Translation from English

Monday, January 12, 2015

England- The Daily Mail

One commuter dead, two critical and 82 hospitalized in DC Metro fire: 'Electrical fault' fills station with smoke as hundreds evacuate

L'Enfant Plaza was evacuated at 3:20pm on Monday after dozens of commuters were left in need of medical attention. A female passenger riding on a train which stopped short of the platform was taken to hospital after paramedics arrived on the scene and found no pulse. She later died. Two others are said to be in a critical condition at George Washington Hospital. Around 40 of the injured were transported by bus to Howard University Hospital, and between 20 and 25 people were taken to Washington Hospital Center. Panicked commuters described how they lay on the floor of a pitch-black train for 40 minutes in a bid get away from the smoke while announcers told them to 'stay calm'. One passenger described how a man had a seizure in the smoke-filled carriage while another banged on the closed doors and started shouting profanities as they were trapped inside.

Defiant Charlie Hebdo's first cover since massacre depicts weeping Prophet Mohammed holding 'Je Suis Charlie' sign

The cover depicts the central figure of Islam weeping and holding a placard after the magazine's lawyer previously said the commemorative issue would 'of course' depict the Prophet. Three million copies of the satirical magazine will be released on Wednesday as France mourns the death of 17 people in Islamist terror attacks in Paris last week. Pictured: Tributes to Charlie Hebdo staff Georges Wolinski, Cabu, Tignous and Charb, who were all killed in last week's terror attack.

Six terror cells STILL on the loose in France: Warning of new threat as Charlie Hebdo prepares to publish Mohammed cartoon in first edition since attack

PARIS, FRANCE - JANUARY 12:  Armed security patrol outside a Jewish School in the Jewish quarter of the Marais district as children make their way home on January 12, 2015 in Paris, France. Mr Cazeneuve visited the area to inspect the deployment of thousands of troops and police to bolster security at 'sensitive' sites including Jewish schools. An estimated one million people converged in central Paris yesterday for a Unity March joining in solidarity with the 17 victims of last week's terrorist attacks in the country. French President Francois Hollande led the march and was joined by world leaders in a sign of unity. The terrorist atrocities started on Wednesday with the attack on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, killing 12, and ended on Friday with sieges at a printing company in Dammartin en Goele and a Kosher supermarket in Paris with four hostages and three suspects being killed. A fourth suspect, Hayat Boumeddiene, 26, escaped and is wanted in connection with the mur
The alert came as French Prime Minister Manuel Valls placed an extra 10,000 troops on the streets of Paris and warned: 'We are at war.'

'Watch your back, American soldiers, we are coming': ISIS hacks US Central Command during Obama security speech leaking dozens of files and personal details of 4-star generals

The US Central Command
Twitter feed appeared to have been hacked on Monday by people
claiming to be Islamic State sympathizers.

White House admits that 'someone with a higher profile' in the Obama administration should have attended historic march in Paris

'We here at the White House should have made a different decision,' the president's spokesman told reporters. 'This is not a decision that was made by the president.'

Police commissioner 'shot himself dead in his office after meeting relatives of a Charlie Hebdo victim', claim French TV news

A French police commissioner has reportedly taken his own life after meeting the relatives of a victim murdered in the Charlie Hebdo massacre.

PIERS MORGAN Fifty world leaders marched for freedom yesterday. So where was the leader of the free world? Watching football - and dropping the ball 

PIERS MORGAN: It was one of the most powerful images of solidarity the world has seen since the end of World War II. A million and a half people marching through the streets of Paris, some crying, many cheering, others chanting 'Je suis Charlie!' or singing La Marseillaise - that most spine-tingling of all national anthems. At the head of the march were 50 world leaders; the Prime Ministers of France, Britain, Spain, Denmark, Poland, Turkey and Israel stood side-by-side, arm-in-arm with the German chancellor, the Palestinian president, and the Queen of Jordan.  But Obama wasn't there.

Killed at their desks: New pictures from inside Charlie Hebdo offices reveal how victims were shot before they could move

A new image showing inside the offices of Charlie Hebdo after last week's massacre shows a desk covered with the day's work - including an empty coffee mug - with a large pool of blood underneath.

'Bruised and defeated' girlfriend of murdered Charlie Hebdo editor will NOT attend his funeral after his family publicly disowned her and claimed they were not in a relationship

Former politician Jeannette Bougrab, 41, said of her decision not to attend the funeral: "The family have deprived me of a last reunion with my love.By doing that they've killed him a second time.'

Moment fugitive Charlie Hebdo gunmen robbed petrol station with ROCKET LAUNCHER hours after massacre at French magazine

The Kouachi brothers during the robbery of a gas station in the Aisne, January 8, 2015.
Cherif and Said Kouachi can be seen prowling around the store while filling a black plastic bag with food and water at the petrol station in Villers-Cotterêts, around 50 miles north-east of Paris.

NYPD Commissioner warns the city to expect lone wolf terror attack - as new video threatens police officers, soldiers and civilians

NYPD Commissioner William Bratton has warned the city expects an ISIS-inspired lone wolf terror attack after a new video calling for strikes was released by the group.

Has the world's most wanted woman been caught on camera? Fugitive girlfriend of kosher deli killer 'is spotted at Istanbul airport' on her way to Syria BEFORE Paris terror attacks

Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Boumeddiene arrived in Istanbul from Madrid on January 2 and crossed the border on January 8
New video footage has emerged which is believed to show Hayat Boumeddiene, the fugitive widow of the gunman who killed four shoppers in a kosher supermarket in Paris, at Istanbul airport.

'The Simpsons' pays tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims with touching animation featuring the slogan 'Je Suis Charlie'

At the end of Sunday night's The Simpsons episode, which aired on Fox, a somber animation of baby Maggie holding a flag emblazoned with the words, 'Je Suis Charlie', flashed onto the screen.

Charlie Hebdo killers' hostage reveals how he hid under sink where fanatic was pouring himself a glass of water and texted: 'I think they have killed everyone. Tell police'

Lillian Lepere, 27, gave his first interview to French TV (right) three days after his ordeal in a print works near Paris (left) where the Kouachi brothers staged their last stand. 'One took a drink from the sink and I could see his shadow', he said, adding his heart stopped beating and he stopped breathing 'like in movies'. The extremist brothers (inset left) died after an eight-hour standoff with armed police, two days after they slaughtered 12 people in an attack on the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

Hacker group Anonymous claims to have forced their first jihadi website down since announcing online war against extremists in the wake of Charlie Hebdo murders 

The campaign group posted a tweet on the account @OpCharlieHebdo boasting it had crippled the French terrorist website

Too little too late? Kerry says he WILL go to Paris but only after U.S. was shamed for snubbing historic weekend rally of world leaders

epa04554586 US Secretary of State John Kerry speaks on the opening day of the Vibrant Gujarat Summit (VGS) 2015, in Gandhinagar, India, 11 January 2015. Kerry attended an investment conference in India to boost bilateral business and trade ties ahead of US President Barack Obama's visit to the South Asian country later January.  EPA/DIVYAKANT SOLANKI
John Kerry said that U.S. officials, including himself and President Barack Obama, had been 'deeply engaged' with French authorities almost immediately after the first attack occurred.

JK Rowling condemns Rupert Murdoch on Twitter after he says ALL Muslims are responsible for Paris terror attacks

Taking to Twitter on Sunday, British Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling 'I was born Christian. If that makes Rupert Murdoch my responsibility, I'll auto-excommunicate.'

Seattle cartoonist still in hiding FOUR YEARS after encouraging fellow satirists to join an 'Everybody draw Mohammed day'

An American cartoonist remains in hiding four years after she suggested a 'Everybody Draw Mohammed Day'.Molly Norris disappeared after a militant put her on a hit list.

Special forces officer reveals deli jihadist was shot 40 times

The special forces team said they worked 50 straight hours before they launched their assault on Friday, fatigue diminished by the thought of avenging their colleague Ahmed Merabet.

Pope condemns 'deviant forms of religion' in the wake of French massacre, accusing them of causing 'the breakdown of society' 

Pope Francis, in his yearly speech to the members of the Diplomatic Corps at the Vatican, said that religious fundamentalism 'turns God himself into a mere ideological pretext'.

'We didn't seem to be doing the right thing by being saved at all!' The angry letter by rich Titanic passenger accused of bribing crew to row away in empty lifeboat revealed

Aristocratic fashion designer Lady Lucile Duff-Gordon wrote of the 'disgraceful' treatment she and her husband received in 1912. She and husband Cosmo Duff Gordon were accused in the press of bribing crew to row faster after 12 were saved in their boat, which was built for 40. Tabloids of the day dubbed it the 'Money Boat' though a British Wreck Commissioner's inquiry would later clear the couple of wrongdoing.

'I fear dying alone': Jack Nicholson says his reputation as a philanderer means women don't trust him anymore

Actor Jack Nicholson watches the Los Angeles Lakers play the Portland Trailblazers during their NBA basketball game in Los Angeles January 4, 2009.  REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson (UNITED STATES)
The 77-year-old actor admitted that he fears he will never be another relationship again because he can no longer captivate the ladies like he did in younger years.

It's not just about looks! America's men describe their 'perfect woman' as blonde, with blue eyes - and a graduate degree

A group of 145,000 men took part in a survey to determine what attributes they valued most in an ideal date. As well as blonde hair and blue eyes, the perfect woman is also a non-smoker.

'Psycho' George Zimmerman 'threw a bottle of wine at his girlfriend's head as they fought over a painting he wanted returned after she broke up with him'

George Zimmerman, 31, was arrested in Lake Mary, Florida on Friday after his ex-girlfriend told officers he threw a wine bottle at her head last week.

Death row inmate asks court to execute him 'as soon as possible' for murder of nine-year-old boy more than 20 years ago

Death row inmate, Perry Austin, asked an appeals court to drop all of his appeals and set an execution date as soon as possible. Austin confessed to the 1992 murder of 9-year-old David Kazmouz.

'She screamed and there was a loud bang': Fiance reveals he was on the PHONE to bride-to-be when she was shot dead by 'mother-in-law from hell' weeks before wedding

Rod Hernandez, 58, from Salt Lake City, Utah, was just weeks away from tying the knot with Tanya Nikitina, pictured with him left, when she was gunned down by her former mother-in-law, Mary Nance Hanson, 71, inset right. Tanya, 34, who's real name is Tetyana, was talking to Rod in the pre-school car park where she worked as a teacher when her life was horrifically cut short. Rod heard the attack as he spoke to Tanya on the phone and said his fiance's dying moments will haunt him forever.

'I was raped and forced to give blood to my jihadi captors': Yazidi sex slave held by ISIS with her baby reveals how they forced girls to give transfusions to keep wounded fighters alive

A teenager who became pregnant after being captured by Islamic State militants has spoken out to say: 'They forced Yazidi girls to donate blood to IS wounded fighters. Which God allows these acts?'

Is this the Islamic State's youngest suicide bomber? '14-year-old' Syrian boy shown detonating a lorry full of explosives

The boy, who has been named as Abu al-Hassan al-Shami, appears to be no older than 14 years old and is believed to have carried out a suicide truck bombing in Salahuddin, Iraq.

'It went down - boom': Doomed AirAsia jet exploded when it slammed into the Java Sea... as divers locate crucial second black box which will reveal final words of pilots

Indonesian authorities have said the doomed AirAsia jet exploded when it crashed into the Java Sea as divers locate second black box.

Indian teenager stoned to death by her father and brother because she loved somebody from the wrong village

Pic shows: Pratibha Khan was stoned to death by her dad and brother. \n\nA teenage girl in India was stoned to death by her dad and brother after they spotted her with a boy from another village.\n\nThe battered remains of Pratibha Khan, 19, whose face had been "smashed beyond recognition", were found in fields close to her home village of Malira in India's northern Uttar Pradesh state.\n\nThere were also signs that the girl who had six older brothers had been strangled.\n\nShocked pal Alia Modi, 18, said: "I was walking home through the fields when I saw a body lying on the ground.\n\n"It was covered in blood and when I looked at the face it was so badly damaged I didn¿t recognise it as Pratibha¿s.\n\n"It was only later that I learnt who it was and I was simply horrified."\n\nA police spokesman said: "The post-mortem report showed that while the cause of death was strangulation, it appeared that she had been repeatedly struck by bricks and stones.\n\n"Perhaps to hide her identity. So
Police believe Pratibha Khan, 19, was dragged from her home by father Jagpal, 65, and oldest brother Pradeep, 36, who 'smashed her face beyond recognition' before strangling her to death.

Brains, veins and bones as you've never seen them: Scanner reveals gruesome, high-definition images of the human body

The GE scanners, used by doctors in Florida, are currently involved in their first clinical trial aimed at making the process of medical scanning cheaper and easier. Dubbed 'Revolution CT', they beam x-rays through a patient's body from which a computer can reconstruct a high-definition image, slice by slice. The Buckinghamshire-based healthcare group claims that the scanner can build an image of a complete heart in just a single heartbeat. From left to right; a foot with a screw in it; a pelvis and the aorta; andigh-definition the skull and Circle of Willis, which supplies blood to the brain.

Apple Watch is coming! Latest iOS software update includes support for $349 timepiece

Apple watch iwatch
Apple is putting the finishing touches to its Watch ahead of an expected launch in March - and the Cupertino firm has released a test version of the software that will link it to an iPhone.

Thought your Instagram photos were private? Think again: Bug in social media site makes millions of personal images public

The California-based company became aware of the flaw after David Yanofsky at Quartz highlighted the issue. The company has now created a patch to fix the 'privacy hole'.

Proof you should listen to your wife! Retired principal, 80, becomes sole winner of historic $326million jackpot after his wife made him pull over to a gas station to wait out a storm

A retired New York principal learned to always listen to his wife ? and he?s $326 million richer for it.

Harold Diamond, 80, was revealed Monday as the lucky winner of the Nov. 4 Mega Millions jackpot ? thanks to a ticket he bought at the insistence of his spouse.

?This is Carol?s favorite spot,? said Diamond, standing inside a Valero gas station not far from his home in Wurtsboro, about 90 minutes north of the city.

?She said, ?Stop at the Subway,? and if I didn't stop at the Subway that particular night, we wouldn't be standing here today. So I have to thank her for making me stop here,? said the retired elementary school principal, who worked at Monticello School District for 39 years.

The retired educators intend on returning to Hawaii, where they celebrated 25 years of marriage.
The retired educators intend on returning to Hawaii, where they celebrated 25 years of marriage.
Diamond and his wife Carol, 74, a retired math teacher, had stop
Harold Diamond, 80, of Wurtsboro, New York, was decided to take his winnings in a lump sum payment, which comes out to about $130million after taxes.

Meet the women who are giving birth in the WILD: Bizarre new birthing trend for moms who are having babies lying in the woods without doctors for a 'primal experience'

Lifetime's Born in the Wild follows a group of American mothers who choose to have their babies out in the middle of nowhere, miles away from the nearest hospital or medical facility.

Terrifying moment slipping boy, 9, crashed from a ski lift onto the mountain below after an adult who caught him by his JACKET finally had to let go

This is the terrifying moment a nine-year-old boy fell from a ski lift and clung on for 45 seconds. The child was on holiday at Pennsylvania's Liberty Mountain Resort when he slipped from the chair. Incredibly, one of the adults sat with him grabbed his jacket, leaving the boy suspended 20 feet from the ground for 45 seconds, pictured far left. However, it was too much for the adult who was forced to let the boy go after screaming for him to drop his skies, pictured center. Officials stopped the lift and rushed to the scene, shouting at the boy to kick off his skis, pictured far right.

EXCLUSIVE: Jury that cleared Darren Wilson over Ferguson killing was directed to follow law on deadly force - a statute struck down 38 years ago by US Supreme Court

Tthe subsequent grand jury decision to clear Officer Darren Wilson sparked nationwide protests
The potentially crucial error is revealed in court papers as Robert McCulloch, the St Louis prosecutor, is being sued to allow a grand juror to reveal what happened at the controversial hearing.

From sexist remarks to global scandal, has Obama become apologizer-in-chief? Count reveals President has fallen on his sword more than a dozen times

U.S. President Barack Obama, center right, speaks with Angela Merkel, Germany's chancellor, center left, as they arrive at the Queensland Gallery of Modern Art during the Group of 20 (G-20) summit in Brisbane, Australia, on Saturday, Nov. 15, 2014. Leaders of the world's 20 largest economies including U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping gather in Brisbane this weekend to focus on economic issues. Photographer: Chris Hyde/Pool via Bloomberg
The US president has fallen on his sword more than a dozen times including apologies to the leaders of Germany and Afghanistan, and to the Special Olympics.

Clinic where Joan Rivers stopped breathing loses its federal accreditation after failing inspections

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services said Yorkville Endoscopy no longer meets the conditions for coverage. Rivers died in September after a botched procedure at the Manhattan clinic.

'Joe was just being sweet and thoughtful': Senator father of 13-year-old girl says Vice President was not being 'creepy' after THAT awkward swearing-in photo 

Vice President Joe Biden leans in to say something to Maggie Coons, next to her father Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., after Biden administered the Senate oath to Coons during a ceremonial re-enactment swearing-in ceremony, Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2015, in the Old Senate Chamber of Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
Margaret Coons, the daughter of Senator Christopher Coons of Delaware, looked extremely uncomfortable when Biden leaned in towards her last week.

Cops search Virginia mountain for bodies of young sisters who vanished 40 years ago

Federal and state authorities began searching Taylor's Mountain on Monday for remains belonging to Katherine Lyon, 10, and Sheila Lyon, 12. The sisters had walked from their home in Kensington, Maryland to a mall in Wheaton for pizza and to visit the Easter exhibits on March 25, 1975. They were seen walking home to meet their 4pm curfew but never made it back and have not been seen since. Last year, authorities named Richard Allen Welch Sr. and his nephew, Lloyd Lee Welch - a child sex offender serving time in Delaware - as persons of interest in the case. Welch Sr. is believed to own or have owned property on Taylor's Mountain.

UVA fraternity at the center of disputed Rolling Stone gang-rape story reinstated after police find NO proof sexual assault happened

Phi Kappa Psi will not be kicked off the University of Virginia campus in light of the sexual assault allegations reported in a controversial Rolling Stone article, which have come under questioning.

Jocks really don't drink and 'brainiacs' don't study more: Researchers find 'dramatic misconceptions' of teenager's behaviour - even among other teens


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Stanford researchers have found that adolescents have  major misconceptions of what their friends are doing when it comes to sex, drugs and studying.

Donald Trump files $100million lawsuit claiming air traffic controllers are 'maliciously' redirecting flights over his ritzy Mar-a-Lago club just to make him mad

04 Jan 2015, Palm Beach, Florida, USA --- Donald Trump, Melania Trump, Barron Trump attends Trump Invitational Grand Prix Mar-a-Lago Club at The Mar-a-Largo Club on January 4, 2015 in Palm Beach, Florida. Pictured: Donald Trump, Melania Trump, Barron Trump --- Image by © Splash News/Splash News/Corbis
Trump filed the suit against Palm Beach County last week, claiming his history of conflict with Palm Beach International Airport has led officials to spitefully redirect air traffic over his estate.

Is this the end of the road for Peyton Manning? Legendary quarterback admits he's unsure he'll return after Broncos playoff loss to Colts

Broncos star Peyton Manning's throwing days may be coming to an end with the star quarterback giving his strongest indication yet that he may not return for another season.

The Delta flight that took off with only TWO passengers on board after 11-hour delay

NEW A Delta airlines flight from Cleveland to New York City was so badly delayed that by the time it took off there were only two passengers left to get on board. The scheduled 7:15am service from Ohio to New York's LaGuardia airport was hit by delay after delay throughout Monday, and didn't take off until around 6pm that evening. Chris O'Leary (pictured) was one of the two.

'Sleeping Beauty just thought she was getting coffee with Bill Cosby': Tina Fey and Amy Poehler ridicule embattled comic in first minutes of Golden Globes

A Bill Cosby joke came even sooner than expected in tonight's live Golden Globe broadcast--courtesy Tina Fey as part of the very first round of zingers of the evening.

'I'm not playing the race card, I'm playing the rice card': Margaret Cho hits back at allegations her North Korea-mocking Golden Globes bit was racist

Cho refused to apologize Monday for the gag in which she donned military garb and a powdered face for Sunday's night's Hollywood ceremony.

Spotify shakes off Taylor Swift row and reveals it has 60m subscribers (with 15m of them paying for the streaming service)

Taylor Swift performing at the BBC Radio 1 Teen Awards at Wembley Arena, London.

PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Sunday October 7, 2012. See PA story SHOWBIZ Teen. Photo credit should read: Ian West/PA Wire
Swedish streaming service Spotify added 10 million new users in the last two months of 2014, taking it to 60 million at the end of the year - despite its much publicised row with Taylor Swift.

They'd be in HOW much debt? From cosy Brooklyn rentals to tuition and stints in rehab, how the characters of Girls live way beyond their meager means

Shoshanna would be the most deeply in debt - largely because she is a student at NYU for the first three seasons. Tuition fees of $3,847.50 per month, share of a Nolita apartment ($1275 per month) and living expenses of $1327.04 per month, add up to a hefty $6,449.54. While we can assume that Shoshanna's parents pick up that tab, the same is not true of Hannah, who struggled in season one when her parents cut her off. Though she managed to find a job in Cafe Grumpy, her monthly income of $1,512 barely covers her share of rent on the Greenpoint apartment she shares with Marnie ($1,450), let alone living expenses of $1,509.18 each month. This adds up to a monthly loss of $1,447.18.

Step away from the fridge, fatty! Calorie-tracking app uses beacons to know when you're near the fridge - and shouts at you to move away

Carrot Hunger (pictured) is the latest in a line of 'sadistic' apps designed to motivate people to get fit and lose weight from Pennsylvania developer Brian Mueller.

Look familiar? Samsung unveils its 'thinnest phone ever' - and Galaxy A7 looks uncannily like the iPhone 5

Samsung introduced the Galaxy A7, one of the slimmest Galaxy smartphones equipped with premium hardware for a superior social experience, expanding on the popular services provided by the Galaxy A5 and A3.
Samsung's latest Android handset, the Galaxy A7 has been revealed - and it looks just like the iPhone 5.

Has Britain's lost Mars probe been found after 11 YEARS? UK Space Agency mysteriously announces it will give 'update' on missing Beagle spacecraft on Friday 

The brainchild of Colin Pillinger, Beagle 2 was designed to search for signs of life on the Red Planet. An 'update' on the mission t is coming - fuelling speculation that the probe has finally been found.

Is Apple working on a SUPER tablet? Leaked mould is latest image of the 12.2inch 'iPad Pro' set to launch later this year

The mould photo (pictured) is said to have been taken at Apple manufacturer Foxconn's factory in China. It approximately measures 12 inches x 8.7 inches x 0.27 inches.

'You need a nap!' Brutally-honest boy, five, tells his sister how it is in hilarious viral video

The clip shows Charlotte Carr, two, sobbing at her family's kitchen table in Canal Winchester, Ohio, only to be reprimanded by her exasperated older brother Wesley, five. 'Did you have a nap today?' he asks matter-of-factly, while glaring at his emotional sibling.

Auburn football player, 18, shot dead at party 'opened fire first'

Markhale Hart, 22, (right) was defending himself when 18-year-old Jakell Mitchell (left) was shot to death in Auburn, Alabama, last month, said Mark Allen Treadwell, an attorney for Hart.

Star Princeton student, 22, found dead in her dorm room two days before final exams

PRINCETON -- A Princeton student was found dead in her campus residence Monday, school officials said.

No cause has been determined in the death of Audrey Dantzlerward, 22, who was found dead Monday morning in her room at Edwards Hall. No foul play is suspected, university officials said.

Dantzlerward, a junior at the university, was a member of the Wildcats a cappella group, Princeton Women's Mentorship Program, Princeton Presbyterians, and Edwards Collective, a residential community that celebrates the humanities and creative arts, the university said.

A remembrance ceremony for Dantzlerward is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Monday in Murray Dodge Hall, the university said.
Officials at the New Jersey Ivy League school said cause of death is not yet known for 22-year-old junior Audrey Dantzlerward.

Don't let robots take our jobs (or kill us): Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk sign open letter warning of an AI uprising

The letter, published by the Boston-based Future of Life Institute, warns that scientists should seek to head off risks in artificial intelligence that could wipe out humanity.

Rising GOP star Ben Carson endorsed 'sham' nutrition supplement company - and employs 'business manager' linked to pay-for-play journalism scandal

Former pediatric neurosurgeon and likely GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson fronted for Mannatech, a multi-level-marketing company that produces nutritional supplements with a checkered history
Mannatech uses Carson to hawk its products. The Texas attorney general has sued the company for false claims and news reports found it promised its nutriceuticals could cure cancer, MS and AIDS.

'We're going to keep fighting': Bengals star Devon Still reveals his daughter still has cancer - despite treatment funded when the team reversed decision to cut him

Cincinnati Bengals defensive tackle Devon Still (left) revealed Sunday that, despite his expectations, his 4-year-old daughter Leah's (left and right) battle with cancer continues. In an Instagram post on Sunday, Still wrote that he did not get the news he was expecting from doctors when he took Leah in to have her progress measured. He wrote that he will 'keep faith and keep fighting no matter what.

Don't roll over Beethoven! Dogs that lie on their backs while playing are being AGGRESSIVE, not submissive

Upon studying videos of dogs playing, scientists at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta and the University of South Africa, Pretoria found that none of the rollovers were submissive.

Baptist church fires engaged and pregnant teacher 'for not being married'

Apryl Kellam and Jamie Coalson 

It's a weekday routine Apryl Kellam has followed since September, preparing for work at the daycare inside Staples Mill Road Baptist Church in Henrico County.
However, the single, pregnant mother now claims she faces termination unless she gets married soon.
Apryl Kellam, 21,worked at the daycare at Staples Mill Road Baptist Church in Virginia since September. Miss Kellam, who lives with her fiancé, stepdaughter and daughter, lost her job for 'violating policies'.

Stress pill could make it easier to have a baby: Cutting levels of a certain hormone can stop anxiety affecting pregnancy rates

University of California, Berkeley scientists hope that a pill cutting levels of the hormone RFRP3 could reduce stress's detrimental reproductive effects, which led to an inability to get pregnant and miscarriages.

Eating a high fiber diet CAN help you live longer and warn off killer diseases, researchers say

The stock photo of a Blonde woman eating fresh fruit salad.

BNWNFP Blond woman eating fresh fruit salad. Image shot 2010. Exact date unknown.
Chinese researchers say fiber could lower the risk of chronic diseases including heart disease, stroke, diabetes and several types of cancer.

EXCLUSIVE 'My daughter, the next supermodel': Meet the mother whose child looks 'exactly' like controversial fashion star Kristina Pimenova and why she doesn't think 10 is too young for world of modelling

Ten-year-old Elizabeth Hiley (far left and top right), based in Montreal, Canada, bears more than a striking resemblance to nine-year-old supermodel Kristina Pimenova (center right and bottom right) from Russia - who has been dubbed 'the most beautiful girl in the world.' Elizabeth's mother Anne-Marie Ashcroft, 41, (top center), commissioned this shoot, in which Elizabeth poses like her lookalike Kristina, to demonstrate their similarities.

Hostility, fear and some very sleazy men: What happened when one New York woman challenged herself to smile at strangers for an entire day

New York City-based Rebecca Jane Stokes , 29, says that her grin 'visibly frightened' one woman and elicited crude remarks from several men.

It's a little-known condition doctors dismiss but sufferers insist is all too real: is this the reason you feel tired all the time

Adrenal fatigue leaves it's sufferers exhausted, irritable and unhappy. Christine Toon (pictured) made multiple doctors visits but was unsuccesful until she did her own research.

Father charged with throwing his daughter, 5, to her death off 60ft bridge refuses to talk to judge at second court appearance after mental health assessment

John Jonchuk, 25, is charged with first degree murder after a police officer saw him parking on Sunshine Skyway Bridge in St Petersburg, Florida, before throwing Phoebe Jonchuk into the river.

Illegal immigrants will get to apply for concealed gun permits and unemployment benefits, states claim in bid to overturn Obama amnesty

'States will have to pay millions of dollars to remediate the problems created by the Directive,' a court filing claims. 'It will be difficult or impossible to recover those costs from the federal government.'

EXCLUSIVE - 'I'm being punished for my stupid vanity': Brazilian TV host and model reveals her agony after her skin and muscle was 'ripped to shreds' in cosmetic op horror

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Andressa Urach, 27, claims she died and 'met with her maker' after septic shock caused her vital organs to fail during a procedure to remove chemical fillers she'd had injected into her thighs (inset). The beauty - now a Brazilian TV host - sobbed as she told how she had been 'born again' and vowed to warn other women off cosmetic surgery. She said she is in constant agony from the wounds and was confined to a wheelchair (left) after a secondary infection hit last week.


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