Wednesday, December 31, 2014

NY Times Headlines

A technician performs a recall service on a Chevrolet Cobalt ignition switch at a dealership in Grand Blanc, Mich.

Auto Industry Galvanized After Record Recall Year 

Spurred by an ignition switch defect in millions of General Motors vehicles, the auto industry has issued more recalls involving old models than ever before, an analysis shows.
President Vladimir V. Putin used Aleksei B. Miller, Gazprom’s leader, left, to press Bulgaria for a pipeline.

How Putin Forged a Pipeline Deal That Derailed 

Russia’s energy minister and its energy giant, Gazprom, helped shape a Bulgarian bill for a pipeline that President Vladimir V. Putin sought to keep Europe dependent on Russian gas.
Daniel Mould, a former member of an explosive ordnance disposal team, was wounded by a chemical round in Delaware in 2004.

A Veteran’s Chemical Burns Expanded Military Doctors’ Knowledge, but His Care Faltered

An Air Force staff sergeant’s injuries from a chemical round led the Army to urge lifelong monitoring of such cases, but he says he was not tracked after retiring.
Steve Scalise, left, the No. 3 House Republican, with Speaker John A. Boehner and the majority leader, Kevin McCarthy, in June. Mr. Scalise spoke to a white supremacist group in 2002.

Republicans Try to Fix Damage Scalise’s 2002 Speech Could Do in 2016

Speaker John A. Boehner issued a statement supporting Steve Scalise of Louisiana, the No. 3 Republican in the House, who confirmed that in 2002 he addressed a group of white supremacists.

Sony Cyberattack, First a Nuisance, Swiftly Grew Into a Firestorm

Interviews suggest that Sony — slow to realize the depths of its peril — let its troubles deepen by mounting a public defense only after enormous damage had been done.
Ohio State quarterback Cardale Jones, left, with his teammate Tyvis Powell on Tuesday after media day for Thursday's Sugar Bowl at the Superdome in New Orleans. Two years ago, Jones posted a Twitter comment questioning the necessity of college classes for football players.

What Made College Football More Like the Pros? $7.3 Billion, for a Start

College football has become so awash in money that some observers believe it increasingly resembles professional football more than higher education.
A family member of passengers on the missing AirAsia flight accompanied military personnel on a search and rescue mission over the Java Sea on Monday.

Searchers Pull AirAsia Plane Debris and Bodies From Java Sea

Rescue teams off the coast of Borneo found bodies and debris from the AirAsia plane that disappeared Sunday, but it remained unknown why the plane went down.
Aleksei A. Navalny, second right, and his brother, Oleg, left, were convicted of criminal fraud charges on Tuesday in Moscow. The political opposition leader was spared jail time, but his younger brother, Oleg, was sentenced to three and a half years.

Aleksei Navalny, Putin Critic, Is Spared Prison in a Fraud Case, but His Brother Is Jailed

Mr. Navalny was not jailed despite violating house arrest by trying to join an antigovernment rally. But in what was widely seen as the Kremlin punishing him, his brother Oleg was sentenced to three and a half years in prison in the fraud case.

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