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Saturday, October 4, 2014

R.I.P. Scott Evans, 1945- 2014

There will be no blog tonight as a great old friend of mine has just died.

For an extrovert, Scott was oddly also an extremely private person. He did everything he could to erase any information about himself on the internet, for instance....

Sad News: Have to report on the untimely death of New Trier grad Scott Evans, in Arizona. 

I first new Scott when I was an editor of the New Trier News, where Scott was Editor in Chief. To say that Scott was somewhat wild is something of an understatement-- but also hilariously funny, articulate and inventive. He also introduced many of us to the music of the Autoharp, which was his favorite instrument.

Scott attended Columbia University ( he did not graduate) and then also studied medicine, physics, and mechanical engineering. He was involved in all kinds of fascinating activities that took him to many odd places ( such as going to the Sahara while working on a project with the Fermi Institute of the University of Chicago).

A big fan of the Rock Group Widespread Panic, Scott would fly from Arizona to attend their concerts and got to know musicians in the group personally. 

Rest in peace, Scott-- you had a turbulent and unusual life, but certainly not a dull one. You will be greatly missed.

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