Translation from English

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Der Spiegel Int'l

The 390-Euro Man: A Pakistani Slave's Path to Freedom

The 390-Euro Man: A Pakistani Slave's Path to Freedom
For more than 16 years, Hanif Masih worked as an indentured servant in a brick factory in Pakistan. Then, an aid organization purchased his freedom. Though he remains extremely poor, he is one of the lucky ones. By Hasnain Kazim more... Comment ]
SPIEGEL E-Book: 1914 - 2014. The Disturbing Relevance of World War I
  • Even a century after the outbreak of World War I, its consequences can still be felt. SPIEGEL explored this phenomenon in a recent series, using World War I as the starting point for observing conditions today in a number of the world's regions. These included the role of the United States as a superpower and global police force, the ongoing failure of peace efforts in the Middle East and the as yet unresolved ethnic divisions in the Balkans last manifested in the Bosnian War. In the 12 features, now compiled as an E-Book, SPIEGEL reporters describe the effects of the primal catastrophe of the 20th century that remain present today.
  • Edited By Alfred Weinzierl and Klaus Wiegrefe:
    1914 - 2014The Disturbing Relevance of World War I.
  • Buy the E-Book for $3.49

Epidemics Expert Jeremy Farrar'The Most Dangerous Emerging Disease Is Drug Resistance'

Epidemics Expert Jeremy Farrar: 'The Most Dangerous Emerging Disease Is Drug Resistance'
British medical expert Jeremy Farrar is a key figure in the fight against Ebola and other infectious diseases. In a SPIEGEL interview, he says that the development of vaccines is key because drug-resistant viruses and bacteria pose immense dangers. Interview by Katrin Elger and Veronika Hackenbroch more... Comment ]

America's Reserved Air WarFewer Missions, More Hits against IS

America's Reserved Air War: Fewer Missions, More Hits against IS
The United States has conducted far fewer sorties in its battle against the terrorist group Islamic State in Syria and Iraq than in previous wars. Military officials claim one reason is a much higher air-strike hit ratio. more...

Racial DivideThe Tragedy of America's First Black President

Racial Divide: The Tragedy of America's First Black President
Police killings of black youth in Ferguson and Cleveland have outraged many in the US. The tragic events show how deep the societal divide remains between blacks and whites. Many have given up hope that President Obama can change anything. By Markus Feldenkirchen and Holger Stark more... Comment ]

Speed ScienceThe Global Hunt for an Ebola Vaccine

Speed Science: The Global Hunt for an Ebola Vaccine
Medical researchers are frantically testing new drugs and vaccines in the hope of slowing down the Ebola epidemic. Thus far, results have been promising. It may only be a matter of weeks before the first patients in West Africa can be treated. By Veronika Hackenbroch, Markus Grill and Katrin Elger more... Comment ]

The Jihad CultWhy Young Germans Are Answering Call to Holy War

The Jihad Cult: Why Young Germans Are Answering Call to Holy War
Hundreds of young German Islamists have traveled to Syria to fight with the terrorist group Islamic State. SPIEGEL explored the extremist scene in Germany and the fascination with jihad in order to find answers about what drives people to join the murderous cult.  By SPIEGEL Staff more...Comment ]

Swing Sets and Death in SyriaA Visit to an Aleppo Playground

Swing Sets and Death in Syria: A Visit to an Aleppo Playground
Every day, children from the Salaheddin district of Aleppo meet at the local playground. They play war as the real one rages just a few meters away. But the graves are slowly encroaching. By Christoph Reuter in Aleppo, Syria more... Comment ]

Teeth and BonesMass Abduction Reveals a Decaying Mexican State

Teeth and Bones: Mass Abduction Reveals a Decaying Mexican State
Most murders don't even make the front page in Mexico anymore. But the recent abduction of 43 students has infuriated the country. The story has exposed the tight relationship between politics, law enforcement and organized crime. And it shows how weak the state has become. By Marian Blasberg and Jens Glüsing more... Comment ]

Hashtags and Holy WarIslamic State Tweets Its Way to Success

Hashtags and Holy War: Islamic State Tweets Its Way to Success
In an interview, Ali Soufan, the former FBI agent who was a key figure in the arrest of the mastermind behind al-Qaida's 9/11 attacks, discusses Islamic State's massively successful social media strategy and serious errors made in the war against terror.  Interview Conducted By Britta Sandberg more... Comment ]

The 'Caliphate's' ColoniesIslamic State's Gradual Expansion into North Africa

The 'Caliphate's' Colonies: Islamic State's Gradual Expansion into North Africa
Chaos, disillusionment and oppression provide the perfect conditions for Islamic State. Currently, the Islamist extremists are expanding from Syria and Iraq into North Africa. Several local groups have pledged their allegiance. By Mirco Keilberth, Juliane von Mittelstaedt and Christoph Reuter more... Comment ]

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