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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Senate Report Accuses CIA of Torture- Washington Post

I remember the mood people in NYC were in after the World Trade Center horror.

People wanted to strike back, and I heard many people call for any kind of way to do this, no matter how brutal or cruel or bloodthirsty.

That was an understandable response.

How much was the U.S. Gov't. bound by the norms of decency in interrogating terror suspects? I don't believe this question is really all that easily answered.

Bleak verdict on interrogations after Sept. 11

The report alleges that CIA officials deceived superiors at the White House and members of Congress.

The report’s 20 key findings 

After an inquiry that lasted years, the committee has released a declassified summary of a 6,000-plus page report. 

CIA chief rebuts report, says interrogations ‘saved lives’

Director John Brennan disputes that agency officials intentionally misled Congress about its tactics.
Then-CIA Director General Michael Hayden in 2008. (AP photo)

Hayden’s testimony vs. the report

GRAPHIC | A detailed comparison shows several discrepancies, described in the Senate report, between then-CIA Director Michael Hayden's 2007 testimony and the agency’s own records. 

Some detainees faced ‘rectal feeding’

At least five uncooperative suspects were subjected to the practice without documented medical necessity, investigators say.

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