Saturday, August 30, 2014

Architectural Daily

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Dunrobin Shores / Christopher Simmonds Architect

© Doublespace Photography
Architects: Christopher Simmonds Architect
Location: , ON, Canada
Year: 2014
Photographs: Doublespace Photography

Master Plan Revealed for Binhai Eco City in Tianjin

Courtesy of Holm Architecture Office
Holm Architecture Office and have been named shared winners of the Eco City Binhai Master Plan. Located outside Tianjin in Northern China, the project will consist of a new Central Business District and five new cultural buildings. Learn more about this plan after the break.

Offices Business Incubato / bureau faceB

© Vincent Fillon
Architects: bureau faceB
Location: , France
Associate Architects: Ateliers
Area: 17541.0 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Vincent Fillon, Jonathan Alexandre
Courtesy of MARK Magazine

MARK Magazine #51

Articles on China’s building boom often highlight the property bubble, megalomaniac planners, governmental corruption and private graft, substandard building practices and the destruction of the nation’s cultural heritage.
In Mark… #51, we interviewed four Chinese architects on four aspects of

The Critics Speak: 6 Reasons why Hadid Shouldn’t Have Sued the New York Review of Books

For those that follow the ins and outs of architectural criticism, it will have been hard to miss the news this week that Zaha Hadid is suing the New York Review of Books, claiming that the critical broadside launched by Martin Fuller against Hadid in his review of Rowan Moore’s book Why We Build was not only defamatory but also unrepresentative of the content of the book. Hadid’s lawyers demanded a retraction of the review, which they claimed had caused Hadid “severe emotional and physical distress.”
Hadid’s lawsuit did manage to elicit an apology from Filler, but probably not the one she was hoping for: Filler posted a retraction admitting that his review confused the number of deaths involved in all construction in Qatar in 2012-13 (almost 1,000) with the number of deaths on Hadid’s own Al Wakrah stadium (exactly zero). However, much of Filler’s comments criticizing Hadid’s cold attitude to conditions for immigrant workers in Qatar remain unaddressed.
Throughout the week, a number of other critics took this opportunity to pile more criticism on Hadid, unanimously agreeing that the lawsuit was a bad idea. Read on after the break to see the six reasons they gave explaining why.

Morvest Headquarters / Anthrop Architects

© Dewald van Helsdingen
Architects: Anthrop Architects
Location: Noordwyk, ,
Year: 2013
Photographs: Dewald van Helsdingen

UNESCO: Friend or Foe?

Right now Istanbul epitomizes the debate in question, with would-be developers taking on preservationists. Do new developments threaten Istanbul’s world-class heritage, or does heritage protection restrict important new development? Image © Flickr CC User Jules Gervais
Earlier this week, two articles on Domus engaged each in a debate over the affect of UNESCO World Heritage status on the cities they supposedly protect. Is UNESCO turning the world’s cities into museums and hindering their future cultural development? Or could it be a positive force for protecting architecture and culture? Read on after the break to learn more about these clashing opinions.
Courtesy of ANCB

“Seoul: Towards a Meta-City” Exhibition Opens in Berlin

On Thursday, the Aedes Network Campus Berlin (ANCB) Metropolitan Laboratory hosted a symposium to mark the opening of the exhibition ”Seoul: Towards a New City,” in collaboration with the City of Seoul. The city has identified three key objectives to help them strike a balance between restoration and change when moving forward with future development: revival of history, restoration of nature, and renewal of people’s lives. Seven projects that reflect these goals are on display at the exhibition. For more details, continue reading after the break.

Lycée Louis Barthou / Pierre Marsan

© Arthur Pequin
Architects: Pierre Marsan
Location: , France
Year: 2012
Photographs: Arthur Pequin

Federal Criminal Court / Durisch + Nolli Architetti + Bearth & Deplazes Architekten

© Federal Office for Building and Logistics, FBL. Image © Tonatiuh Ambrosetti
Architects: Durisch + Nolli Architetti, Bearth & Deplazes Architekten
Location: Bellinzona,
General Planner: CDL Bearth & Deplazes AG, Durisch + Nolli Architetti Sagl, Lugano Jan Meier, Gesamtprojektleiter
Year: 2013
Photographs: Tonatiuh Ambrosetti

Uruguai Station / JBMC ARCHITECTS

© Nelson Kon
Location: Tijuca, , Brazil
Jbmc Architects: Beatriz Pimenta Corrêa, Cecilia Pires, Cynthia Melo, Emiliano Homrich, Frederico Freitas, Gabriela Assis, João Batista Martinez Corrêa, Pedro Câmara and Sandra Morikawa
Jbmc : Caio D´Alfonso, Carina Oshita, Diogo Luz, Mariana Nito, Nara Borges and Raffaella Yacar
Area: 13774.0 sqm
Year: 2012
Photographs: Nelson Kon

Sky Loft / KUBE architecture

© Greg Powers Photography
Architects: KUBE architecture
Location: Washington, DC 20008, USA
Year: 2014
Photographs: Greg Powers Photography

House in Komae / architect cafe

© Satoshi Asakawa
Architects: architect cafe
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Area: 154.0 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Satoshi Asakawa

Winners Named for 2013-2014 Steel Design Student Competition: Border Crossing

Donovan Dunkley, Vail Nuguid & Alexia Sanchezm, City College of New York. Image Courtesy of Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
In Borders: A Very Short Introduction, Hagan Diener writes, “…every border has a story. Every line on a map, every maker in the landscape, was derived from some complex negation of power and culture.” It is this potency of meaning that makes the physical and conceptual border such a fascinating site. The 2013-2014 administered and AISC sponsored Steel Design Student Competition challenged students to design a border crossing station addressing the complex factors of cross-border relationships, using structural as the primary material. Learn more about the competition and the winning projects after the break.

Capco and Bold Rocket offices / D+DS architecture office

Courtesy of D+DS architecture office
Architects: D+DS architecture office
Location: , UK
Year: 2014
Photographs: Courtesy of D+DS architecture office

3XN Designs Affordable Housing Tower in Denmark

Courtesy of 3XN
The influx of students in Aarhus, Denmark is causing the city to rapidly expand. In response to the growing need for affordable housing close to the local university, 3XN teamed up with developer Jens Richard Pedersen to design a residential high-rise near the institution. The future tower has been dubbed La Tour as an ode to the building that currently occupies the site, Hotel La Tour.
Newly released renders and model photographs depict the tower as a sweeping semi-circular form that rises in steps. The gradual elevation of the building will start at the street, defining the transition from the surrounding small-scale buildings to the urban high-rise typology. For more information and images, read on after the break.

Widmi Building / am-architektur

© Michael Haug
Architects: am-architektur
Location: Lenzburg,
Area: 8200.0 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Michael Haug, Fréderic Giger

The Architect’s Guide to Writing

Illustration by Bob Gill. Image Courtesy of Images Publishing
The following is an excerpt from Bill Schmalz’s book The Architect’s Guide to Writing
The architecture, design, and construction professions are seen, by ourselves and by those outside the professions, as visual and tectonic fields. Architects and designers are trained as visual artists, using two- and three-dimensional means to depict buildings, spaces, and urban environments. We learn how to sketch; to build physical and digital models; and to draw plans, elevations, sections, and details. Similarly, contractors and construction managers are trained in scheduling, cost estimating, and the physical requirements of constructing buildings. These are valuable skills for us design and construction professionals at all stages in our careers. But for most of us, there comes a time when we need to write stuff, when written documents dominate our professional lives. Letters, proposals, reports, specifications, contracts, RFIs and RFI responses, meeting minutes, emails, and white papers are just some of the types of documents that we spend much of our time writing.
Unfortunately, we receive little training in our writing skills. True, our elementary school education may have given us the basics of English grammar and composition. In college, most of us had to fulfill liberal arts requirements that involved writing. But when we entered the profession, we were unprepared to deal with how much we would have to write, and how important it would be to our professional lives.

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