Translation from English

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Der Spiegel

Defiance and Charm: A Measured First Week for New Greek Leader

Defiance and Charm: A Measured First Week for New Greek Leader
Syriza's victory in the recent Greek elections set off a wave of concern in Europe. But even as the new prime minister tries to woo other leaders, his left-wing government is already busy getting down to work. Many of its first moves have been the right ones. By Manfred Ertel, Julia Amalia Heyer, Walter Mayr and Juliane von Mittelstaedt more... Comment ]
SPIEGEL E-Book: 1914 - 2014. The Disturbing Relevance of World War I
  • Even a century after the outbreak of World War I, its consequences can still be felt. SPIEGEL explored this phenomenon in a recent series, using World War I as the starting point for observing conditions today in a number of the world's regions. These included the role of the United States as a superpower and global police force, the ongoing failure of peace efforts in the Middle East and the as yet unresolved ethnic divisions in the Balkans last manifested in the Bosnian War. In the 12 features, now compiled as an E-Book, SPIEGEL reporters describe the effects of the primal catastrophe of the 20th century that remain present today.
  • Edited By Alfred Weinzierl and Klaus Wiegrefe:
    1914 - 2014The Disturbing Relevance of World War I.
  • Buy the E-Book for $3.49

'Uncertain Radiological Threat'US Navy Sailors Search for Justice after Fukushima Mission

'Uncertain Radiological Threat': US Navy Sailors Search for Justice after Fukushima Mission
In March of 2011, the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan rushed to Japan to help after the disastrous tsunami. Since then, many sailors from that ship have fallen ill, possibly as a result of exposure to radiation from the Fukushima nuclear meltdown. They will soon have their day in court. By Alexander Osang more... Comment ]

The Last Days of Annie BusA Chronicle of Dutch Euthanasia

The Last Days of Annie Bus: A Chronicle of Dutch Euthanasia
Annie Bus of the Netherlands suffered from horrendous pain and paralysis, but not from a terminal illness. She wanted to die anyway. The story of how she got her wish demonstrates how difficult it is to set boundaries in a country that permits assisted suicide. By Laura Höflingermore... Comment ]

OpinionIt's Time To Compromise on Greece

Opinion: It's Time To Compromise on Greece
Syriza's victory in Greece makes it clearer than ever that a new approach is needed in Europe. Chancellor Merkel, in particular, must show flexibility in the search for compromise with Greek Prime Minister Tsipras. If they can't agree, Europe is in trouble. By Dirk Kurbjuweitmore... Comment ]

Greece's New Economics Minister'Europe Doesn't Need To Be Afraid'

Greece's New Economics Minister: 'Europe Doesn't Need To Be Afraid'
Greece wants to remain in the euro zone, but Athens wishes to renegotiate everything relating to the current austerity regime. SPIEGEL spoke with Economics Minister Giorgios Stathakis about how the new government intends to address that challenge.  Interview by Manfred Ertel more... Comment ]

European Parliament President Schulz'Greek Voters Should Be Realistic'

European Parliament President Schulz: 'Greek Voters Should Be Realistic'
Newly elected Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has promised to free his country from the strict demands of its European creditors. In a SPIEGEL interview, European Parliament President Martin Schulz says there is room for compromise, but warns Athens must tread carefully. Interview by Nikolaus Blome and Christoph Schult more... Comment ]

OpinionHow to Stabilize Ukraine without Playing Putin's Game

Opinion: How to Stabilize Ukraine without Playing Putin's Game
In an editorial, the head of the Munich Security Conference warns that Russian refusal to help implement the Minsk agreement may leave Western countries with no choice but to deliver defense equipment to Kiev -- and Moscow should be fully aware of the responsibility it would then carry. By Wolfgang Ischinger more... Comment ]

Merkel's Unintended CreationCould Tsipras' Win Upset Balance of Power in Europe?

Merkel's Unintended Creation: Could Tsipras' Win Upset Balance of Power in Europe?
Greek election victor Alexis Tsipras wants an entirely different Europe from the one envisioned by Angela Merkel. His success is likely to stoke anger over Germany's EU dominance. Leaders in France and Italy are also hoping for an end to austerity.  By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

Ghost ShipsTurkey Becomes Springboard for Syrians Heading to Europe

Ghost Ships: Turkey Becomes Springboard for Syrians Heading to Europe
Turkey has become a hub for human traffickers, with freighters picking up Syrians in the port city and smuggling them on to Europe. It's a lucrative business built on the hardships of others.  By SPIEGEL Staffmore... Comment ]
Photo Galleries
Fighting for Justice after FukushimaAlexis Tsipras' First Days in PowerThe Radicals of Belgium
The Hour of Death
Where Are the Tahrir Square Leaders Now?Operation SocialistProvocation in Athens

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