Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Der Spiegel

Caliphate of Fear: The Curse of the Islamic State

Caliphate of Fear: The Curse of the Islamic State
Images of Yazidis fleeing parts of Iraq and Syria have shocked the world and the battle against the jihadists with the Islamic State has united Americans, Europeans, Kurds and Iranians. Can the Islamists be stopped? By SPIEGEL Staff more...

Battle for Ukraine An Inside View of the Surreal Donetsk War Zone

Battle for Ukraine: An Inside View of the Surreal Donetsk War Zone
As the Ukrainian army closes in on Donetsk, shelling in the metropolis has become much more frequent -- and deadly. Many residents have left, but those who remain seem unsure what to make of the conflict. Resignation is widespread. By Christian Neef in Donetsk more... Comment ]

Targeting Turkey How Germany Spies on Its Friends

Targeting Turkey: How Germany Spies on Its Friends
For more than a year now, German officials have criticized the US for the NSA's mass spying on Europeans and even Chancellor Angela Merkel. Now, embarrassing revelations show that Germany has inadvertently spied on Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, and has also deliberately targeted Turkey. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

The Drama of Sinjar Escaping the Islamic State in Iraq

The Drama of Sinjar: Escaping the Islamic State in Iraq
Last week, thousands of Yazidis were evacuated from the Sinjar Mountains in Iraq, where they had fled due to marauding fighters from the Islamic State. Kurdish fighters from the PKK helped them escape, but it remains unclear if anyone can stop the IS jihadists. By Christoph Reuter more... Comment ]

Brave New Recycling Economy Movement Turns Trash to Treasure

Brave New Recycling Economy: Movement Turns Trash to Treasure
Every piece of garbage can be turned into raw material that can be used in future products. With his influential Cradle to Cradle movement, Germany's Michael Braungart espouses a form of eco-hedonism that puts smart production before conservation. By Michaela Schiessl more... Comment ]

Burger Blues Ailing Fair a Measure of German-American Ties

Burger Blues: Ailing Fair a Measure of German-American Ties
Berlin is home to an annual fair dedicated to all things Americana. The recent decline of the carnival says a lot about the poor current state of German-American relations. By Simon Pfanzeit more... Comment ]

Russia's Soul What Crimea Says about Putin's Future

Russia's Soul: What Crimea Says about Putin's Future
President Vladimir Putin made himself immensely popular among Russians by annexing the Crimean Peninsula. But with the situation in eastern Ukraine volatile, it remains unclear how the move will ultimately be judged. A trip through Crimea provides some answers. By Matthias Schepp more... Comment ]

Suras and Tolerance Meet Europe's Gay Imam

Suras and Tolerance: Meet Europe's Gay Imam
A homosexual French Muslim imam is spreading a message of religion and tolerance in Europe. In addition to opening a gay-friendly mosque in Paris, he also recently married a lesbian couple in Sweden. By Takis Würger more... Comment ]

Pilgrims Inc. Soul Searching and Commerce on the Way of St. James

Pilgrims Inc.: Soul Searching and Commerce on the Way of St. James
Not long ago, only a few people would make the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Now, over 200,000 people a year spend several grueling weeks along the route. Traditionalists turn up their noses at the crowds, but the rewards are still vast. By Juan Moreno on the Camino de Santiago  more... Comment ]

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