Saturday, August 2, 2014

NOTE: Have to Scale Down on Blog...

As much pleasure as doing this blog has given me, I have unwittingly become a little too ambitious with what I am trying to do, I have discovered.

The blog length just grew and I realized it was taking more time and then all of a sudden I realized that Google Plus was challenging me ( constantly now) on my blog posts after a certain point saying I had posted so much it thought I was a robot, and I had to replicate printed messages to permission to do another post.

Well, it looks like I have got in over my head, really, so starting tonight I am going to be scaling back on the number of blog posts. I just can't do as much as I want is what it means.

As to format, it will stay pretty much the same...this may change in time too but no plans for that now.
Ha! tried to post this and got another challenge from Blogspot/Google, yes, asking me to prove I am not a robot. This will go on for some time now until it gives is an added annoyance to having the blog so long.


Larry Kreger

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