In an election year in which there is nothing for politicians to
gain from standing up to the bullies of the recently merged anti-Cuba
and anti-Venezuela lobbies, this is significant. But even more striking
were some of the points that the letter made about U.S. policy in the
Co-director, Center for Economic and Policy Research, Washington, D.C.
Western media, which sides with the undemocratic and coup-prone
opposition, have been content simply to denounce human rights
violations. At the same time, they fail to report the murders committed
by the protesters.
Doctor, Paris Sorbonne Paris IV University, Lecturer, University of La Réunion
There is one direct approach to Caracas immediately available.
The administration should challenge Maduro to restore normal diplomatic
relations. The US and Venezuela have not exchanged ambassadors since
Chairman, McLarty Associates
Diamanti joins a growing list of notable figures that have been
incarcerated for opposing the authoritative regime of Venezuela's
President, Nicolas Maduro.
Activist, peacebuilder, social entrepreneur, speaker, trainer
The U.S. which has its own, profound democracy deficit, is
working with reactionary forces in Venezuela to force it back to the bad
old days when the poor and racial minorities lived under the thumb of
Venezuela's rich oligarchy.
Human and labor rights lawyer
The crafting of Putin's new Euro-Asian vision -- in effect a new
"Greater Russia" assembled from the remnants of the old Soviet Union in
Central Asia and Europe -- has been greased by a pipeline delivery
system under the Kremlin's control.
Former Bosnian foreign minister and ambassador to the United Nations
Despite the many ties between the U.S. and Venezuela, the
political crisis and influx of Venezuelans has gotten surprisingly
little attention in Washington.
Immigration Attorney and Human Rights Advocate
Without any doubt in this moment we can not talk about the dollar
but about the "energo dollar" or "petrodollar," currencies that are
not within reach of the common people which ultimately bring prosperity.
Public administration specialist
The strategy of Venezuela's extreme right is to make the country
ungovernable, so as to gain by force what they have been unable to win
in 18 elections over the past 15 years.
Co-director, Center for Economic and Policy Research, Washington, D.C.
On February 26, General John F. Kelly, Commander of the United
States Southern Command, presented Southcom's annual "Posture Statement"
to the House Armed Services Committee. The Posture Statement surveys
threats and concerns in the command's Area of Operations, in this case,
Latin America and the Caribbean.
Professor at American University in Washington, D.C.
Evidence of increased mass-scale deportations since the beginning
of Obama's Presidency -- often in violation of immigrants' human
rights -- are significantly harming U.S. regional standing in
organizations such as the OAS.
Research consultant, freelance writer and politics junkie
The dialogue between the Venezuelan opposition and Nicolas Maduro
is in full swing. Its critics are many, its most visible loser: the
Cuban government.
Award-winning Cuban blogger
The call opens with shared laughter between the two leaders, and
with Fidel confessing that he had been unable to sleep because of the
excitement of events. Chavez then quickly jumps to the story of what
Human and labor rights lawyer
What is shameful is these others, hiding behind their uniforms,
trappings, the military ranks they awarded to themselves. They should be
embarrassed to be hiding under the dishonorable garb of their fear.
Award-winning Cuban blogger
The Bush administration had a policy of trying to isolate
Venezuela from its neighbors, and the strategy ended up isolating
Washington instead. Obama, in his first meeting with hemispheric leaders
in 2009, promised to turn a new page. But today, his administration
finds itself even more isolated that that of his predecessor, and for
much the same reasons.
I have seen, first-hand the potential that is unleashed in an individual with a renewed sense of health and hope.
Director at World Health Equity
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