Friday, October 31, 2014

Masochism and Self Defeating Behavior- The Training Institute for Mental Health, NYC

Arnold Rothstein, MD

A theoretical and clinical discussion of:
Why Smart People do Stupid Things
November 7th, 2014 7:00 - 9:00 PM

Freud knew his daughter Anna had never been beaten. How could she have such a fantasy? In “A Child is Being Beaten” Freud reflects, “There remains an uneasy suspicion that this is not a final solution to the problem” [of masochism]. We have still to arrive at a “final solution.” Patients’ penchant for self-defeating, self-damaging, self-destructive behavior remains one of the most challenging aspects of analytic work. Clinical material will be presented to facilitate discussion of our understandings of and work with these issues.

Dr. Arnold Rothstein has distinguished himself as one of our most prominent psychoanalysts. He's contributed prolific and profound publications such as The Narcissistic Pursuit of Perfection and The Creation of Psychoanalytic Patients.  He is currently the director of the Institute for Psychoanalytic Education (IPE) affiliated with NYU School of Medicine.

Conference Location:
Training Institute for Mental Health, 115 W 27th Street, 4th Floor

Fee: $65, Students: $25,TI Psychoanalytic Society member: Free

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                                                    Training Institute for Mental Health
                                                    115 West 27th St 4th Floor
                                                    New York, NY 10001-6217

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