• The Realm Of Venture Circa 2014
  • This Art Project Turns The World’s Tweets Into A Clock

    This Art Project Turns The World’s Tweets Into A Clock

    Don’t look at the clock. Do you know what time it is? Twitter sure as heck does. Turns out, people love to tweet about the time. So why not turn the Twitter firehose into a massive, crowdsourced clock? Read More
  • With 3D Printing, Medical Devices Are Cool Again

    With 3D Printing, Medical Devices Are Cool Again

    The recent, successful human implantation of a 3D-printed vertebra at Peking University in China captured the public’s imagination. I read the news (and its quick spread) as evidence that medical devices are dare I say, cool again. Read More
  • Gillmor Gang: Enterprise Edition

    Gillmor Gang: Enterprise Edition

    The Gillmor Gang — John Taschek, Bruce Richardson, Keith Teare, and Steve Gillmor. Recorded live Friday, December 12, 2014 in Menlo Park, California at the Salesforce Analyst Summit 2014. Analysts and Salesforce executives discussed the Summit’s theme of Continuous Transformation for 2020. Read More
  • Facebook Dumps Bing, Will Introduce Its Own Search Tool

    Facebook Dumps Bing, Will Introduce Its Own Search Tool

    It seems that Facebook quietly removed Bing as its primary search provider over the weekend, announcing plans to debut its own search tool on Monday, according to Reuters. The report says that Facebook’s new search tool will give users the ability to filter through old comments and other information from friends. Read More
  • Blinq Tells You If Your Dating Matches Are In The Bar

    Blinq Tells You If Your Dating Matches Are In The Bar

    Shove over Tinder. Swiss startup Blinq has come up with a new twist on the dating app. The startup is incorporating beacon proximity technology into the mix so singles can do more meeting IRL and less swiping — thanks to select venues being kitted out with Blinq’s Estimote iBeacons. Read More
  • The Strength Of A Transparent Startup

    The Strength Of A Transparent Startup

    If you ask a member of the business-tech community about the benefits of closed systems versus their open counterparts, one word that will almost certainly come up is “security.” There’s been a long-held belief in the tech industry that closed systems are more difficult to corrupt and, therefore, more secure than systems built on a philosophy of radical openness. Read More
  • FoundationDB And The New NoSQL

    FoundationDB And The New NoSQL

    Databases are the spine of the tech industry: unsung, invisible, but critical–and beyond disastrous when they break or are deformed. This makes database people cautious. For years, only the Big Three–Oracle, IBM’s DB2, and (maybe) SQL Server–were serious options. Then the open-source alternatives–MySQL, PostgreSQL–became viable. …And then, over the last… Read More
  • The Price of Fame App Demo

    Lindsay Lohan’s The Price Of Fame Mobile Game Hurt My Thumb

    Lindsay Lohan’s The Price of Fame launched on both Android and iOS this week, adding LiLo to the short list of celebrities with their own, branded mobile game. It was a featured game at launch, jumping to No. 10 in games in the App Store. According to App Annie, it’s currently now at No. 400 in U.S. game app ranks. Wild first day fluctuations aside, the game is less about rising up… Read More
  • This Guy Took 4 Leafblowers And A Skateboard Deck And Turned Them Into A Wonderfully Goofy Hoverboard

    This Guy Took 4 Leafblowers And A Skateboard Deck And Turned Them Into A Wonderfully Goofy Hoverboard

    Want the experience of a kinda-sorta-hover-board, but don’t have $10,000 and a copper halfpipe laying around? Fret not! As Texan Ryan Craven proves, you can pull off something of a similar vein with four gutted leafblowers, a sheet of plywood, and some gorilla tape. The disclaimers here are the same as the rest of the “hoverboards” of 2014: it’s neat, but it’s… Read More
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