uchi for the Trendsters Tribe, and where to get real Tex-Mex cuisine for the Foodie Tribe. Inspired yet? Book your Houston hotel.
Catch the up-and-coming, the weird, the eccentric, and the classics at Fitzgerald’s, the grandfather of music venues in this rock n’ roll-loving city. Seasoned locals swear they’ve been coming since ‘77, and some big names got their start here. Catch a show and grab a drink at one of its three in-house bars while you rock out.
Tweet us your best Houston tips or send a postcard with the hashtag #gogoHouston and we’ll feature the best!

user limelight
Patrick is a two-time Pro and Guru in Houston, where he shares his recommendations for places to stay, eat, and play in his native city. Check out his review of Coco’s Crepes and Coffee, his personal favorite spot to chow down on a hearty brunch.
Their food is amazing, and they have an awesome selection of sweet & savory crepes. I highly recommend anything with the merguez sausage... Read the full review.
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