Translation from English

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Buenos Aires Herald

February 15, 2015
In her first public appearance since being charged over the alleged cover-up of the AMIA terrorist attack, President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner inaugurated an amphitheatre in El Calafate and said the government is “determined to bring joy to the people.”
Secretary General to the Presidency Aníbal Fernández said prosecutor Gerardo Pollicita has been able to “maintain nothing” of Nisman’s original report alluding to a plan by the government to remove Iranian officials allegedly involved in the AMIA bombing from Interpol lists in exchange for trade preferences with Tehran.
• Gov't not surprised by charges• CFK charged over AMIA ‘cover-up’• Solicitor Genera files docs dismissing case
Ricardo Sáenz, an organizer of the 18F rally marking a month since the death of Alberto Nisman, questioned the government for its criticism and “lack of respect” of the late prosecutor.
• Pollicita takes spotlight• 'Prosecutors want to be treated as heroes'
A civilian was killed and three police wounded when a masked gunman sprayed bullets into a Copenhagen meeting attended by a Swedish artist threatened with death for his cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad. Prime Minister Schmidt said it was a "terrorist attack".
Shelling suddenly stopped in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk after President Petro Poroshenko gave the order to gov't forces to halt firing in line with a ceasefire agreement reached last Thursday.
• Ukraine fighting intensifies ahead of truce
Independiente beat Newell’s Old Boys 3-2 in Rosario with a penalty scored by goalkeeper Diego Rodríguez at 72 minutes. Newells’s coach “Tolo” Gallego received a red card for delaying his return to the field.


Dollar (Official price)DOLLAR (Official price)$ 8,645$ 8,695
Dollar Blue price)DOLLAR ("Blue" price)$ 13,09$ 13,19
EuroEURO$ 9,740$ 10,520
PoundPOUND$ 13,305$ 13,390
MervalMERVAL$ 9.562,230$ 2,57
Dow JonesDOW JONES$ 18.019,350$ 0,26
BovespaBOVESPA$ 50.635,920$ 2,23
Full MARKET coverage HERE

Never too late to say sorry

Marcelo J. García

Never too late to say sorry

Time and tide again

Michael Soltys / Senior Editor / Economic Outlook

Time and tide again

US politics and Nisman

Andrés Federman

US politics and Nisman

• World Trade

Experts see accords with China deepening Argentina’s trade commoditization

• On Sunday

To New Extremes

Grupo ámbito    ámbito financiero    Docsalud     Premium        El Ciudadano    El Tribuno    Management
Director: Orlando Mario Vignatti - Edition No. 4401 - This publication is a property of NEFIR S.A. -RNPI Nº 5177376 - Issn 1852 - 9224 - Te. 4349-1500 - San Juan 141 , (C1063ACY) CABA 

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