Friday, October 31, 2014

Buenos Aires Herald

October 31, 2014
In a harsh letter addressed to her US counterpart, President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner today said if this information was confirmed "it would have grave implications for relations between our two countries."
According to the INDEC statistics bureau, industrial activity dropped 1.8 percent in September compared to the same month of 2013.
Construction activity grew 3.2 percent in September compared to the same month of 2013. It was the highest increase in the sector of 2014, INDEC said.
Fitch ratings agency today downgraded Argentina's Par bonds issued under Foreign Law to 'D' from 'C', after the country failed to complete an interest payment.
Cabinet Chief Jorge Capitanich has taken a harsher tone against the opposition accusing its leaders representing “the Revoking Front,” seeking to carry out what he called the “M Plan.” “They want to revoke everything this government has done.” he affirmed.
If he gets to the presidency next year, it will be anyone who commits a crime to go to jail no matter if that person is an Argentinean, a foreigner or the vice president of the nation himself, Julio Cobos said.
By Luciana Bertoia and Tomás Brockenshire
The government seems determined to backpedal with one of the most controversial aspects of the bill to reform the Criminal Procedural Code: the idea that judges have to take into account the “social upheaval” that a crime causes in order to decide whether offenders should be remanded in custody.
The Central Bank received the first part of a multi-billion dollar currency swap with China’s Central Bank, worth the equivalent of US$814 million, allowing the country to bolster its foreign reserves, which rose US$721 million and closed at US$28.101 billion.
President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner has defended the economic model followed by her government and warned about certain opposition comments that, according to her, aim at encouraging “negative expectations” on the country’s economy, to later ease the way to economic budget cuts.
The INDEC statistics bureau has informed supermarket sales grew 34.9 percent in September, compared to the same month of 2013, while shopping centre sales increased 26.4% in the same period.
The sixth corruption trial against former Secretary of Natural Resources María Julia Alsogaray has started in the N°6 Oral Federal Court, presided by judges Julio Panelo, José Martínez Sobrino and María Roqueta.
Cabinet chief Jorge Capitanich defended the “Digital Argentina” bill unveiled by the Executive to reform the telecommunications sector and rejected claims of it being a new stage in the battle against the Clarín media outlet. He stressed that it is designed “for the well-being of the Argentine people.”
• Gov’t seeks new era for telecoms
The president of the AFSCA media watchdog Martín Sabbatella has rejected claims that the bill drafted by the Executive to reform the country’s telecommunications implies substantial changes to the Media Law as it opens the possibility for providers to sell “triple play” packs.
Burkina Faso's military has dissolved parliament and announced a transitional government after violent protests against President Blaise Compaore, but it was not immediately clear who was in charge.
The so called “blue” dollar fell five cents to close at 14.28 pesos with informal market traders halting operations amid fears of new government controls and raids. On Thursday, the parallel rate had already dropped 20 cents.
The use of public services registered a 4.7 percent growth in September year-on-year, and accumulates a 4.6% increase during the first nine months of 2014, according to the INDEC national statistics bureau.
The Dow and S&P 500 have ended at record highs and indexes posted strong gains for a second week after the Bank of Japan's surprise move to ramp up its stimulus program.
One person was killed and a second person seriously injured today in the crash of a Virgin Galactic passenger spaceship during a test flight in the Mojave Desert in California, CNN and CNBC reported, citing the California Highway Patrol.
Supreme Court justice Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni today submitted a resignation letter addressed to President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner in which he explained his decision responds mainly to the acceptance of constitutional norms.
A shooter in the Buenos Aires City neighbourhood of Las Cañitas spread tension and panic for more than three hours when he started to fire his gun several times from his apartment this morning. The GEOF speacil team managed to secure the area and the gunman surrendered. No poeple resulted injured.
Roger Federer's hopes of finishing the season as world number one took a hit when the Swiss second seed was dumped out of the Paris Masters with a 7-6(5) 7-5 defeat by Canadian Milos Raonic in the quarter-finals.
The Luján River was coming down to 4.83 meters after hitting a 5.32-meter high on Thursday. Still, concerns continue in the Buenos Aires province city with weather forecasts announcing more rains for the upcoming days.
• Over 1,000 people evacuated over floods

In response to grandmothers of plaza de mayo request

Catholic Church says it has no hidden dictatorship files

Days after the Catholic Church agreed to take part in a campaign launched by Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, the secretary general of the Argentine Synod (CEA) said that there are no “hidden” archives that could help with the recovery of the babies snatched from their families during the 1976-1983 dictatorship.
"Over the last year we have seen how talks have stalled, how decisions over new settlements on occupied Palestinian land complicated a two-state solution and how violence has returned to Gaza," Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom said.
"I still feel good enough and I still have enough joy and I still laugh and smile with my family and friends enough that it doesn't seem like the right time right now," Brittany Maynard says in a video released to CNN this week. "But it will come, because I feel myself getting sicker. It's happening each week."
Researchers probing the 1937 disappearance of famed American aviator Amelia Earhart's plane said they now believe a slab of aluminum found decades ago on an uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean came from her aircraft.

The Ebola epidemic has killed 4,951 people out of 13,567 infected in eight countries, the World Health Organisation has said, slightly revising downwards its figures for cases mainly due to "suspected cases in Guinea being discarded".
• Judge enforces isolation of Maine nurse


Dollar (Official price) DOLLAR (Official price) $ 8,465 $ 8,515
Dollar Blue price) DOLLAR ("Blue" price) $ 14,18 $ 14,28
Euro EURO $ 10,770 $ 11,290
Pound POUND $ 13,544 $ 13,624
Merval MERVAL $ 11.019,430 $ 4,55
Dow Jones DOW JONES $ 17.390,520 $ 1,13
Bovespa BOVESPA $ 54.628,600 $ 4,38
Full MARKET coverage HERE

The long and winding curb

Michael Soltys / Senior Editor / Economic Outlook

The long and winding curb

The Russian question

Andrés Federman

The Russian question

By Ariel Riera
The data mentioned by Lanata are correct. However, his statement is misleading. Even though in the last few years the evolution of several economic indicators was indeed superior in these countries, Argentina is in a better general socio-economic situation.

• World Trade

Buenos Aires & Montevideo mulling to purchase dredge for River Uruguay

• On Sunday


Grupo ámbito ámbito financiero Docsalud Premium El Ciudadano El Tribuno Management
Director: Orlando Mario Vignatti - Edition No. 4297 - This publication is a property of NEFIR S.A. -RNPI Nº 5177376 - Issn 1852 - 9224 - Te. 4349-1500 - San Juan 141 , (C1063ACY) CABA

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