Thursday, November 20, 2014

Sweden Huff Post



Sweden: Unknown Submarine Did Violate Our Waters

AP | KARL RITTER | Posted 11.14.2014 | World
STOCKHOLM (AP) — Sweden has confirmed that a small foreign submarine illegally entered its waters last month, though it's still unclear which countr...

How to Set a Global Table for Thanksgiving

Fathom | Posted 11.12.2014 | HuffPost Home
Fathom The Japanese, Danish, and Swedes are known for their clean, simple aesthetic, making their homeware lines an invaluable source for a minimalist traveler's dream dinner table. Here are a few pieces I'm looking to add to my collection.

The Megalomaniac Next Door: Hour of the Wolf Movie Review of LFO

Dan Persons | Posted 11.09.2014 | Entertainment
Dan Persons Not all megalomaniacs are preening, medal-bedecked-uniform-wearing, sociopathic assholes. Sometimes they're mousy, tatty, middle-class husbands with a basement full of electronic equipment and a murderous secret to hide.

Sweden Recognizes Palestinian State

AP | KARL RITTER | Posted 10.30.2014 | World
STOCKHOLM (AP) — Sweden on Thursday became the biggest Western European country to recognize a Palestinian state, prompting a strong protest from Is...

Kurdish Soccer Team Sparks Swedish FA Ire Over Battle for Kobani, Sparks Debate on What Is Politics?

James Dorsey | Posted 10.30.2014 | World
James Dorsey The dispute over the nature of Dalkurd's support for Kobani raises the question of what the border line is, if there is one, between humanitarian and political aid to groups in distress as a result of conflict as well as the double standards applied by some Western nations.

Terrorism, Ottawa, and the New Normal

Daniel Wagner | Posted 10.23.2014 | World
Daniel Wagner As shocked as many Canadians, and much of the world, are about the shootings that occurred in Ottawa yesterday, they really shouldn't be.

Sweden Hunts For Undersea Intruder

Reuters | Posted 10.23.2014 | World
STOCKHOLM, Oct 21 (Reuters) - Sweden's military is working on two new observations that could be evidence of suspected "foreign underwater activity" ...

Hunting for Red October... in the Stockholm Archipelago

András Simonyi | Posted 10.20.2014 | World
András Simonyi The Swedish Armed Forces were put on high alert this weekend, as there was an apparent intrusion -- not for the first or the last time -- by a Russian submarine into Swedish territorial waters, in the Stockholm Archipelago.

Submarine Hunt In Sweden Is A Potential 'Game Changer'

AP | KARL RITTER and MATTI HUUHTANEN | Posted 10.20.2014 | World
STOCKHOLM (AP) — Sweden's biggest submarine hunt since the dying days of the Soviet Union has put countries around the Baltic Sea on edge. In a sce...

Israel's True Face

Jonathan Biron | Posted 10.18.2014 | Politics
Jonathan Biron Following the non-binding British Parliament's recognition of Palestine, it has been written a lot about Israel's inaction regarding the peace process. While reporting on Israel's politics and policy, it is important to draw the full picture -- most Israelis want peace.

Recognizing Palestine

John Feffer | Posted 10.16.2014 | World
John Feffer In his recent meeting with Obama, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he was "committed to the vision of peace for two states for two peoples." That sounds nice. But if he'd been pressed, Netanyahu might have admitted that the two states he had in mind were Israel and the U.S., not Israel and Palestine.
Ryan Kristobak

'Everyone Is Happier If They Have Sex': Tove Lo Is The Pop Star 2014 Needed | Ryan Kristobak | Posted 10.10.2014 | Entertainment
It's safe to say artists try to write the catchiest lyrics possible. They want their hooks filled with pretty, metaphorical and, purposely or not, som...

Sweden and the Wakening of Eco-Integrity

Robert Koehler | Posted 10.09.2014 | Green
Robert Koehler What if humanity actually committed itself, at the level of a national government, to learning from and working with nature? What if environmentalism didn't mean (only) marching in the streets, pumping one's fists or chaining oneself to a tree?

Being Obese Almost As Costly As Not Going To College

The Huffington Post | Kevin Short | Posted 10.09.2014 | Business
Being overweight has heavy financial implications. Obese 18-year-old men will earn 18 percent less over their a lifetime than those of a normal wei...

Sweden's Recognition of 'Palestine' Premature and Ill-Advised

Abraham H. Foxman | Posted 10.08.2014 | World
Abraham H. Foxman Sweden's premature recognition of the State of Palestine will have repercussions far beyond Scandinavia. Sweden is considered a flag-bearer of human rights, and many countries across Europe respond to its cues. The risk is that other countries in the E.U. may soon want to follow suit.

Major European Country To Recognize State Of Palestine

Reuters | Posted 10.03.2014 | World
STOCKHOLM, Oct 3 (Reuters) - Sweden's new center-left government will recognize the state of Palestine in a move that will make it the first ma...

REVIEW: Mats Ek's 'Juliet & Romeo' by Royal Swedish Ballet

Meghan Feeks | Posted 09.29.2014 | Arts
Meghan Feeks What's in a name? In the case of Mats Ek's Juliet & Romeo, which Royal Swedish Ballet presented last week at Sadler's Wells, the switched-up name is just the first of many nuances that make a poignant case for this new version of an old classic.

Look Out Mediterranean Countries, the Northerners Are Stealing Your Healthy Diet

Gianluca Tognon | Posted 09.26.2014 | Healthy Living
Gianluca Tognon The Mediterranean countries have the highest childhood overweight and obesity prevalence in Europe and the recent economic crisis can only exacerbate the situation, due to the known link between overweight and a lower socio-economic status.

Volvo Car Group Unveils the XC90 in Stockholm, Sweden

Rita Cook | Posted 11.18.2014 | Business
Rita Cook Stockholm, Sweden was the reveal destination several weeks ago of the all-new Volvo XC90 with one of the big announcements being that a limited number, 1,927, First Edition cars would be available via digital commerce at

The Beauty Of Scandinavia's Street Art Culture

Jaime Rojo & Steven Harrington | Posted 09.25.2014 | Arts
Jaime Rojo & Steven Harrington It isn't just Nuart any more. Scandinavia is taking their mural festivals seriously thanks to buoyant economies, arts programming support, and a gr...
Igor Bobic

Sweden's Turn Left Could Deal A Blow To European Austerity | Igor Bobic | Posted 09.13.2014 | Politics
Austerity isn't just out of fashion in the U.S. anymore. If Sweden elects a center-left government, as it is projected to do on Sunday, the country co...
Rachel Lienesch

Europe Wants U.S. To Do Dirty Work Against ISIS | Rachel Lienesch | Posted 09.12.2014 | World
Residents in a number of European countries strongly support the American air strikes that have been launched in Iraq, but are much less supportive of...

A Zero Emissions Manifesto for the Climate Justice Movement

Tom Weis | Posted 11.11.2014 | Green
Read More: Google, Congress, Ipcc Report, Department of Defense, Peru, Fracking, Austin, E.O. Wilson, Greenpeace, Fossil Fuel Divestment, Christiana Figueres, Ban Ki-Moon, Friends of the Earth, Scotland, Discrimination, National Renewable Energy Lab, Al Gore, Lester Brown, Bill Mckibben, San Francisco, Pentagon, Jeffrey Sachs, Copenhagen 2009, Microsoft, Russian Roulette, Nsa Spying, Schleswig-Holstein, Zero Waste, Carbon Neutral, Prince Charles, Jimmy Carter, National Security Agency, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, World War II, Co2 Emissions, Seismic Testing, Costa Rica, President Obama, Tokelau, Penn State University, South Dakota, Iceland, Solar Energy, Communities of Color, Fossil Fuels, Poland, Slavery, Munich, Wave Power, Justice, Sweden, Nsa, Civil War, Ipcc, Plan B, Denmark, New York City, Energy Efficiency, Segregation, Keystone XL Pipeline, Jfk, Mass Extinction, Iowa, Coal Plants, Co2, White House, Children, Epa, Michael Mann, Conservation, House Republicans, Civil Rights, Mountaintop Removal, Germany, National Security, Asthma, Generation Change, Forests, Copenhagen, People's Climate March, Moon Landing, Climate, Electric Vehicles, Keystone Pipeline, Industrial Hemp, Barack Obama, Deutsche Bank, Cia, Climate Justice, Deepwater Drilling, Green Industrial Revolution, James Hansen, China, Organic Farming, Mass Transit, Un Climate Summit, United Nations, Renewable Energy, Phillipines, US Energy, Desmond Tutu, Paris, Tar Sands, House Democrats, Kyoto Protocol, China Greenhouse Gases, Stanford University, Boulder Colorado, Zero Emissions, Arctic Drilling, Civil Rights Movement, Carbon Dioxide, Maldives, Wind Energy, Climate Chaos, Bill Gates, Kofi Annan, Keystone XL, British Labour Party, Jim Crow, Wall Street, Angel Gurria, Bicycles, Tidal Power, Geothermal Energy, American Wind Energy Association, Green News
Tom Weis Top military experts and government institutions like the U.S. Department of Defense and National Intelligence Council warn that climate destabilization threatens our national security, yet global emissions just keep going up.

The Best Economies In The World

24/7 Wall St. | Robert Serenbetz and Thomas C. Frohlich | Posted 09.06.2014 | Business
After sliding for four consecutive years, the United States moved up two places for the second year in a row in the World Economic Forum’s competiti...

Is Visa Waiver Program a Pipeline for Terrorism?

Georgianne Nienaber | Posted 11.02.2014 | Politics
Georgianne Nienaber There is no doubt that the Visa Waiver Program merits a national discussion free from partisan politics. Terrorists have already used the VWP to gain access to soft targets. Whether additional security measures would have prevented their entry is the $64 million question.

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