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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Newsmax Slams Rangel

Newsmax is right wing...they sure caught Rangel here...

Charles Rangel: In Korean War, Only Black Deaths Bothered Me

Tuesday, 06 Jan 2015 09:51 AM
By Drew MacKenzie
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Democratic New York Rep. Charles Rangel says that when he served in Korea, he never became upset about seeing dead soldiers unless they "looked like me."

"I was in combat and I’m telling you, I saw more dead people," he said on MSNBC’s "The Ed Show" on Monday. "But I never was moved until I saw dead people that looked like me in my uniform. And it does make a difference."

Rangel was attempting to suggest that black policemen should speak out against police violence, according to The Daily Caller.
Story continues below video.

"So, yes, the blue wall of silence has kept communities and minority communities apart for so long, so that even minority policemen don’t want to break that silence. And it has to be done."

His comments come in the wake of the nationwide protests following the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, by a white police officer, and the chokehold death of a black man, Eric Garner, by a white officer in Staten Island, New York.

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