Translation from English

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Buenos Aires Herald

January 20, 2015
The forensic analysis on AMIA special prosecutor Alberto Nisman’s body confirmed that there were no traces of gunpowder on his hands. However, experts explained that it does not contradict suicide hypothesis.
Cabinet Chief Jorge Capitanich has ratified the government’s commitment to solving the death of AMIA special prosecutor Alberto Nisman and highlighted the importance of “determining the motive” behind his death. “If there was pressure or extorsion, it is necessary to investigate until the last consequences," he said.
• Gov’t: Nisman was pushed to commit suicide• Gov't to declassify SI information on AMIA wiretaps, spies• Prosecutor Fein: No third party in death of Nisman, 'forced suicide' not ruled out
AMIA prosecutor Alberto Nisman’s ex wife, Federal Judge Sandra Arroyo Salgado, arrived at prosecutor Viviana Fein’s offices to give testimony in the investigation of the death of Nisman’s death and declined to make comments to reporters.
Buenos Aires City mayor and Pro party’s presidential hopeful Mauricio Macri questioned the president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner’s decision to write a letter about the death of AMIA prosecutor Alberto Nisman instead of delivering a broadcasted message to the Nation.
• CFK laments 'tragedy, confusion, lies' 
By Tomás Brockenshire
Shaken by the news of the death of AMIA special prosecutor Alberto Nisman, lawmakers yesterday delivered a message almost in unison: evidence in the decade-long investigation into the 1994 AMIA bombing must be preserved. And the investigation into Nisman’s death must be swift, they added.
• Opposition leaders concerned, appalled 

AMIA, DAIA express shock over news

Jewish community calls for rally on Wednesday

The country’s Jewish communities reacted with shock after learning of the death of special prosecutor Alberto Nisman’s death, with the AMIA and DAIA both calling for the “complete clarification of the circumstances” surrounding the prosecutor’s death.
• ‘The bomb at AMIA has exploded again’• AMIA head says Nisman's decade-long work 'irreplaceable'
U.S. stocks closed little changed on Tuesday after the International Monetary Fund reduced its growth forecasts for 2015 and 2016, increasing speculation central banks would take more aggressive policy moves to spark economic improvement.
Federal judge Ariel Lijo has asked Intelligence Secretariat (SI) chief Oscar Parrilli to give details over the identity of two alleged agents that were accused by late prosecutor Alberto Nisman of being part of the cover-up of the AMIA bombing.
Prosecutor Viviana Fein.
Prosecutor investigating the death of AMIA special prosecutor Alberto Nisman, Viviana Fein, ordered a raid on Nisman’s offices in downtown Buenos Aires City. She will also hear testimony from Nisman’s bodyguards.
Judge Fabiana Emma Palmaghini, in charge of Criminal Court of Instruction N° 25 has interrupted her vacations in Brazil and returned to the country to take the case of AMIA prosecutor Alberto Nisman’s death.
• Gentili named as Nisman replacement• Lijo takes control of CFK accusations
Secretary General to the Presidency Aníbal Fernández rejected the allegations against president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner made last week by deceased AMIA prosecutor Alberto Nisman, describing them as “feeble.”

By Luciana Bertoia
The death of Nisman — in charge of investigating the 1994 AMIA Jewish community centre bombing — shook the political world to its core and has a direct impact on the probe into the worst-ever terrorist attack suffered by the country.
•  Five key days: from accusations to tragedy•  When a trusted source provides unexpected scoop
By Guillermo Háskel
Nisman began distancing himself from the Fernández de Kirchner administration as details of a Memorandum of Understanding were signed in 2013 by Argentina an Iran started to surface. He accused Iran of seeking to infiltrate Latin American countries to perpetrate terrorist acts.


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Director: Orlando Mario Vignatti - Edition No. 4375 - This publication is a property of NEFIR S.A. -RNPI Nº 5177376 - Issn 1852 - 9224 - Te. 4349-1500 - San Juan 141 , (C1063ACY) CABA 

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