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Friday, January 9, 2015

Gizmodo Australia-- Waiting for NetFlix

We Still Don't Know (Exactly) When Netflix Is Launching In Australia 

An Aussie tech website is suggesting that Netflix will launch in Australia on March 31, and everyone is jumping on the same bandwagon, but sources for that information are more than a little fuzzy. I’m not suggesting that info is wrong per se, but I think there’s more to the story.

Inside NASA: From 3D Printing Spacecraft To Augmenting Humanity Itself 

What does the guy charged with kitting out NASA and the Jet Propulsion Lab do all day? He has to provide tech for the smartest people on the planet, and buy gadgets to enable the next-generation of space-flight. Despite the lofty job description, Tom Soderstrom has still found time to enable a 3D-printed spacecraft, and hopes to one day augment the way our brains work using technology. Get ready for blast-off.

Classic Metal Albums Redesigned As 1950s Jazz Records 

Look at the covers of all your favourite metal albums. While they will probably fall into a few different schools of design, you can bet not a single one looks like anything that came out of the 1950s jazz scene. But judging from Brazilian designer Rafael Melandi’s redesigns — maybe they should have.

The Failed Plan To Build A Mega-Manhattan 

A Really Greater New York. That was the title of the 1911 proposal by an engineer and planner who imagined paving over massive amounts of New York Harbour to make room to build the New York of the future. Oh, you like the East River and would miss it? Too damn bad!

The Most Comfortable Outdoors Sleep System I've Found 

By integrating the sleeping bag and sleeping pad into a single, cohesive unit, Big Agnes is able to offer a more spacious, more stable, more comfortable sleep in a smaller, lighter package. We tested it on a five-day backpacking trip to the Lost Coast over Christmas.

Edward Snowden Should Talk About Cyberwar More Often 

We’re all sick of used to hearing Edward Snowden talk about NSA surveillance by now. We get it: The government’s watching us, and there’s basically nothing we can do about it. But PBS just published the transcript of an interview with Snowden that doesn’t really talk about surveillance much at all. It’s all about cyberwar, and it’s fascinating.

India's Border Patrol Performs Incredible Feats On Motorbikes 

I’m 99.9 per cent sure that I’m neither qualified nor eligible to join India’s Border Security Force, but if I could, I would demand to be assigned to the Daredevil Team. This week, the Daredevil Team dressed in fatigues and donned helmets — safety first! — to wow the crowds at the India Republic Day parade. And wow.

Transform Your Hand Into A Unicorn Whenever And Wherever You Want  

If you’ve ever plopped your five fingers on a table and thought, hmm, this reasonably resembles a four-legged creature with a middle finger of a head, then Handicorn will add a whole magical dimension to your finger puppetry. Pop on the four hooves and a head, and you’ve literally got a unicorn at your fingertips.

Monster Machines: This Tabletop Gadget Steers Light With A Wall Of Sound 

Our collective Holodeck-Danger Room fantasies are one step closer to reality thanks to a new acousto-optic device described in the latest issue of the journal Optics Express. It can manipulate laser beams in near real time using nothing but sound waves.

Tech Deals: Sony Portable Speaker, Razer Gaming Gear, Point-And-Shoot Cameras 

This weekend Dick Smith are slashing prices on everything you need to make your holiday even better — some portable music with Sony Wireless Speakers at a bargain price, 20% off a range of compact still cameras and flash new gaming gear from Razer at up to 30% off. 

A Cyberattack Caused Real-Life Chaos At A German Steel Mill 

At this point, it’s obvious that cyberattacks can have devastating, far-reaching consequences. Look at the fallout from the Sony hack. But it’s still very rare for digital aggression campaigns to cause direct physical damage, which is why a recent cyberattack that screwed with a blast furnace at a German steel mill is so disturbing.

Can Dogs Really Understand Humans? The Scientific Answer 

Video: I think my dog Amos — attentively listening above — understands me. I’m not talking about his 100 tricks learnt thanks to these guys and the power of the clicker (he follows commands better than most kids). I’m talking about true understanding. This video explains why this thought isn’t crazy at all.

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