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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Local- News of Sweden

  • Sweden's news in English
Karlskrona child murder
Uncle charged with 8-year-old's death
The Blekinge District Court. Photo: TT

Uncle charged with 8-year-old's death

A man and a woman have been formally charged for fatally beating an 8-year-old girl - a child murder case that has dominated the headlines in Sweden all year.  READ   
Sweden and Romania to discuss begging surge
A Roma beggar in Umeå last week. Photo: The Local

Sweden and Romania to discuss begging surge

Romania's Social Affairs and Labour Minister Rovana Plumb has accepted an invitation to Stockholm in January to discuss the rising number of Roma people begging in Sweden's major towns and cities. READ   65 comments
The Local List
Eight things to do when it gets dark in Umeå
The sun sets early in Umeå, but luckily there is still plenty to do. Photo: Umeå2014

Eight things to do when it gets dark in Umeå

After a recent trip to the wild north, The Local's Oliver Gee recommends eight things to do in Umeå when the sun isn't shining. Which at this time of the year, is almost all day. READ   3 comments
    SAS plane 'near miss' fears blamed on weed
    Mikhail Vanin, Russia's ambassador in Copenhagen. Photo: TT

    SAS plane 'near miss' fears blamed on weed

    Russia's ambassador to Denmark has made light of Swedish concerns over a Russian military jet's alleged near-miss with a passenger plane, suggesting Swedish authorities may have smoked too much cannabis.  READ   16 comments
    Video: Swedish sounds
    Swedes get their mouths round tongue twisters
    Can you get your tongue around these tongue twisters? Photo: Shutterstock.

    Swedes get their mouths round tongue twisters

    'Tis the season for some silly news stories. The Local took to the streets of Stockholm to see how well people could pronounce some of the nation's top tongue twisters.  READ   
      'Swedes should be proud': Melinda Gates
      Melinda Gates talks to The Local. Photo: TT

      'Swedes should be proud': Melinda Gates

      The Local's blogger Natalia Brzezinski talks to American philanthropist Melinda Gates about why Swedes should be proud of their country, this year's Nobel Prizes and the importance of women having a strong voice.  READ   12 comments
        Child grills Swedish PM on daylight savings
        Prime Minister Stefan Löfven. Photo: TT

        Child grills Swedish PM on daylight savings

        Prime Minister Stefan Löfven made headlines on Wednesday after responding to a 7-year-old's letter which queried the need for daylight savings' time in Sweden. READ   15 comments
          Comfort eating craze in Sweden's capital
          The hot dog is a popular Swedish snack. Photo: TT

          Comfort eating craze in Sweden's capital

          More than one in ten people living in Stockholm have admitted to comfort eating, amid fears of growing obesity and stress in the city. READ   2 comments
            Swedish free schools sent profits to Cyprus
            A beach in Cyprus. Photo: TT

            Swedish free schools sent profits to Cyprus

            Two entrepreneurs behind a major Swedish free school chain avoided paying taxes by moving their profits to Cyprus, it has emerged.  READ   11 comments
            Bird flu suspected in Scandinavian seal deaths
            Around 3,000 seals have died off the coast of Denmark and Sweden. Photo: Shutterstock.

            Bird flu suspected in Scandinavian seal deaths

            An outbreak of bird flu has likely killed about 3,000 seals off the coast of Sweden and Denmark this year, Swedish authorities have announced, raising the alarm a month after Germany.  READ   7 comments
            Why it's time to celebrate Sweden's diverse identity
            Photo: Shutterstock

            Why it's time to celebrate Sweden's diverse identity

            Sweden will never eliminate cultural differences by trying to deny they exist or avoiding discussing them. Now, more than ever, Swedes must embrace them instead, argues Norhan Elhakeem, a Stockholm-based Canadian journalist with Egyptian blood. READ   107 comments
            'Watch my movie and then get a divorce'
            Swedish film director Ruben Östlund. Photo: TT

            'Watch my movie and then get a divorce'

            With a Golden Globe nomination under his belt, Director Ruben Östlund talks to The Local about his new movie, why Scandinavia shouldn't follow in Hollywood's footsteps, and why he wants you to get a divorce.  READ   10 comments
            'All nuclear weapons must be abolished'
            Margot Wallström, Minister for Foreign Affairs in Sweden. Photo:Tomas Oneborg/SvD/TT

            'All nuclear weapons must be abolished'

            The lessons of nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the 1940s must never be forgotten and there should be a united front to ensure all nuclear weapons are decommissioned, says Sweden's Foreign Minister Margot Wallström.  READ   69 comments
            Why do so many Swedes have tattoos?
            Tattoo photo: Shutterstock

            Why do so many Swedes have tattoos?

            Tattoos have become so commonplace in Sweden that Stockholm is now believed to be home to the world's most inked population outside of tribal societies. The Local takes a closer look at the trend.  READ   43 comments
            'Immigration has to become a political issue'
            Uppsala mosque. Photo: TT

            'Immigration has to become a political issue'

            Sweden's politicians will fuel further segregation and the rise of the nationalist Sweden Democrats if they refuse to develop a new language on immigration, argues Mohammed Amin Kharraki, a teacher and spokesperson for Sweden's Islamic Association.  READ   340 comments
            More News
            Chinese activist wins Swedish rights prize
            Olof Palme was an outspoken international human rights advocate. Photo: TT

            Chinese activist wins Swedish rights prize

            Chinese pro-democracy activist Xu Youyu, who was among key signatories of a 2008 manifesto seeking sweeping political reforms in China, has won Sweden's Olof Palme human rights prize.  READ   
            Sweden launches site to fight child sex tourism
            Swedes can use the website to report other people's suspicious behaviour. Photo: Shutterstock.

            Sweden launches site to fight child sex tourism

            Swedish police have launched an internet site to help crack down on Swedes travelling abroad for sex with minors.  READ   
            Video: Light therapy
            Inside Sweden's first 'light therapy' school
            Dragonskolan in Umeå at 2pm in December. Photo: The Local

            Inside Sweden's first 'light therapy' school

            Umeå in northern Sweden has just a few hours of light a day during December and a high school in the city has become the first in the country to use solar power to give students light therapy during lessons. The Local’s Maddy Savage went to take a look.  READ   10 comments
            Armed trio on the run after botched robbery
            Police launched an extensive manhunt for the would-be thieves. Photo: TT

            Armed trio on the run after botched robbery

            UPDATED: At least three masked people are on the run after they tried to break into a currency exchange office in western Sweden using a tractor. READ   2 comments
            Swedes ask Google most about floss and selfies
            Selfies were all the rage in 2014 - but what does selfie mean? Photo: Shutterstock.

            Swedes ask Google most about floss and selfies

            Google has revealed what Swedish people searched for the most during 2014, with everything from mosquito bites, dental floss, and selfies taking top places. READ   3 comments
            Zero percent interest rate extended in Sweden
            Swedish coins. Photo: TT

            Zero percent interest rate extended in Sweden

            Sweden’s Riksbank is keeping its record low key interest rate at zero until at least the second half of 2016, it has announced. READ   19 comments
            The Swedish town with the most 100-year-olds
            The town has 22 people aged 100 or older. Photo: Shutterstock.

            The Swedish town with the most 100-year-olds

            Experts have been left scratching their heads as to why a town in southern Sweden has an unusually high number of centenarians - over 40 times more than the country's national average per capita.READ   7 comments
            Thousands of women in secret Swedish abuse file
            Photo: TT

            Thousands of women in secret Swedish abuse file

            Police in Stockholm have been keeping sensitive information about thousands of women who claimed they were being abused or threatened in a secret database for over a decade, it has emerged. READ   33 comments
            Sweden asks UN to reopen dead diplomat file
            Swedish diplomat Dag Hammarskjöld. Photo: TT/uncredited

            Sweden asks UN to reopen dead diplomat file

            Sweden has asked the United Nations to reopen an inquiry into the death of Swedish diplomat Dag Hammarskjöld, who died in a mysterious plane crash more than 50 years ago.  READ   6 comments
            Asylum seekers arrive in Malmö by private jet
            Malmö airport. Photo: TT

            Asylum seekers arrive in Malmö by private jet

            Three people have been arrested on suspicion of human trafficking after a private plane from Beirut landed at Malmö-Sturup Airport, with ten people on board.  READ   41 comments
            From our other editions:
            'Angel' sentenced for sex acts film in church
            Frame capture from the video uploaded by 'Babsi'. Photo: Tube8

            'Angel' sentenced for sex acts film in church

            "Believe me, if you see what other people get up to, I'm really an angel," said the young Polish woman under cross-examination in court on Thursday after being charged with making a pornographic video in a church.  READ   
            Zurich riot police tackle vandals wreaking havoc
            More than 200 rioters are believed to have taken part in the violence. Photo: Jan Müller/ 

            Zurich riot police tackle vandals wreaking havoc 

            UPDATED: An estimated 200 masked men went on the rampage in a normally quiet part of Zurich on Friday night, with police forced to fire tear gas and water cannons to gain control of the situation.  READ   
            India court blocks Bayer generic drug appeal
            Photo: DPA 

            India court blocks Bayer generic drug appeal

            An Indian court has rejected German drug giant Bayer's bid to block a generic version of its blockbuster cancer treatment Nexavar by a local drugmaker, a move hailed by activists on Saturday.  READ   
            Copenhagen flight nearly hit by Russian military jet
            The reported near-miss occurred in Swedish airspace. Photo: Jeppe Michael Jensen/Scanpix

            Copenhagen flight nearly hit by Russian military jet

            A Russian military jet nearly collided with a commercial passenger plane that had just taken off from Copenhagen Airport, Danish and Swedish military said on Saturday.  READ   
            Spain passes tough new 'anti-protest' law
            Protesters wearing gags gather outside Madrid's congress to protest against Spain's new 'gag law'. GERARD JULIEN / AFP

            Spain passes tough new 'anti-protest' law

            Spain on Thursday finally passed its new controversial Citizen Security Law which opponents say will severely limit civil liberties in the country.  READ   
            Frenchwoman guilty of sex attacks on plumbers
            Frenchwoman has been found guilty of sexually assaulting two plumbers. Photo: Plumber photo

            Frenchwoman guilty of sex attacks on plumbers 

            A court in France this week handed out a 12-month suspended prison sentence to a woman who sexually assaulted two plumbers, who came to repair the central heating in her house.  READ   
            Flights scrapped ahead of Italy general strike
            A total of 182 domestic and international Ryanair flights have been cancelled ahead of the strike. Photo: Ryanair

            Flights scrapped ahead of Italy general strike

            Ryanair and easyJet are among the airlines to have cancelled hundreds of flights to and from Italy ahead of a national strike on Friday against labour reforms.  READ   
            Revealed: spy equipment in central Oslo
            Leader of the Christian Democrats, Knut Arild Hareide, talks on his mobile on his way to Norway's parliament last month. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB scanpix

            Revealed: spy equipment in central Oslo

            Spy equipment that can be used to eavesdrop on the mobile phones of politicians and ordinary Norwegians has been discovered in several places in the Oslo area, including close to the country’s parliament, newspaper Aftenposten has revealed.  READ   
            Estelle through the years
            Princess Estelle through the years
            Why are there so many 100-year-olds in one Swedish town?
            Is it time to better celebrate Sweden's diverse identity?
            Property of the week: Huddinge
            Why has The Local got a new logo?
            Blog updates
            "This week Nobel peace Prize Winner Kailash Satyarthi urged the world to “globalize compassion”, as he..." READ »
            " I went to the new Starbucks at the swanky Stureplan intersection in central Stockholm. They have a lot..." READ »
            CATCH UP: Russian plane in Baltic near-miss drama
            How my compass drew me to Sweden
            The man whose memory you need to remember
            People-watching: December 13th - 14th
            Sponsored Article
            How to get your own office anywhere in the world
            'Our party will stand alone': Stefan Löfven
            The Local chats to Ruben Östlund, director of Golden Globe nominated Force Majeure
            Ten things to know before a Swedish party
            What's On in Sweden: December 12th to 19th
            IN PICTURES: The 2014 Nobel Banquet
            The Local's guide to the Nobel Prizes 2014
            Introducing... Education in Stockholm
            The Swedish Christmas market with a twist
            Why do so many Swedes have tattoos?
            Get 20% off Swedish Christmas decorations 
            Dewani family: We only heard half the story
            Business & Money
            Business in Stockholm: 'efficiency is money'
            Property of the week: Östermalm
            Meet the Swedes hosting festive feasts for 'lonely' guests
            TIMELINE: Swedish honeymoon killing murder trial 
            People-watching: December 7th
            IN PICTURES: What's it like to fly planes in Sweden?
            Submarine hunters 'robbed' of reward cash
            The Local's Countdown to Christmas
            'Dangerous' USB charger recalled in Sweden
            IN PICTURES: Sweden's King and Queen wrap up France tour
            Analysis: Should Snowden get asylum in Sweden?
            Swedish schoolboy in female saint role row
            IN PICTURES: Sweden's political crisis unfolds
            People-watching: December 3rd
            What happened to Sweden's ice bucket cash?
            Top Swedish songs of the month
            Why a child footballer has a huge legal bill
            Top ten Swedish Christmas presents
            What's inside a Swedish hipster winter market?
            In Pictures: Gävle's Christmas goat is revealed
            Meet the foreign students scrubbing their way to success
            Sponsored Article
            SIS: the thinking behind globalised learning
            Who's playing at Sweden's biggest music festival?
            How Swedish navy lovers got exposed by Russians
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            Introducing... Family life in Stockholm
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            The best options for oversea transfers
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            The Local Spain is hiring!
            The Local is seeking a new editor for our site in Spain to join our growing team of internationally-minded, driven, ambitious and clued-up journalists.
            Details and how to apply
            Counselling and Psychotherapy in English
            Sometimes living in another culture can cause stress, confusion and feelings of sadness and loneliness. Talking to a professional psychotherapist/counsellor might help you. I am a UKCP Reg. psychotherapist. My practice is in Södermalm, Stockholm.
            Contact me to discuss your options

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