Monday, December 29, 2014

OK, Helmet Cams Can Do A Lot of Good, (Especially Training and Stuff)-- But what about the Downside?-- Blogger

It looks lie FF Helmet Cams are here to stay.

But I wonder about the down side--

That is because I live in NYC, where Ambulance Chasers,-- (who get a third of the settlement)-- would just LOVE to sue the City if a helmet cam showed something  not quite "by the book"

I can see the scene now: (After a fatal fire)

Lawyer: And tell me, FF Jones, why did you decide to open the door the way you did instead of the officially prescribed way, or the way my experts say you should have? Someone died in this fire, you know....

But 'Progress' is coming , I guess, even though the idea of being screened  and "critiqued" in other Firehouses' kitchens, perhaps, is not appealing to a lot of FF's. 

There will be token resistance. Some of the cams will somehow end up being run over by rigs. Oops!

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