Translation from English

Friday, December 19, 2014

Australia- ABC

  1. 'Cuba is open to the world'

    President Barack Obama eyes Congress to help with his plan to normalise ties with Cuba.
  2. Vietnam tunnel collapse

    Vietnamese rescuers free 12 workers who were trapped in a tunnel after it collapsed this week.
  3. US concerns over Egypt trials

    Barack Obama expresses concern over mass trials and the continued detention of journalists in Egypt.
  1. Japan snow toll rises

    The death toll from a severe winter snow storm gripping much of Japan rises to 11.
  2. Pakistani forces fights back

    Pakistani forces kill 27 suspected militants in air and ground strikes in the restive north-west. 
  3. Governor criticises asylum deal

    A PNG governor slams Australia's "neo-colonialist" refugee deal with PNG, claiming it will foster divisions.
  1. Russia's global fallout

    The Russian rouble crisis could trigger global financial and economic fallout, even as far away as Australia.
  2. Banks increase risk taking

    A new study shows government guarantees encourage banks to take more risks with lending.
  3. Biggest gain of the year

    The Australian share market posts its biggest single-session gain of the year, adding nearly 2.5 per cent.
  4. Assistant Treasurer resigns

    Arthur Sinodinos resigns as Assistant Treasurer after standing aside from his role in March during an ICAC probe.
  1. Are we a nation of swimmers?

    Olympic gold medallist Shane Gould has been researching how Australians view swimming. She shares her findings with RN's Natasha Mitchell.
  1. Water Act review

    A Water Act review panel has recommended more flexible water trading.
  2. Dry and dusty stations

    Cattle stations along the Duncan Road in WA/NT desperately await rain 
  3. Cattle fever vaccine 

    After being unavailable for almost six months, a bovine fever vaccine is back on the market. 


A nation of swimmers

Former Olympian Shane Gould has made some surprising findings about how Australians learn to swim.
More - Life Matters

Ten must-see music videos

These fiercely original videos complemented their songs beautifully.
More - Double J

Waleed Aly's foyer finale

Waleed's last RN Drive was presented live from the foyer at ABC Southbank in Melbourne.
More - RN Drive

Healthy Christmas lunch ideas

Try these light and healthy options for an irresistibly delicious festive meal.
More - ABC Health and Wellbeing

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