Friday, January 30, 2015

MY VIDEO: WHO Is Buried in Grants Tomb? Trick Question? No, Important Part of History!

Been meaning to get up to Grant's Tomb for a long time...

The great Union General and then President Grant chose New York City's Upper Riverside Park as his burial place for a couple of reasons-- he and his wife had left Galena, Illinois, and come to NYC to be taken care of by rich friends...

They said they wanted to bury him at West Point, but they wouldn't let his wife be buried there for some reason and he insisted they be buried in the same place...not Central Park, either..

It is only a quick subway/el ride from where I live,...when I got up there I spoke to many foreign students who live in the area and also tourists from Russia who had me take their picture..

I can't understand why crtics of the day thought it was an ugly is a classical one, based like many on the Tomb of Halicarnassus...

There is also a Visitors' Center in Riverside park, where you can see Grant's Civil War Uniform and other Memorabilia, as well as buying the usual T Shirts and other such articles..

It is a very dignified and grand place, and the interior marble architecture is is the kind of place to go if you have time for it and want some place beautiful , historic and peaceful with great views out over the Hudson..

Well, here is the video:

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