Translation from English

Monday, October 27, 2014

News of France- France 24


France in English: the latest news, features and video.

France announces new budget measures to appease EU

A protester at the site of the proposed Sivens dam

French dam protester killed ‘in explosion’


Video: Paris sex ed exhibition has conservatives hot under collar

A non-violent clown at the Glastonbury Festival, England, in 2007.

Panic as clown terror spreads to southern France

Emmanuel Macron poses at the Economy Ministry shortly after his appointment in August 2014

French unemployment hits new record high


Video: Paris Picasso museum celebrates long-awaited reopening


Indonesia to release French journalists detained in Papua

Kazakh oligarch Mukhtar Ablyazov arrives at the courthouse in Lyon on October 17, 2014 before a hearing as part of his appeal trial regarding his extradition to Russia

French court backs extradition of exiled Kazakh oligarch Ablyazov


France reclaims title as world’s largest wine maker

    Ukraine's vote: A victory for Europe?
    Tunisia's historic vote: Islamist Party Ennahda accepts defeat in vote
    Tunisia is the hope of the Arab Spring
    Your money is safe in France!
    Art rocks and shocks Paris
    Manuel Valls and the 'art of putting one's foot in one's mouth'
    'Canada's Coverage of the Ottawa Shootings Put American Cable News to Shame'
    Canada's jihadists: Country in shock after spate of attacks (part 2)
    Canada's jihadists: Country in shock after spate of attacks
    New garden concepts
    Rape as a weapon of war: How to stop impunity in eastern Congo? (part 2)
    Rape as a weapon of war: How to stop impunity in eastern Congo?
    French papers pay tribute to Christophe de Margerie
    Pistorius and the lone walk to prison
    Oscar Pistorius sentenced: Does the punishment fit the crime? (part 2)
    Oscar Pistorius sentenced: Does the punishment fit the crime?
    Jokowi: 'A new hope' for Indonesia
    Christophe de Margerie, a jovial and strategic boss
    Whose boots on the ground? Turkey wary of Syrian Kurds (part 2)
    Whose boots on the ground? Turkey wary of Syrian Kurds
    Jewellery, a lucrative and rapidly growing sector of the fashion and luxury mark...
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Hot topics
  • Americas - Dilma Rousseff re-elected president of Brazil

    Americas - Dilma Rousseff re-elected president of Brazil

    @Martin Van Nostran First of all: If the Workers Party(PT) can still be considered as a socialist party, I'll go happily to Cuba or Venezuela. And Second: Democracy works exactly like that, even when we deal with a slight majority. (The "Punished" is relative, I believe.)
    from Gabriellopes, 11 hours 53 minutes ago
  • France - Panic as clown terror spreads to southern France

    France - Panic as clown terror spreads to southern France

    Halloween is a Celtic festival not an American one, sort it out France 24, tut tut :(
    from aonghuskelly, 14 hours 39 minutes ago
  • Americas - Dilma Rousseff re-elected president of Brazil

    Americas - Dilma Rousseff re-elected president of Brazil

    A slight majority of voters in Brazil have again chosen Socialism. Now all the voters of Brazil must be punished.
    from Martin Van Nostran, 18 hours 22 minutes ago
  • Reporters - Why does Catalonia want to leave Spain?

    Reporters - Why does Catalonia want to leave Spain?

    Very nice piece. Clearly shows the feelings of those asking for independence and the section about the surveys with 6 questions was interesting. I hadn't seen that anywhere else. France 24 readers might be interested to dig into the issue more via this article: "5 Questions about Catalonia’s Independence Consultation" ***://
    from jeschel, 18 hours 34 minutes ago
  • Reporters - Why does Catalonia want to leave Spain?

    Reporters - Why does Catalonia want to leave Spain?

    In Catalonia both the pro and anti-independence supporters show freely their views. In spite of what the report says, Spanish unionists gathered fewer supporters on 12-O Spanish national day than last year. That is very significant considering that it happened just four weeks before the 9N self-determination consultation.
    from miquimel, 1 day 12 hours 11 minutes ago
  • Africa - Egypt security forces killed in Sinai car bomb

    Africa - Egypt security forces killed in Sinai car bomb

    Mr. President, Despite the pain and anger, we the Egyptians as always will stand together "as one" behind the EAF in these tough times. We trust the EAF (Egyptian Armed Forces) and we know they will get the job done as always. We had enough of the self restraining advises as it comes to Hamas, Gaza and the tunnels. You and us know who is behind what happen and who is supporting them and you need to act on it because the Egyptian people simply have had it. Respecting the borders with our neighbors works only with neighboring countries and nations. Gaza is NOT a nation nor a country. They do not have sovereignty over their territory nor international borders for Egypt to respect and there is nothing over there on the other side of the border to respect. Mr. President, you are the President of Egypt, we are your priority not Hamas and their welfare. We are the people and asking you to follow the demands of the Egyptian people to get the job done and deliver a military message by acts not by words to Hamas. Please do not risk losing the Egyptian people public opinion support that you have now for foreign political calculations that never paid back before. The people of Hamas in Gaza do NOT speak the language, they take our self restrain orders given to the EAF at the border as a sign of weakness not a sign of strength. They do not take us seriously. Please do not fall in the debating trap that Hamas is something and the people of Gaza are something else. If they did not want Hamas in power, they would have removed them from power a long time ago. Mr. President, we the people of this great nation are asking you to "Deliver the Message to Hamas". Give the green light to the EAF and let the world know about it. Enough is Enough.
    from NileMan, 1 day 12 hours 14 minutes ago
  • Africa - Mali girl with Ebola travelled while contagious

    Africa - Mali girl with Ebola travelled while contagious

    While it was only a matter of time, this is a sad and troubling story. It is also an opportunity for the global health system to go into full swing to address a manageable situation before it spins out of control. Mali has an inadequate and overburdened health system but one which is well directed and capable of marshalling the resources needed to address this level of ebola exposure, IF SUFFICIENT RESOURCES ARE MADE AVAILABLE IN A TIMELY WAY. This is your call first-world health systems. Do or don't do the right thing — now.
    from Joey Tranchina, 2 days 8 hours 1 minute ago
  • Business - French unemployment hits new record high

    Business - French unemployment hits new record high

    You got what you voted for. Keep taxing your citizens out of jobs.
    from kathy43110katie, 1 day 12 hours 23 minutes ago
  • France24 - Live

    France24 - Live

    I have found a legal way to represent my comment, via some editing... Australia is a democracy, like most countries in the West. We also have equal rights between man and woman. I want to keep these rights, and not forfeit them to terrorists. (TWTW 25/10/14)
    from Rachel Gray, 1 day 12 hours 28 minutes ago
  • France24 - Live

    France24 - Live

    @Rachel Gray on second thoughts, can you please delete my previous comment. I have realised that it verges on laws of sedition here in Australia, especially the "If this means war, then so be it" comment ***:// and it is peppered with comments that could be seen as violating the Racial Discrimination Act ***:// ... hmmm... in fact, I am not sure whether Australia really is a democracy or not? :-X scary times in a nanny nation.
    from Rachel Gray, 1 day 12 hours 28 minutes ago
  • Business - French unemployment hits new record high

    Business - French unemployment hits new record high

    When you tax job creators at 75% of their income, they lose incentive to create jobs. They also flee France permanently with their capital.
    from Facts_, 1 day 12 hours 28 minutes ago
  • Business - French unemployment hits new record high

    Business - French unemployment hits new record high

    Hilary Clinton says businesses do not create jobs. In France that appears to be true.
    from maxma, 1 day 12 hours 55 minutes ago
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