Translation from English

Thursday, December 11, 2014

What the BBC Thinks the Top Stories Are Now

Top stories

  •  Well, let's see what the NY Times thinks of the lead story of the day and then I will give you my thoughts on the story.

Continue reading the main storyVideo


C.I.A. Director Responds to Report

C.I.A. Director Responds to Report

John O. Brennan, the C.I.A. director, commented on the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on the agency’s detention and interrogation program during the Bush administration.
 Video by AP on Publish Date December 11, 2014. Photo by Jim Watson/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images.
 To Read the Times Story, go to :

Now, Let me tell you what I think of the question:

Right after the attack on the World Trade Center, I remember having a conversation with a great friend of mine, the late Noelle Cabello, a gifted singer and songwriter.

Noelle was an artistic but passionate soul and I remember somehow we discussed what should be done to terrorists involved in acts like World Trade Center horror.

"I know what I would do with them," snarled Noelle, and that was pretty much how everyone felt at the time. 

However, we had an Iranian neighbor, Souri, who was in the process of becoming an American citizen.

She told us the imam at her mosque told the congregation that the attack had not been conducted by Muslims but rather by the French, the Israelis and the Americans themselves. ( You still can  hear this crap today, especially from nitwits who are Putin supporters etc.)

As atrocities go, somehow I can't get that worked up over the torture of the people involved in the September 11 attack.

Not that I feel torture should be our policy, but it is water over the dam and that's that.

Airing news of it does not really give anything meaningful to groups like ISIS, who are promoting an insanely fanatic World View as crazy and as evil as Hitler's, and the real responsibility here lies with moderate Muslims to stop people from joining groups like ISIS. 

They do not do so, mostly I think simply out of fear of the radicals, but they will have to stand up and be counted eventually or the whole Muslim World will have to take the onus of what ISIS and its fellow terrorist groups do.


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