Translation from English

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Born January 20- with Interesting Quotes- Born

"The boughs that bear most hang lowest."
David Garrick
(02/19/1717 – 01/20/1779)
English actor, writer 
Nathan Birnbaum"Critics are eunuchs at a gang bang."
George Burns
(01/20/1896 – 03/09/1996)
US comic, actor 
John Ruskin"There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper."
John Ruskin
(02/08/1819 – 01/20/1900)
English critic 
Federico Fellini"All art is autobiographical; the pearl is the oyster's autobiography."
Federico Fellini
(01/20/1920 – 10/31/1993)
Italian filmmaker 
Patsy Louise Neal"When you call upon a Thoroughbred, he gives you all the speed, strength of heart and sinew in him. When you call on a jackass, he kicks."
Patricia Neal
(01/20/1926 – )
US actor 
King George V"Always go to the bathroom when you have a chance."
King George V
(06/03/1865 – 01/20/1936)
British monarch 
Malcolm Robert Andrew McLaren"Stealing things is a glorious occupation, particularly in the art world."
Malcolm McLaren
(01/20/1947 – 04/08/2010)
English entrepreneur 
"Technology is Darwinian. It spreads. It evolves. It adapts. The most dangerous wipes out the less fit."
Nancy Kress
(01/20/1948 – )
US writer 
Bill Maher"Fame has sent a number of celebrities off the deep end, and in the case of Michael Jackson, to the kiddy pool."
Bill Maher
(01/20/1956 – )
US comic 
John Robinson Jeffers"The heads of strong old age are beautiful beyond all grace of youth."
Robinson Jeffers
(01/10/1887 – 01/20/1962)
US writer 
Rainn Wilson"I've actually rented Björk's swan dress. I know that's kind of recycling, but I saw An Inconvenient Truth."
Rainn Wilson
(01/20/1966 – )
US actor , on what he's wearing to the Emmys, 2009 
Brian Ray Ulrich"I'm disappointed in acting as a craft. I want everything to go back to Orson Welles and fake noses and changing your voice. It's become so much about personality."
Skeet Ulrich
(01/20/1970 – )
US actor 
Beatrice Lillie"Never darken my Dior again!"
Beatrice Lillie
(05/29/1898 – 01/20/1989)
Canadian actor , to a waiter who spilled soup on her dress 
Barbara Stanwyck"Her body has gone to her head"
Barbara Stanwyck
(07/16/1907 – 01/20/1990)
US actor , on Marilyn Monroe 
Audrey Hepburn"I never thought I'd land in pictures with a face like mine."
Audrey Hepburn
(05/04/1929 – 01/20/1993)
Belgium-born actor 
Gene Siskel"I always ask myself, 'Is the movie that I am watching as interesting as a documentary of the same actors having lunch together?'"
Gene Siskel
(01/26/1946 – 01/20/1999)
US critic (died near his birthday) 

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