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Friday, December 19, 2014

Financial Matters and Back to the Cold War- WNYC


WNYC 93.9 FM
Money Talking

Episode #140

Back to the Future – Cold War Style

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Friday, December 19, 2014

00:00 / 00:00
The Russian economy is reeling from the effects of plummeting oil prices and U.S. led sanctions tied to its aggression in Ukraine. The value of the ruble is plunging despite efforts by the Russian central bank to stabilize the currency.
The U.S. publicly accused North Korea of being behind the cyber attack of Sony Pictures that resulted in hundreds of embarrassing leaked emails and the cancellation of the release of The InterviewTurns out, North Korea was not amused by a plot line that contemplates the assassination of its leader, Kim Jong-un.
And finally, Cuba! In a historic move, President Obama announced the restoration of diplomatic ties after a 50-year embargo. It took Washington and the rest of the country by surprise. 
Russia, North Korea and Cuba – three Cold War-era adversaries dominating the news cycle exactly 25 years after the Berlin Wall fell.
This week, Joe Nocera of The New York Times and Rana Froohar of Timemagazine join Charlie Herman, host of Money Talking, to discuss what's at stake for the U.S. 


 Charles Herman


 Chris Mossa


 Rana Foroohar and Joe Nocera
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