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Friday, December 19, 2014

New Poland Express


National News from Poland

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A nursing home in the west of Poland is currently being investigated by local prosecutors after a bout of food poisoning which has allegedly left two people dead.
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Three people were take to hospital and two people have died
© © Maksymilian Rigamonti/Repor
Three people were take to hospital and two people have died

Heroes (and villains) in hospital
Two major players from the Communist period were admitted to hospital this week, both of which made headlines in the Polish press for different reasons.
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Young lad saves mum’s life
An eight-year-old boy from the west of Poland has been praised by both local authorities and the media this week after acting quickly and saving his mother’s life.
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More protection for Poland
President Bronislaw Komorowski spoke this week about improving the country’s defense system stating that it was one of Poland’s main priorities.
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Shamed trio speak out over scandal
Former Law and Justice (PiS) members Adam Hofman, Mariusz A. Kaminski and Adam Rogacki made official defence statements this week regarding the recent travel expenses scandal which led to them being kicked out of the party.
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Local Villain - The least noble Nobel winner
Local Villain - The least noble Nobel winnerThe tragic story of Fritz Haber
Wrocław, believe it or not, has had a total of eleven (eleven!) native-born Nobel laureates in the 20th century, beginning with Thomas Mommsen’s prize for literature in 1902 and spanning ... - Read on
Take a walk on the wild side
Take a walk on the wild sideAlternative culture in the heart of Wroclaw
Looking for an alternative to trendy lounges and mindless club music? Need allies for your next political action? Looking for a free place to crash? Head to CRK, Wrocław’s counter-culture ... - Read on
New in NPE Premium
The Glory Days of Katowice
The Glory Days of KatowiceThe short-lived golden age of Slask's capital
Seeing a different side to Krakow
Seeing a different side to KrakowArchitectural marvels beyond the obvious
RIP Warsaw's Russian Market
RIP Warsaw's Russian Market A Warsaw legend that is no more
David James just read Guards seize mutt meat and said 
"I can't believe the comment by "O'Tool". Who wants these tropical thirdworlders hanging about here without permission from the Polish ..."
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