Translation from English

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Swedish Democrat to Minorities-- Assimilate or Leave-- We Will Pay You To Leave- The Local of Sweden

When I was in Europe the first time, I realized with a really strong sense how chauvinistic ( without being aware of it really) European countries were.

France has always been the country of the French, and they are determined it will remain so.

The Brits and others have allowed in lots of people from other countries ( for a variety of reasons) and now there is a turning of the tide against this flood of immigrants ( typified by the UKIP).

This story from Sweden shows how serious the situation is getting

Sweden Democrat: Pay migrants to leave
The Sweden Democrats' party secretary Björn Söder. Photo: Tomas Oneborg/SvD/TT

Sweden Democrat: Pay migrants to leave

Published: 14 Dec 2014 20:17 GMT+01:00
"It would be good with a repatriation grant," Björn Söder said in a lengthy interview with Dagens Nyheter.
When asked specifically if migrants in the southern city of Malmö should be given money to return home he stated that he was not against the idea.
"Yes, and that is good. We must make it easier for those considering moving back to their own country. Then we'll be in a better condition to create a society of common identity."
Elsewhere in the interview Söder mentioned Jews, Kurds and Sami people as examples of groups that may have Swedish citizenship but ,in his view, can't be considered true Swedes if they don't "assimilate" into Swedish society.
"We are for an inclusive society where everybody who wants to can fit in. We have an open Swedishness which also includes people with foreign roots. But you have to adapt to the Swedish and assimilate in order to become Swedish," said Söder.

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