Tuesday, Jan 06 2015 • 10 a.m. (ET)
Holding The U.S. Military Accountable
Wow..the Diane Rehm show tonight's segment on
how our military/politicians,U.S. Public interact
was one of the most thought provoking and
bluntly overwhelming of any of her shows I have
One fact that shows you how naive I am: I
thought the days the four major branches of the
military just furthered their own agendas ,
uncoordinated, ( everything from weapons
development to teaching recruits how to brush
their teeth with videos etc.) had been helped a
long time ago ( it was one of the major
recommendations of the famous Grace
And the F-35 fiasco-- cost a hundred times more
than Solyndra flop at solar power, but everyone
knows about Solyndra and how many people
have a clue about the F-35?
And Presidents still get the generals they want:
For instance, back in 1962 a General Decker
said very loudly that going into a land war in
Asia was lunacy. McNamara told this to
President Kennedy, whose response was "Well,
get rid of him, then."
And unlike Bush, for instance, Kennedy was a
seasoned veteran of War himself and knew what
wars involved and how goals must be targeted to
be realistic. ( Bush got rid of anyone who
thought we were making a mistake going into
Iraq with no long term agreed upon plan. And he
Colin Powell, who said, " It doesn't matter how
I feel, I serve the President,"--& was of course
absolutely wrong in his philosophy but the media
never dared point that out.
But Kennedy made the mistake of thinking we
were fighting World War II again...We are never
going to fight World War II again and have a
draft and immense public involvement like that.
(We have a small, well trained and well armed
military now that we all "support"-- but we win
Battles and Lose Wars.)
Most provocative show in ages..
How do we deal with this trillion dollar a year
military complex (when you factor in ALL the
And someone like Bernie Sanders says " This is
all stupid, but if we are going to do it, I want a lot
of money spent in Burlington, Vermont."
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