
FDNY investigating Staten Island EMS workers who had access to Joan Rivers' emergency medical records, report says

Mira Wassef | mwassef@siadvance.comBy Mira Wassef | mwassef@siadvance.com 
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on January 09, 2015 at 11:14 AM, updated January 09, 2015 at 12:36 PM
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- The FDNY is probing EMS workers on Staten Island who accessed Joan Rivers' emergency medical records tied to her death, according to the Daily News.
FDNY investigators are looking at around 12 emergency workers, most from Division 5 on Staten Island and Division 3 in Brooklyn, to see if they looked at Rivers' medical records out of curiosity or if they leaked the details to the media, the report says.
The FDNY pinpointed the employees by their electronic signature used to log in to the records. Investigators, the paper says, have interviewed about eight or nine employees, including technicians and dispatchers.
Sources told the News that it appears most of the EMS workers had legitimate reasons to look at the records.
Rivers, 81, died Sept. 4 at Mount Sinai Hospital after suffering complications from a routine throat surgery at a clinic in Manhattan.
    Staten Island, NY
    The Accolade
    Eatontown, NJ

What possible legitimate reason could any of these people have to access Ms Rivers' medical records? Only the crews on the scene would have had a reason and that would be for expeditious and proper treatment of her existing problem.  
mike trainor
mike trainor
Something is amiss here.  I was in EMS for eleven years, most of that time as a Lieutenant, and never once did I have to look at the medical records of a patient, pre- or post-mortem.  The only records that had any relevance to the job were the Ambulance Call Report, unit history, and the call history.   The fact that Joan Rivers died in Manhattan would totally negate any need of technicians, dispatchers, or anyone else operating in divisions 3 or 5 to access any information.