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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

CES- Find the Best


PHOTOS – The Calm Before the Storm – CES 2015 Â»

FTB Senior Editor Ben Taylor gets a sneak peek of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) before the nerdy mayhem begins.
See What CES Has in Store This Year » See More CES Stories and Reviews »
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Could the Bluetooth Headset Go Mainstream? One Company’s Sneaky Plan Â»

Plantronics wants their bluetooth headsets to be your next communication hub, complete with fitness tracking, video calling features, and multi-factor security. Nifty plan, sure. But we're just not convinced it's going to work. 
See if the Bluetooth Can Go Mainstream » More Bluetooth Headsets on FindTheBest »
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10 Things the 'S' Might Stand for in Samsung's SUHDTV Â»

We were baffled. At CES 2015, Samsung unveiled the SUHDTV, but no one knows what the 'S' means. Here are 10 possibilities.
See Our Best Guesses for the 'S' » See Our Other Updates from CES »
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