Tuesday, September 30, 2014

News of France- France 24


France in English: the latest news, features and video.

French pharmacists strike over plans to liberalise market


South of France hit by devastating floods


French debt passes two trillion euro mark for first time


French supermarket apologises over ‘Islamophobic’ toy machinegun


French far-right National Front wins first ever seats in Senate


Air France pilots announce end of two-week strike


French Socialists set to lose short-lived Senate majority


France launches investigation into 'jihadists' back from Syria


Thousands join silent march to honour slain French hostage

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    United Against Jihadists? (part 2)
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    "Jihad Joey"
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    Strikes over Syria: Who's on board the US-led coalition? (part 2)
    Strikes over Syria: Who's on board the US-led coalition?
    'France in the crosshairs'
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  • Reporters - Video: Crimea's 'Russification' in full swing

    Reporters - Video: Crimea's 'Russification' in full swing

    ...and at 12:00mins. Though a very interesting doco...
    from Rachel Gray, 26 minutes ago
  • Reporters - Video: Crimea's 'Russification' in full swing

    Reporters - Video: Crimea's 'Russification' in full swing

    Curious... At 4:21 Is she really working for an 'adversiting' agency, or is it supposed to be an 'advertising' agency? Rachel Gray From the land down under the northern hemisphere; Austarlia Australia
    from Rachel Gray, 37 minutes ago
  • Asia-pacific - Hong Kong: a new Tiananmen Square?

    Asia-pacific - Hong Kong: a new Tiananmen Square?

    World is underestimating use of Directed Energy Weapons in USA, thousands of people are tortured and killed without evidence. People in politics and business can get to target anybody they wish: opponents, complainers ... Massive hard attacks are induced, people are robbed of their privacy, lies are spread ...One of the biggest totalitarian systems. People are being silenced and gang stacked. It appears as a free country with freedom of speech. The system is actually very clever; they let you to tell what you want, to react when somebody is having “his freedom speech”, but only to learn what you actually think, later on people that are complaining will be harassed and persecuted.
    from michael regan, 3 hours 13 minutes ago
  • Middle east - US-led airstrikes fail to deter IS advance

    Middle east - US-led airstrikes fail to deter IS advance

    As musch as Obama, Cameron, Merkle and Hollande are loathe to come to terms with it, the coalition will not succeed without boots on the ground. No guts until yours is spilled when the jihadists are at your own gates!
    from jsanto, 15 hours 38 minutes ago
  • Asia-pacific - Pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong stand firm

    Asia-pacific - Pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong stand firm

    Looks like another Tiannemen Square coming up. Will the world still remain silent?
    from jsanto, 12 hours 38 minutes ago
  • France - French supermarket apologises over ‘Islamophobic’ toy machinegun

    France - French supermarket apologises over ‘Islamophobic’ toy machinegun

    Why are toy merchants allowed to sell war toys to children. Is'nt there enough violence in the world without tempting and training the next generations to treat war like a game. It is about time that caring world governments banned all sales of war toys to children, OR, do they want to teach children how to be killers?
    from polman, 12 hours 41 minutes ago
  • Middle east - Hamas and IS branches of same ‘poisonous tree,’ Netanyahu tells UN

    Middle east - Hamas and IS branches of same ‘poisonous tree,’ Netanyahu tells UN

    Israel may be the only 'kosher' friend the 'West' for historical, Racial and Ideological reasons has in the 'Middle East', but in fact its political leader is no less a religious 'Rabbinate' zealot much like that other New Yorker Kahane was, than the current Isis Caliphate leader Al-Bagdardhi it is now battling is. Even in august International forums where other leaders of the entire World speak in subdued respectful measured tones without invective , rabble rousing making provocative unsubstantiated accusations about other States, sub-states or whatever, he chooses to stand out like a 'sore thumb' to court discord . He does this in the full knowledge of-course that whatever wayward accusations he makes and turmoil he causes the 'West' will always instinctively rally solidly behind him much like "Israel's friends in Congress" as he once put it when in his recalcitrant mood he was was being confrontational with one USA President over the last decade. There must surely be something wrong with the World in terms of its instinctive sense of 'Natural Justice' if in World Affairs , one Nation alone that can say and do whatever it likes anywhere in the World and it can never be admonished , even in the highest 'Constitutional Custodial Court of International Law ', The United Nations Security Council. That is why it is high time the World Assembly responded positively to yet another appeal to reform of the 'United Nations Security Council' membership by another World Leader, the Indian Prime Minister Modi on this occasion. Reform it so that United Nation's 'Security Council's decisions might in the future be more even-handed in matters brought before it by Nations in dispute !
    from dmatlhoko35, 14 hours 15 minutes ago
  • Focus - Egypt's push against atheism and 'non-believers'

    Focus - Egypt's push against atheism and 'non-believers'

    It makes me proud as American atheist that there is a young generation in Egypt and maybe in other areas in the Middle East starting to sprout up. A key factor when you know there is deep problems in a country is when they censor information one can attain from various mediums such as social media, education, books, television, papers, and journals. This religion in governments needs to stop and be kept to the individual. The slaughter of people has ran it's course over such beliefs. We still fight our own government of wanting to become a so-called Christian nation. There are initiatives to combat the God scripted on our currency notes, the national pledge, constructing religious monuments on government grounds, and religious education in public schools. Keep fighting for what you stand for and refuse to live on your knees!
    from Reticulus, 14 hours 19 minutes ago
  • Asia-pacific - Hong Kong activists clash with police at 'Occupy Central' protest

    Asia-pacific - Hong Kong activists clash with police at 'Occupy Central' protest

    Tell Francois the Uk didn't hand over Hong Kong, they handed back Hong Kong. It was on lease and the lease expired. The term 'hand over' and 'hand back' have totally different meanings.
    from natoma, 18 hours 25 minutes ago
  • France - French far-right National Front wins first ever seats in Senate

    France - French far-right National Front wins first ever seats in Senate

    Hollande is a disaster for the French working class and the real left. But he is a fantastic agent for French fascism.
    from Babeouf, 18 hours 25 minutes ago
  • France - Top French chef Alain Ducasse 'goes vegetarian'

    France - Top French chef Alain Ducasse 'goes vegetarian'

    I agree Mary. I looked at the menu on the website and indeed, there is little, almost no choice, for a vegetarian. The French are boasting at their innovation and breaking the French mould by venturing into the world of vegetarianism but they are clearly still a LONG way off understanding the concept at all. Such a shame. We don't need a total veggie restaurant, just some top class vegetarian choices on the menu please. The UK is soooooo far ahead on this stuff.
    from TinaB, 2 days 12 hours 13 minutes ago
  • France - France launches investigation into 'jihadists' back from Syria

    France - France launches investigation into 'jihadists' back from Syria

    This ISIL uprising is not another "one off" nor the end of a long running and ongoing age-old Islamic crusade that began in the 7th century. The West will never be able to defend nor protect themselves until they fully understand what they are up against. Un petit rappel d'histoire (de Charles Martel), jamais étudié à l'école peut-être?
    from ABDELKADER EL HAMDAOUI, 2 days 12 hours 26 minutes ago
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