Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Epic Blizzard- "Dodging the Bullet" January 26, 2015

Well, as we all know now the big "epic blizzard" swung off course and hit 50 miles east of NYC, --while we here had REALLY battened down the hatches and made all these preparations for three feet of snow on Tuesday...

This video starts with me up very, very early on Tuesday morning and working on an article on Seasonal Affect Disorder..

Listening to the latest weather report on the computer...

Checking out the window into the darkness, I find that it is NOT coming down fast and furious, in the darkness it is hard to tell but it doesn't even look like it is snowing at all.

After more work on the article and a nap, I awake and find we have what looks like six inches of snow or more tops, and listen to the weather  again via the computer...yeah, as the weatherman says, the storm moved past us and while still savaging Eastern Long Island etc., NYC has "dodged the bullet."

I then decide to go out to Central Park and see what's cookin'...

Snow, all right, and the going is a little rough in places,-- but I find the ducks huddled together on the reservoir, people out with their dogs and some kids sliding down a hill...

And one woman out on skis. And  other people out taking pictures too.

As I sign off in my attempts at speaking French, I note, " L'hiver, l'hiver, il n'y a point de misere, nous avons le bonheur..."

To see the video of all this, go to:

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