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Friday, October 3, 2014


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The allied bombardment of the Islamic State in Iraq is similar in key ways to the allied military campaign against Nazi Germany in World War II, Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte said on Friday.
Dutch consumers are spending less of their weekly food budgets on special offers and bargains, according to new figures by market research group Gfk.
The last of the warm, dry weather will be on Saturday, weather forecasters said on Friday, with wet, unsettled weather set to move across the country on Sunday.
Dutch DJs feature on a new set of stamps
The global success of Dutch dance music has led postal company PostNL to design a new set of stamps featuring five of the best Dutch djs.
Dutch farmers fined €132m for exceeding European milk quota
The Netherlands has been fined €132m by the European Commission for exceeding its 2013/2014 milk quotas.
Volleyball killings: suspects face 50 years in jail
Three people in Spain charged with the murder of a Dutch volleyball star and her partner face jail terms of 50 years, news agency ANP said on Friday.
Mixed fortunes for Dutch clubs in Europe
A goal three minutes into injury time gave Dinamo Moscow a 1-0 win over PSV Eindhoven in their Europa League match on Thursday night.
Dutch parliament overwhelmingly backs miltary action in Iraq
Dutch MPs on Thursday night voted by a large majority in favour of joining efforts to combat the Islamic State in Iraq.
Councils want to subsidise home helps for frail elderly
Over 150 local councils have asked ministers to approve plans allowing them to subsidise household help for the frail elderly, broadcaster Nos said on Friday.
Prosecutors preparing cases against up to 10 jihadists: lawyer
The public prosecution department is preparing a case against up to 10 suspected jihadists from The Hague, a lawyer for one of them has told broadcaster Nos.
Dirk Kuijt ends international football career
Dirk Kuijt is ending his career as an international footballer but will continue to play for Turkish club Fenerbahçe, the Telegraaf and AD report on Friday.
Amsterdam Jewish schools get military police protection
Several Jewish schools in Amsterdam's Buitenveldert district are being guarded by military police officers and have been for the past month, the Parool said on Thursday.
Peeping Tom hockey coach also filmed girls at club HDM
A hockey coach at the centre of a scandal over secret recordings made in the girls changing rooms at Wassenaar club HGC was also active at HDM in The Hague.
Fewer Dutch universities in latest Times Ed ranking
The number of Dutch universities in the top 100 of the Times Higher Education rankings has dropped from eight to six, the latest edition of the survey show.
Just over half the Dutch population say they are religious
Last year, 53% of the Dutch considered themselves to be religious, down slightly on 2012, according to new figures from the national statistics office CBS.
Defence officials knew about carcenogenic paint issue in 1987: Nos
The Dutch defence ministry has known since 1987 that soldiers were being exposed to highly carcinogenic paints, documents in the hands of broadcaster Nos show.
Wages rose in line with inflation in the third quarter
Dutch worker pay rises averaged around 1.1% in the third quarter of this year which is similar to inflation, the national statistics office CBS said on Thursday.
One in nine patients was faced with a hefty healthcare bill last year
One in nine patients had to make an unexpected and ‘substantial’ contribution to their healthcare costs last year, patients' organisations and local health boards said on Thursday.
Noah has a boat, not an ark, in new Dutch Bible translation
A new simplified version of the Bible has been published in the Netherlands in which visions have become dreams and ‘daily bread’ becomes ‘the food we need today’, broadcaster Nos reports.
Political party gifts made public
The Socialist Party has had more gifts of over €4,500 than any other Dutch political party, thanks to its compulsory contribution from officials, new home affairs ministry figures show.
Second hand shops start to go bankrupt
The growth in the number of second hand shops in the Netherlands would appear to be over, with a downturn in sales and the first bankruptcies, according to sector organisation BKN.
IT services group Ordina at centre of corruption scandal: Zembla
Civil servants have given IT company Ordina confidential documents which gave it an unfair advantage in winning government contracts, according to television current affairs show Zembla.
Union goes to court - over its merger with other unions
The works council of trade union FNV Bondgenoten is going to the company court in Amsterdam in its dispute about the pending merger with other FNV trade unions.
One in four Dutch employers would like to cut worker benefits
Almost one in four Dutch employers last year asked their workforce to accept a reduced package of secondary benefits, and 10% tried to force through a pay cut, according to research quoted in Wednesday's Financieele Dagblad.
Gas group NAM says more serious earthquakes will hit Groningen
People living in Groningen province will have to expect more and possibly more severe earthquakes because of natural gas extraction, the head of gas company NAM has told the NRC.
The Netherlands is one of the best countries to grow old in: survey
The Netherlands is one of the best places in the world to grow old with the over-60s having an average of 17.8 years of healthy life ahead of them, according to a global survey by Help Age International.

Speaking more than one language fluently is a great addition your skill set, and it is never too late to get started.

What politicians should know about nuclear power
photo Dutch newspapers
Christian Democrat leader Sybrand Buma's comment about a return to nuclear power shows he is not the brightest spark, says Jan Paul van Soest.

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