Translation from English

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

VIEDO:Will There Ever Be Peace in the World? - John Lennon

Above: Famous World War I Christmas Truce with English and German Troops Playing Football...( from the blog "Long May She Rain")

I remember reading books by the German scholar Konrad Lorenz many years ago, and another by the profoundly astute psychiatrist Anthony Storr, that convinced me that War is deeply ingrained in our genes-- it is "Doing What Comes Naturally"-- and that Peace is a real civilized achievement.

Just remember the endless dogfight that was Europe in the Middle Ages-- 

Not that this side of Human Nature has not produced some epic works of Literature-- Homer's "The Iliad" and Shakespeare's "MacBeth"-and of course, Tolstoy's "War and Peace" ( how many people, though, I would like to know, really FINISHED War and Peace without skimming?)

Anyway, now it is John Lennon's turn "In His Own Write" to muse on Peace

"So This is Christmas"

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