Thursday, November 20, 2014

Ukraine Crisis- NY Times


Sergey Dolzhenko/European Pressphoto Agency
Ukraine, one of the largest countries in Europe, is a unitary semi-presidential republic, having achieved its independence with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Public protests demanding closer ties with the European Union and the resignation of President Viktor Yanukovych began in late 2013, leading to widespread civil unrest and, ultimately, revolution in 2014. Russia, prompted by counter-revolutionary sentiment in the Crimean Peninsula, staged a military intervention and subsequently annexed the region in a move largely condemned by the international community. Fighting between government forces and pro-Russian separatists has continued despite domestic and international efforts to de-escalate the crisis.

Learn more about Ukraine. Scroll below to view our archive of articles and chronology of latest news.

Chronology of Coverage

  1. Nov. 20, 2014
    Editorial holds crisis in Ukraine has reached an impasse, and that United States and European Union have correctly stated Russian President Vladimir Putin is largely at fault; argues, however, that Kiev and its leaders have responsibilities they must live up to, and West should only give Ukraine substantial aid only after it begins serious political and economic reform. MORE
  2. Nov. 20, 2014
    German Foreign Min Frank-Walter Steinmeier appears, during meetings in Moscow, to be caught in midst of tensions over how aggressively Germany should assert itself on world stage and how forcefully to confront Pres Vladimir Putin over Russia's actions in Ukraine. MORE
  3. Nov. 19, 2014
    German Foreign Min Frank-Walter Steinmeier expresses grim outlook on resolving standoff between Russia and Ukraine; comments follow meeting with Russian counterpart Sergey V Lavrov. MORE
  4. Nov. 18, 2014
    German Chancellor Angela Merkel, during speech following Group of 20 meeting in Australia, abandons her traditionally cautious tone; castigates Russia for its actions in Ukraine, for intimidating sovereign states in Europe and for threatening to spread conflict more broadly across the continent. MORE
  5. Nov. 17, 2014
    Pres Obama moves closer to describing Russia’s military incursions in Ukraine as an invasion; says Russians are supplying heavy arms to separatists in violation of an agreement Moscow signed. MORE


Nov. 20, 2014 — Pictures of the Day

Photos from Ukraine, India, Lithuanian and China.
November 20, 2014, Thursday
MORE ON UKRAINE AND: China , India , Lithuania , Ukraine , Photography

Germany’s Foreign Minister, a Man in the Middle

Frank-Walter Steinmeier embodies the continued tension in Germany over how aggressively the country should assert itself on the world stage and how forcefully to confront Russia.
November 20, 2014, Thursday

Russia: German Official Expresses ‘No Optimism’ on Ukraine Conflict

Germany’s foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, alluded to the standoff between Russia and Ukraine in grim tones on Tuesday after talks in Moscow with his Russian counterpart, Sergey V. Lavrov.
November 19, 2014, Wednesday

What We're Reading

Get recommendations from New York Times reporters and editors, highlighting great stories from around the web. Today, great reads from Peter Eavis, Graham Bowley and others.
November 18, 2014, Tuesday

What We're Reading

Get recommendations from New York Times reporters and editors, highlighting great stories from around the web. Today, great reads from Peter Eavis, Graham Bowley and others.
November 18, 2014, Tuesday

E.U. to Toughen Sanctions on Ukrainian Separatists, but Not Russia

The bloc decided to widen sanctions on individuals in Ukraine while pushing for a diplomatic solution to Russia’s involvement there.
November 18, 2014, Tuesday

Merkel Issues Rebuke to Russia, Setting Caution Aside

Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany asked whether Russia’s annexation of Crimea and moves in eastern Ukraine meant a return to the days of Moscow deciding the its neighbors’ fates.
November 18, 2014, Tuesday

A Time for Revisiting Real Fears

Walking through the dark ruins of a defunct Soviet installation brings back memories of the Cuban missile crisis and makes apparent the continuing possibility of a nuclear attack.
November 18, 2014, Tuesday

Dutch Investigators Collect Debris From Malaysian Plane Downed Over Ukraine

The wreckage from the Malaysia Airlines jet that was shot down will be sent to the Netherlands, where officials will study it as part of the investigation.
November 17, 2014, Monday

Obama Says Russia’s Arming of Separatists Breaks Pact With Ukraine

President Obama edged closer to describing Russia’s military incursions in Ukraine as an invasion and said Russians were supplying heavy arms to separatists in violation of an agreement Moscow signed.
November 17, 2014, Monday

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