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Monday, October 6, 2014

Fire-EMS Blogs

Today's Hot Discussions

“Company Officer Boot Camp” 2-Day On Site Class

For the past year I have provided three, 10 week Company Officer Boot Camp classes and with more request filtering in and registrations for the first class starting in 2015. I have had several requests for an on-site class, well, here it is! This is a 2 day, 16 hour class offering with group activities, ...more

68 y.o. male w/ weakness: conclusion – “Treat the monitor.”

But perhaps not the computer… Recap of the case: A patient with CHF, COPD, and diabetes called after falling, apparently due to weakness. Their ECG was recorded by the paramedic: Interpretation: The underlying rhythm is unclear, due to artifact, but there are very wide QRS complexes. The computer measures the QRS as 158 ms, which ...more


I first read about Ebola from the 1995 bestseller The Hot Zone by Richard Preston, which recounted how monkeys in a government lab in Reston, Virginia suddenly started dying from what turned out to be the only strain of Ebola that doesn’t affect humans. A great read and thriller that I highly recommend. Over the ...more

Latest Posts

Disease: Like A House On Fire

Disease:  Like A House On Fire
"We Feared To Fly" Welcome, Ebola, to America. The carrier, a recent Liberian traveler, with a fever, was seen and released from a hospital. Now, he's back in, listed in critical condition. Confidence is ...more

Complacency and Awareness: History Lessons from the Mog and Rangers

Complacency and Awareness: History Lessons from the Mog and Rangers
  "We all thought that since nothing serious had happened before, nothing was going to happen this time out," AH-6 "Little Bird" heading out on October 3, 1993 mission. (Department of ...more


Boots If you joined the US military in 2001 you could be 1/2 way through a service career and have been on combat related duty the entire time, an extraordinary fact. 13 ...more

Ebola in Providence?

Ebola in Providence?
A reporter from Providence, RI has contracted the Ebola virus. Scary stuff. Rhode Island has the largest Liberian population in the country, per capita. How quickly it could happen; a ...more

"Company Officer Boot Camp" 2-Day On Site Class

"Company Officer Boot Camp" 2-Day On Site Class
For the past year I have provided three, 10 week Company Officer Boot Camp classes and with more request filtering in and registrations for the first class starting in 2015. ...more

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