Friday, January 2, 2015

Gizmodo Australia

The Trillion Dollar F-35 Won't Even Be Able To Shoot Its Gun Until 2019 

Last year, Australia dramatically boosted its order of the still-in-development, problem-prone F-35 stealth fighter. Now a new report says the jet’s 25mm cannon won’t be operational until 2019 at the earliest. Even more laughable is that it probably doesn’t even need the gun to begin with.

16 Of The Most Mortifying Wrong Window Stories We've Ever Heard 

Late last year, Giz US asked readers about their most embarrassing chat-related mistakes ever. From accidentally sexting your loved ones to chatting your dealer during a presentation, they delivered. Anything sound familiar to you guys? Have any of your own horror stories to share?

Video: Turning Aluminium Cans Into Liquid Metal Looks So Fun 

That’s it, I’m going to melt down my soft drink or beer cans into liquid metal and create awesome metal objects like in this video. All I need is a hair dryer and some charcoal to create this awesome mini metal foundry. It turns about 40 cans into a about half a kilo of aluminium.

Nepal's Fifteen-Hour Jeep Ride From Hell 

The Jeep Ride From Hell is a 15 hour journey (if you’re lucky) from the Nepalese town of Salleri to Kathmandu. There’s a reason why it’s a “jeep” and not a bus. That reason is that the “roads” are anything but; we often needed four-wheel drive to cross streams, get out of ruts, and make it through mud. All while carrying 15 people in a 9-passenger vehicle. But hey, it is the cheapest way to reach Mt Everest.

Ants Are So Passé, You Need A Termite Farm On Your Desk 

Is there any better way to relax than being reminded of your species’ dominance on this planet while watching a bunch of bugs trapped in a clear plastic enclosure? Not likely. But ant farms are so yesterday, what you need is your own personal termite farm, and that’s exactly what the Termitat delivers — complete with a slice of Douglas Fir to keep them fed for up to two years.

8 Healthy Tech Habits To Adopt In 2015 

Hello, 2015. How are you? I’m fine, but still bouncing back from my NYE hangover. Not a great start, but that doesn’t mean we can’t better ourselves this year.

Samsung's 2015 Smart TVs Will Offer Playstation Now 

In the TV space, Samsung and Sony are bitter rivals. Except when they’re not, because there’s a benefit for both sides. That’s the thinking behind a move that will see Samsung’s 2015 range of Smart TVs including Playstation Now compatibility.

How Magic Leap Is Secretly Creating A New Alternate Reality 

Don’t you hate it when someone claims to have a magical new technology, but won’t tell you how it works? When I saw that a super stealthy startup called Magic Leap had raised $US542 million to make animals appear out of thin air, I resolved to find out exactly what was going on. Here’s what I found.

You're Wrong About Voicemail 

My mother is untrainable. At least, as far as voicemail is concerned. We’d repeat the same song and dance over and over. Me: Stop leaving me voicemails. Her: I don’t understand. This went on for years, until I figured out she was right all along.

Unlike Some Crowdfunding Campaigns, This Smart Ring Exists 

Most smart rings look pretty dumb. Nobody really needs a little screen on their finger to tell them when they get a text message. However, I almost want to wear this 3D-printed a Bluetooth Ö ring with a teeny tiny OLED that can display Elvish text. Almost.

'Futuristic' Japanese City Was Planned For Australia In 1989, But Nobody Knew Why 

Cabinet documents from 1989 show that the plans to develop a futuristic (by 1989 standards) new city based on a Japanese proposal were shrouded in mystery and confusion.

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