Monday, November 3, 2014

Buenos Aires Herald

November 3, 2014
President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner has completed her first day in the Otamendi hospital after falling ill with a bacterial infection, according to a report released by the presidential Medical Unit.
• CFK taken to hospital with fever
New figures from the Federal Public Incomes Administration (AFIP) have revealed that October's tax revenues totalled 104.6 billion pesos, an increase of 40.8 percent compared to the same period in 2013.
Economy Minister Axel Kicillof seems to have confirmed that the government is planning to wait until the expiration of the RUFO (Rights-Upon-Future-Offers) clause on December 31st in order to resume negoatiations with holdout bondholders, although a Ministry statement later on insisted that there had been no change in their stance against the 'vulture funds'.
President of the United States Barack Obama and Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen discussed the outlook for the US and global economies and the implementation of Wall Street reforms during an Oval Office meeting, the White House said.
The S&P 500 and the Dow closed with slight losses today after briefly touching intraday records, but strength in semiconductors boosted the Nasdaq.
Cincinnati-based Procter & Gamble household product manufacturer said it is currently working for “immediate solutions” to the suspension of its operations in Argentina decided yesterday by AFIP tax bureau, on accusations of tax fraud.
• AFIP suspends P&G on tax fraud
After opposition lawmakers said that they will not work a consensus with the government, Cabinet Chief Jorge Capitanich confirmed that the Executive will name a succesor for Supreme Court Justice Eugenio Zaffaroni, who has submitted his resignation which will be effective on December 31.
• Highton de Nolasco calls for a 'full' S. Court
The AFIP tax bureau has accused the world’s number one manufacturer of household products , Procter & Gamble, of tax fraud and suspended its operations in the country, according to a statement issued yesterday by the agency.
Cabinet chief Jorge Capitanich said that the government has not received an official response from the US to the harsh letter president Kirchner sent to her counterpart Barack Obama demanding an explanation for the appointment of Nancy Soderberg as Chair of the US Public Interest Declassification Board.
Cabinet chief Jorge Capitanich “categorically” denied rumours about government’s plans to abrogate the Sovereign Payment law, passed last September to enable Argentina to resume debt payments to bondholders despite US Judge Thomas Griesa rulings.
By Federico Poore

As Congress is set to begin discussing the government-sponsored Argentina Digital bill set to replace the 1972 Telecommunications Law, there is concern that the measure could end up burying almost two years of work on net neutrality.
A bill to decriminalize abortion will be debated in the Lower House Penal Legislation Committee tomorrow after leaders from opposite sides of the political spectrum agreed to discuss the issue following a series of failed efforts.
By Guillermo Háskel

Victory Front lawmaker advocates some kind of state intervention mechanism to curb Argentine ports’ idle capacity in the middle of sector crisis.
The informal rate of the US currency plummeted 38 cents to 13.90 pesos today, amid growing fear of tighter government controls on underground exchange houses. Meanwhile, the US Dollar advanced half a cent to close at 8.52 pesos in Buenos Aires City banks and foreign exchange offices.
Cabinet Chief Jorge Capitanich has revealed that 19 districts of Buenos Aires province have been affected by flooding caused by record levels of rainfall, with a total of 5,203 people evacuated across the region.
• Rain expected to continue
A group of funds including George Soros’s Quantum Partners LP and Kyle Bass’s Hayman Capital Management LP asked a London judge to protect a 1.3 billion-euro ($1.6 billion) investment in Argentinian bonds from New York lawsuits, international news agencies reported today.
Public prosecutor Raúl Plee asked the Court to for its firm decision to back the ruling by First Court of the Federal Chamber that declared the memorandum unconstitutionality last May and to reject the government’s appeal to that ruling.
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has called an emergency meeting of his security chiefs to discuss new ways of dealing with the separatist challenge in the east after rebel elections that were denounced by Kiev and the West.
Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighters and moderate Syrian rebels bombarded Islamic State positions in Kobani, but it was unclear if their arrival would turn the tide in the battle for the besieged Syrian border town.
Accompanied by the presidents of some of Argentina's most famous clubs, Argentine Football Association (AFA) head Luis Segura has called for the creation of a national law to control the sport, as he presented a new bill that will ban the resale of tickets for sporting and artistic events in the City of Buenos Aires.
Rafa Nadal is expected to be released from a clinic in Barcelona within 48 hours after undergoing an appendectomy today, the world number three's spokesman said.
Washington imposed tighter security screening for travelers from countries, including the United Kingdom and many other European nations, whose citizens do not need a visa to get into the United States.
By Dan Balz
Who controls the Senate is not the only or even the overriding question on the minds of many voters. For them, this campaign is as much about disgust with Washington generally — and about trying to bend the political process toward competence and results — as it is about rewarding or punishing a particular party.


Dollar (Official price) DOLLAR (Official price) $ 8,470 $ 8,520
Dollar Blue price) DOLLAR ("Blue" price) $ 13,80 $ 13,90
Euro EURO $ 10,770 $ 11,290
Pound POUND $ 13,527 $ 13,615
Merval MERVAL $ 11.374,380 $ 3,22
Dow Jones DOW JONES $ 17.366,240 $ -0,14
Bovespa BOVESPA $ 53.947,210 $ -1,25
Full MARKET coverage HERE

The "Freedom Tower", the main skyscraper of the new World Trade Center in New York City has opened its doors to welcome its first tenants, with the transfer of part of the Conde Nast offices to the building.

Options and prudence

Andrés Federman

Options and prudence

Did nobody want AFAPlus?

Eric Weil / Sportsworld

Did nobody want AFAPlus?

Killing time

Martín Gambarotta - News Editor

Killing time

Newcastle United and Argentina winger Jonas Gutiérrez has been give the all clear by doctors after a successful fight against testicular cancer.
Brittany Maynard, the 29-year-old woman who revived the debate on assisted suicide has ended her life on Saturday at her home in Portland, Oregon, as she had announced. "Goodbye world. Spread good energy. Pay it forward!," she wrote on Facebook.


British chamber celebrates 100 years

More than 200 people gathered at the British ambassador’s residence last week to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the British Argentine Chamber of Commerce (CCAB).

Produced by Pablo Toledo

The creator of the board game Operation needed his own operation, and it turned out (1) he couldn’t afford to pay for it. So John Spinello's friends decided to raise * the money for him online. Now, they’ve been able to raise enough money to help Spinello pay for the surgery as well as some other bills.

• World Trade

Kirchnerite deputy floats the idea of recreating National Grain Board

• On Sunday

Reinventing Socialism

Grupo ámbito ámbito financiero Docsalud Premium El Ciudadano El Tribuno Management

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