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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Today in History- History.Orb

Historical Events on this Day in History

Events in History for Wednesday 30th July 2014
Events 1 - 181 of 181
579 - Benedict I ends his reign as Catholic Pope
657 - St Vitalian begins his reign as Catholic Pope succeeding Eugene I
1178 - Frederick I (Barbarossa), Holy Roman Emperor, crowned King of Burgundy
1419 - First defenestration of Prague: anti-Catholic Hussites, followers of executed reformer Jan Hus, storm the Prague town hall and throw the judge, mayor and several city council members (either 7 or 13) out the windows. They all either died in the fall or were killed by the crowd outside.
1537 - Resistant of Bomy: French/Dutch cease fire
1601 - Spanish garrison of Rhine birch surrenders to Earl Mauritius
1618 - Prince Maurits' troops pull into Utrecht
1619 - House of Burgesses Virginia forms, 1st elective American governing body
1626 - Earthquake hits Naples; 10,000 die
Holy Roman Empire Frederick BarbarossaHoly Roman Empire Frederick Barbarossa 1629 - An earthquake in Naples, Italy, kills 10,000 people.
1646 - English parliament sets king Charles I Newcastle Propositions
1650 - Prince Willem II occupies Amsterdam
1653 - Johan de Witt sworn in as pension advisor of Holland
1655 - Dutch troops occupy Fort Assahudi Seram
1678 - English troops land in Flanders
1715 - Spanish gold & silver fleet disappears off St Lucie, Florida
1729 - City of Baltimore founded
1733 - Society of Freemasons opens 1st American lodge in Boston
1739 - Caspar Wistar begins glass manufacturing in Allowaystown, NJ
King Charles IKing Charles I 1756 - Bartolomeo Rastrelli presents the newly-built Catherine Palace to Empress Elizabeth and her courtiers.
1775 - Captain Cook with Resolution returns to England
1792 - 500 Marseillaisian men sing France's national anthem for 1st time
1809 - British armed force of 39,000 lands in Walcheren
1811 - Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, leader of the Mexican insurgency, is executed by the Spanish in Chihuahua, Mexico.
1822 - James Varick becomes 1st bishop of Afr Meth Episcopal Zion Church
1824 - Gioacchino Rossini becomes manager of Theatre Italian, Paris
1825 - Malden Island is discovered.
1826 - Java prince Dipo Negoro surprise attacks Dutch colony, 82 killed
1836 - First English language newspaper published in Hawaii
1839 - Slave rebels, take over slaver Amistad
1844 - 1st US yacht club organized, NY Yacht Club
1863 - President Lincoln issues "eye-for-eye" order to shoot a rebel prisoner for every black prisoner shot
1863 - Indian Wars: Chief Pocatello of the Shoshone tribe signs the Treaty of Box Elder, promising to stop harassing the emigrant trails in southern Idaho and northern Utah.
1864 - Battle of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - burned by Union forces under McCausland
1864 - Battle of the Crater: Gen Burnsides fails on attack of Petersburg
1865 - Pope Pius IX visits Suriname
1866 - New Orleans's Democratic government orders police to raid an integrated Republican Party meeting, killing 40 people and injuring 150.
1869 - The Charles, considered the world’s first "oil tanker", departs from the United States headed for Europe with a bulk capacity of 7,000 barrels of oil
1870 - Staten Island ferry "Westfield" burns, killing 100
1870 - The Republic of Klipdrift is proclaimed by Transvaal President Andries Pretorius after the discovery of diamonds in South Africa in 1866 resulted in a flood of treasure hunters; ownership of the diamond fields was contested by the Boer republics
1872 - Mahlon Loomis patents wireless telegraphy
1874 - 1st baseball teams to play outside US, Boston-Phila in British Isles
1878 - German anti-semitism begins during the Reichstag election
1878 - Russian assault on Plevna Turkey, 7,300 Russian casualties
1889 - Start of Sherlock Holmes adventure "Naval Treaty" (BG)
1898 - Will Kellogg invents Corn Flakes
1900 - British Parliament passes several progressive social acts: a Mines Act, a Workmen's Compensation Act and a Railway Act
1902 - Anti-Jewish rioters attack funeral procession of Rabbi Joseph (NYC)
1905 - Dutch Covenant of Worker's union, NVV, forms
1907 - Russia and Japan sign an agreement guaranteeing freedom of China while recognizing each other's special interests
1907 - The Filipinos elect their first legislature; it will meet on 16 October
1907 - Starting today, the French bombard Casablanca and land troops to occupy the Atlantic-coast region of Morocco after attacks on foreigners
1908 - Around the World Automobile Race ends in Paris
1909 - John A Heyder becomes president of baseball's National League
1909 - Wright Brothers deliver 1st military plane to the army
1913 - Conclusion of 2nd Balkan War
1914 - Austrian-Hungary & Russia proclaim general mobilization
1914 - French troops withdraw 10 km from German border
1914 - John French appointed British supreme commander
1916 - German saboteurs blow up a munitions plant on Black Tom Island, NJ
1917 - Board of Commissioners of Cleveland Metroparks has its 1st meeting
1923 - New Zealand claims Ross Dependency
1926 - Albanian boundaries deduced
1928 - George Eastman shows 1st color motion pictures (US)
1930 - 1st broadcast of "Death Valley Days" on NBC-radio
1930 - Uruguay beats Argentina 4-2 for soccer's 1st World Cup in Montevideo
1932 - 10th modern Olympic games opens in Los Angeles
1933 - 28th Davis Cup: Great Britain beats France in Paris (3-2)
1935 - 1st Penguin book is published, starting the paperback revolution
1937 - Phillies Dolph Camilli, plays 1st base & registers no put outs
1938 - Gen Metaxas names himself premier of Greece
1939 - Belgium Sylvere Maes wins 33rd Tour de France
1941 - German occupiers forbid SDAP, VDB, ARP, RKSP, CHU & SGP in Netherlands
32nd US President Franklin D. Roosevelt32nd US President Franklin D. Roosevelt 1942 - FDR signs bill creating women's Navy auxiliary agency (WAVES)
1942 - German SS kills 25,000 Jews in Minsk, Belorussia
1942 - German occupiers set night curfew on Jews in Netherlands
1943 - Last Judy Garland-Mickey Rooney movie released (Girl Crazy)
1943 - US 45th Infantry division occupies San Stefano
1944 - Heavy battles at Tessy-sur-Vire & Villebaudon Normandy
1944 - US 30th division reaches suburbs of St-Lo Normandy
1945 - Philippines Sea: US cruiser Indianapolis torpedoed/sinks, 880 die
1946 - 1st rocket attains 100 mi (167 km) altitude, White Sands, NM
Actress Judy GarlandActress Judy Garland 1947 - Cin Reds 16 game win streak ends, losing to NY Giants 5-4
1948 - Emile Zatopek runs Olympic record (10K - 29:59.6)
1948 - Professional wrestling premieres on prime-time network TV (DuMont)
1949 - British warship HMS Amethyst escapes down Yangtze River, having been refused a safe passage by Chinese Communists after 3-month standoff
1951 - Ty Cobb testifies before the Emanuel Celler committee, denying that the reserve clause makes peons of baseball players
1952 - Ford Frick sets waiver rule to bar inter-league deals until all clubs in same league get right to bid
1953 - Rikidōzan holds a ceremony announcing the establishment of the Japan Pro Wrestling Alliance.
1954 - Bob Kennedy hits the 1st grand slam for the new Baltimore Orioles
Singer & Cultural Icon Elvis PresleySinger & Cultural Icon Elvis Presley 1954 - Elvis Presley joins Memphis Federation of Musicians, Local 71
1955 - Louison Bobet wins his 3rd Tour de France
1956 - US motto "In God We Trust" authorized
1959 - In his major league debut, SF Giant Willie McCovey goes 4-for-4
1960 - 1st AFL preseason game Boston Patriots defeat Bills in Buffalo (28-7)
1961 - 43rd PGA Championship: Jerry Barber shoots a 277 at Olympia Fields IL
1961 - Judy Kimball wins LPGA American Women's Golf Open
1962 - 33rd All Star Baseball Game: AL wins 9-4 at Wrigley Field, Chicago
1962 - All star MVP: Leon Wagner (LA Angels)
1963 - British spy Kim Philby found in Moscow
1964 - US naval fire on Hon Ngu/Hon Mo, North Vietnam
1965 - Charles Ives' "From the Steeples & the Mountains" premieres
Jazz-orchestra leader, Composer, Pianist Duke EllingtonJazz-orchestra leader, Composer, Pianist Duke Ellington 1965 - Duke Ellington's "Golden Brown & the Green Apple" premieres
1965 - LBJ signs Medicare bill, which goes into effect in 1966
1965 - Milwaukee manager Bobby Bragan says his pitchers threw 75 to 80 spitballs in a 9-2 loss to the Giants
1966 - Beatles' "Yesterday... & Today" album goes #1 & stays #1 for 5 weeks
1966 - England beats West Germany 4-2 for soccer's 8th World Cup in London
1966 - Kathy Whitworth wins LPGA Supertest Ladies Golf Open
1966 - US airplanes bombs demilitarized zone in Vietnam
1967 - Clifford Ann Creed/Margie Masters wins Yankee Ladies' Team Golf Champ
1967 - Race riot in Milwaukee (4 killed)
36th US President Lyndon B. Johnson36th US President Lyndon B. Johnson 1968 - Beatles' Apple Boutique closes, entire inventory is given away
1968 - Wash Senator Ron Hansen makes 1st unassisted triple-play in 41 years
1969 - Astros Denis Menke & Jim Wynn hit grandslams in 9th inn vs Mets
1969 - Barbra Streisand opens for Liberace at International Hotel, Las Vegas
1969 - KAEC TV channel 19 in Lufkin, TX (ABC) begins broadcasting
1969 - Mariner 6 passes Venus on 3410 km (74 photos)
1970 - -Aug 5] Hurricane Celia, kills 31 in Cuba, Florida & Texas
1970 - 30,000 attend Powder Ridge Rock Festival, Middlefield Ct
Singer-songwriter & Actress Barbra StreisandSinger-songwriter & Actress Barbra Streisand 1971 - 38th NFL Chicago All Star Game: Baltimore 24, All Stars 17 (52,289)
1971 - George Harrison releases "Bangladesh"
1971 - Japanese Boeing 727 collides with an F-86 fighter killing 162
1971 - US Apollo 15 (Scott & Irwin) lands on Mare Imbrium on the Moon
1972 - "Ain't Supposed to Die Death" closes at Barrymore NYC after 325 perfs
1972 - Jan Ferraris wins LPGA Lady Pepsi Golf Open
1973 - Texas Rangers Jim Bibby no-hits 1st-place Oakland, 6-0
1974 - House Judiciary Committee votes on 3rd & last charge of "high crimes & misdemeanors" to impeach President Nixon in the Watergate cover-up
Singer-Songwriter George HarrisonSinger-Songwriter George Harrison 1975 - Simon Gray's "Otherwise Engaged" premieres in London
1975 - US Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa disappears in suburban Detroit; Hoffa was legally declared dead in 1982
1976 - Giulio Andreotti sworn in as premier of Italy
1976 - Japanese beat Russian for Olympic gold in woman's volleyball
1978 - Expos crush Braves, 19-0, collecting 28 hits & NL-record-tying 8 HRs
1978 - Pat Bradley wins LPGA Hoosier Golf Classic
1980 - Houston Astro pitcher J R Richard suffers a stroke
1980 - Vanuatu (New Hebrides) gains independence from Britain & France
1981 - Belgian Senate accept laws against racism
1981 - Simon Gray's "Quartermaine's Terms" premieres in London
1982 - Atlanta Braves remove Chief Noc-A-Homa to make room for more seats
1982 - USSR performs underground nuclear Test
1983 - Official speed record for a piston-driven aircraft, 832 kph, Calif
1983 - Weight lifter Sergei Didyk of USSR jerks a record 261 kg
1984 - Alvenus tanker at Cameron La, spills 2.8 million gallons of oil
1984 - Holly Roffey (11 days) gets heart transplant
1984 - Soap Opera "Santa Barbara" premieres on NBC TV
1985 - Discovery moves to Vandenberg AFB for mating of STS 51-I mission
1985 - Valerie Lowrance, of Texas, 18, crowned America's Junior Miss
1987 - An ANC car bomb directed at the headquarters of the Wits Command in Johannesburg South Africa kills 1 person and injures 68
1988 - Cin Red pitcher John Franco sets a record of 13 saves in 1 month
1988 - Harry Drake shoots arrow record 1873m
1988 - John Franco saves record 13th game of July
1988 - Jordanian King Hussein renounces sovereignity over West Bank to PLO
1988 - King Hussein dissolves Jordan's House of Representatives
1988 - Ronald J Dossenbach begins world record ride, pedaling across Canada from Vancouver BC, to Halifax, NS (13 days, 15 hr, 4 min)
1989 - Chile amends its constitution
1989 - Nancy Lopez wins LPGA Atlantic City Golf Classic
1990 - Five Bank of Credit & Commerce members found guilty of money laundering
1990 - Graham Gooch scores 123 v India to follow up 1st innings 333
1990 - Soldiers opens fire on worshippers in Monrovian church, 200-600 die
New York Yankees Owner George SteinbrennerNew York Yankees Owner George Steinbrenner 1990 - George Steinbrenner is forced by Commissioner Fay Vincent to resign as prinicipal partner of NY Yankees
1990 - The first Saturn automobile rolls off the assembly line.
1991 - MTV announces it will split into 3 channels in 1993
1991 - Red Sox Carlos Quintana is 11th to get 6 RBIs in an inning (3rd)
1992 - Lin Li swims female world record/OR 200m medley (2:11.65)
1994 - Record 103.8°F (39.9°C) in Preschen Lausitz Germany
1995 - Becky Iverson wins LPGA Friendly's Golf Classic
1995 - Dominic Cork takes hat-trick in England Test Cricket win v WI
1995 - Lara completes 5th Test Cricket century, 145 at Old Trafford
1995 - Richie Ashburn and Mike Schmidt enter basaeball's Hall of Fame
1996 - Tommy Lasoda retires as LA Dodger manager
1997 - Terrorist double suicide bombing in Jerusalem, kills 14
1997 - Eighteen lives are lost in the Thredbo Landslide in New South Wales, Australia.
43rd US President George W. Bush43rd US President George W. Bush 2002 - The accounting law referred to as "The Sarbanes Oxley Act" is signed into law by President George W. Bush.
2003 - The last 'old style' Volkswagen Beetle rolls off the assembly line in Mexico
2006 - World's longest running music show Top of the Pops is broadcast for the last time on BBC Two. The show had aired for 42 years.
2009 - A bomb explodes in Palma Nova, Mallorca, killing 2 police officers. Basque separatist group ETA is believed to be responsible.
2012 - Train fire kills 32 and injures 27 people in Andhra Pradesh, India
2012 - Indian power grid failure leaves over 300 million without electricity
2013 - 28 people are killed in a series of bombings in Kano, Nigeria
2013 - 134 people are killed in tribal conflicts in Darfyr, Sudan
2013 - 9 children are killed and 20 are injured after a school bus collides with a truck in Hanumangarh, India
2013 - Mamnoon Hussain is elected President of Pakistan
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