Sunday, February 1, 2015

CNET- Apple Wins at Design; Media Wins at Super Bowl

Why Apple keeps winning in style

Technically Incorrect: As technology becomes more fixated on fashion, the maker of the iPhone and the Apple Watch is well placed to take advantage.
Technically Incorrect offers a slightly twisted take on the tech that's taken over our lives.

How fashion-conscious will Apple Watch wearers be? Someone, surely, will want the 18-karat gold version.James Martin/CNET
The money men took notes and couldn't suppress their smiles. Samsung executives took their Notes and slapped them hard against their foreheads.
Apple CEO Tim Cook had just announced that the company had sold 74.5 million iPhones in the last quarter of 2014. 
It was even better than the money men had estimated. It was even worse than the Samsung executives had feared.
While the money men told themselves that Apple's was a brilliantly organized business, at Samsung they muttered expletives and, perhaps, expressions of incomprehension.
After all, what had Apple done in that last quarter? Merely released big phones, which Samsung had done years before.
A pause, then, just to remind ourselves of what Apple does right and how it might leverage that in the future. There's no accounting for taste. But Apple has turned taste into significant accounting. 
There's almost a self-parody in Apple design chief Jony Ive talking about every new phone. He perhaps reached his peak parodic pomp with the suggestion in 2013 that the colorful iPhone 5C was "unapologetically plastic." But Apple really does have a superior sense of taste.
While Ive can talk about a rounded edge for a round week, what real people see, the minute they set eyes on an Apple product, is something that they might not be able to define. But it's something that their hearts and souls identify with style. It's something they want to be a part of.
Words might fail them. They might opt for the catchall "cool." But there's a timelessness, an attention not merely to detail but to the effect of that detail, that makes even old iPhones look good.
There's always been the perception that Apple products are reserved for those with more money. Money men like to talk about the margins Apple manages to maintain. But the brand now has a certain longevity and a powerful image-based presence. Its incursion into China shows that it's seen as coveted. 
More powerfully, though, look at how Apple has managed to span the generations. In a survey in August and September of last year, 73 percent of teens said their next phone would be an iPhone. Can it be that there is one style product that kids don't mind being seen in their dad's hands? 
The company's style superiority might now be taking on another dimension. Cook, not for the first time, mentioned Android switchers in his earnings presentation. Is it possible that some who had previously been value shoppers are now prepared to sacrifice a little more money in order to buy a more expensive phone?

The fashion fixation

After all, many is the fashion brand that has discovered new markets by understanding that people with less disposable income -- those who were thought never likely to buy Gucci or Burberry -- now want at least one item to show off. 
I might not make a lot of money, but I can still buy a Burberry scarf. So there.
Have phones become so much a fashion item that there's an ever greater shift toward being seen with the right brand? 
As technology becomes fashionized -- the whole concept of wearable tech, for example, necessarily carries a deep fashion component -- Apple is well placed to take advantage. 
It isn't just that the company has hired brilliant individuals from the fashion world. (Did we mention that Apple's new retail chief, Angela Ahrendts, had been Burberry's CEO?) It's that its whole ethos from the beginning has centered on looks as much as function. 
Indeed, an essential component of style is simplicity. So the way Apple's phones work nicely complements what the whole design is trying to achieve. 
It's not that Apple's phones are without faults. The battery life still causes conniptions. The software isn't exactly perfect. Occasionally boorish and patrician Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson explained in today's British Sunday Times (paywall) that there are times that he wishes Steve Jobs had never been born, "but I will not switch to another brand because I simply cannot be bothered to learn how it all works."
We might be heading for a Futureworld where phones become more disposable, not less. As they lurch ever more toward fashion, we might be changing our phones every year.
Who better, then, than a brand already steeped in taste to take advantage of such a trend? The way in which fashion brands decide and drive what next year's look will be might, just might, be a template for Apple. 
If the brand continues to sell more phones, more globally, might it well decide to present an increased number of versions, of styles, of nuances?
That thought process is already present in the new Apple Watch. In describing it last September, Ive said: "We worked extremely hard to make it an object that would, one, be desirable but to be personal because we don't want to wear the same watch. One of the reasons it takes us a long time [is] because, I think, people are very discerned. A lot of people don't wear a watch, at the moment."
In the end, Apple knows that it has to not merely maintain, but attempt to direct the zeitgeist. It has to foresee whether it can maintain just a few versions of its phone -- keeping them as classics -- or whether it must create more and more variations. Lines, if you like.
It isn't about a bunch of ads making people feel that Apple is the coolest thing. The ads merely exist to remind you what products are out there and make you feel good about them. It's the products themselves and the design behind them that are the best ads, the best marketing of all.
Apple starts from a position where most people still think it's a cool brand. Annoying at times, but still cool.
How would people describe Samsung's brand? For a time, it felt younger. It felt like the anti-Apple, at least in America. Recently, though, it lost its way. It sent out many products, but each with little definition or personality. The style, the impact, just wasn't there. There was no core attitude, no core principle.
As the style slipped further down, so did the profits.
How interesting that, just two weeks ago, Samsung hired Don-tae Lee as its new head of global design. He used to be co-president at London's Tangerine Studios. 
Years back, one of Tangerine Studios earliest employees was Jony Ive. 


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How social media wins the #SuperBowl

As social media's prowess continues to grow, advertisers are coming up with more ways to capitalize on your dedication to watching the big game.
When the power went out during the 2013 Super Bowl, Oreo (@Oreo) made sure everyone remembered that you can still "dunk in the dark."Twitter/@Oreo
It all started with a tweet about an Oreo.
When the Super Bowl stadium experienced a blackout in the middle of last year's game, Oreo sent a tweet to capitalize on the unfortunate turn of events.
"Power out? No problem," the tweet read, along with an ad showing an Oreo and the tagline, "You can still dunk in the dark."
The tweet was retweeted 15,643 times and became a symbol of the marketing power of social media. In addition to receiving kudos for a clever way to draw attention from the biggest live event of the year, it set a new bar for the advertising industry. There's a good chance social media will be an even bigger part of your game-watching experience this Sunday.
"There's a competitiveness to have that social-listening campaign and create that piece of 'Oreo' content that everyone starts talking about," said Michelle Barna-Stern, director of social media communications for marketing agency Deep Focus. "Trying to shift that conversation, at least for a moment, from the Super Bowl to your brand is everyone's hope."
Super Bowl ads have long become their own kind of spectacle, with viewers ready to be dazzled by what advertisers will air to millions of viewers during the big game. Now, that marketing focus has extended beyond the television set as brands ramp up viewer engagement with tweets and other social campaigns. 
Last year, advertisers got six times the social mentions on the day of the game. Facebook reported 50 million people talking about the event on its social network, while Twitter reported more than 24.1 million tweets about the game, the ads and the halftime show. And with TV ads costing $4.5 million for 30-second slots this year, a social media campaign can be considerably cheaper.
Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson holds the Vince Lombardi Trophy following victory over the Broncos in last year's Super Bowl.
Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson holds the Vince Lombardi Trophy following victory over the Broncos in last year's Super Bowl.Timothy A. Clary/AFP/Getty Images
Marketers' focus on social media can be traced to 2012, when the NFL established its first social media command center to monitor tweets and posts during the game, said Barna-Stern. With that, brands could no longer ignore the use of services like Twitter and Facebook to talk to potential customers, she said.
Facebook is taking advantage of its increased profile during the Super Bowl by launching a real-time hub to match the speed of Twitter's tweets. Volvo is skipping a splashy TV ad and running a Twitter contest for a chance to win a car. The automaker is also paying for promoted tweets: Automatically inserting a Volvo ad into the feeds of users following any of Volvo's competitors. 
Web hosting company last week saw the power of social media -- but not in the way it wanted. The company known for its ads featuring semi-clothed women previewed a new ad about a lost puppy that, after finding its way back home, gets sold on a site created using GoDaddy's service. GoDaddy received a flood of disapproving tweets, and prompted the company to pull its ad.
There's a lot of opportunity for companies to attract attention. Nearly half of smartphone and tablet owners are likely to use apps while they are watching the game. And one-third of those surfing their devices will be checking out their social media feeds, according to a survey conducted by analytics company SOASTA.
"You have people all over the globe speaking about this one game, all eyes are on this one game," Barna-Stern said. "It is a tremendous, tremendous deal."



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