Tuesday, July 29, 2014

News of Malaysia- The NY Times


Jimin Lai/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
News about Malaysia, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.

Chronology of Coverage

  1. Jul. 24, 2014
    Malaysian Prime Min Najib Razak takes personal role in trying to get pro-Russian rebels to relinquish bodies and black boxes from wreckage of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, conducing series of telephone conversations with rebel leader and coaching Malaysian colonel on what to say as he passed through checkpoints on way to crash scene; effort has seemingly restored leader's reputation at home, where government has been accused of incompetence following disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. MORE
  2. Jul. 21, 2014
    Malaysian anger is rising after reports that bodies of 43 Malaysian citizens are still lying uncollected, or have been mishandled, near crash site of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in eastern Ukraine; Malaysian government continues to be reluctant to assign blame for the disaster. MORE
  3. Jul. 19, 2014
    Malaysians are confronted with improbable loss of another passenger jet with downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in Ukraine, only months after disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370; anger over Malaysia Airlines decision to fly route over Ukraine could prove new challenge for government, which was heavily criticized for handling of disappearance of Flight 370. MORE
  4. Jul. 7, 2014
    Malaysian government sends more ships to search the southern Indian Ocean for Malaysia Airlines’ missing Flight 370, and vows to keep searching until the jetliner is found. MORE
  5. Jun. 21, 2014
    State Dept report finds that Thailand and Malaysia are among two dozen countries doing the least to fight human trafficking; finding could lead to economic and diplomatic penalties. MORE

General Information on Malaysia

Official Name: Malaysia
Capital: Kuala Lumpur (Current local time)
Government Type: Constitutional monarchy
Population: 24.82 million
Area: 127,316 square miles; roughly the size of New Mexico
Languages: Bahasa Malaysia (official), English, Chinese, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Panjabi, Thai
Literacy: Total Population: [89%] Male: [92%]; Female: [85%]
GDP Per Capita: $12,900
Year of Independence: 1957
Web site: Parlimen.gov.my In Bahasa Malaysia


Troops Move on Crash Site in Ukraine, Foiling Deal

The Ukrainian military’s operation to recapture the plane’s debris again stalled international efforts to secure the site.
July 28, 2014, Monday

Ukraine Disaster in Search of an Investigation

For all of the diplomatic frenzy that has followed the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, there is no sign of an investigation at the crash site.
July 25, 2014, Friday

Phone Diplomacy in Ukraine Crisis Lifts Malaysian Leader’s Standing

Apparently leveraging good relations with Moscow, Prime Minister Najib Razak’s personal intervention with a pro-Russian separatist in Ukraine paid off.
July 24, 2014, Thursday

Ukrainians, Awaiting International Action After Crash, Fear Complacency

Although the investigation into the downing of a Malaysian jetliner is in its early stages, the lack of a swift concrete response and aggressive denials by Russia have many Ukrainians worried.
July 23, 2014, Wednesday

More Bodies Possible at Ukraine Crash Site, Forensics Officials Say

Bodies from the downed Malaysia Airlines jet were delivered to the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv on Tuesday, but officials said that the remains of victims may still be buried in the wreckage.
July 23, 2014, Wednesday

U.N. Council, With Russia in Accord, Tells Insurgents to Open Wreckage Site

A resolution was unanimously passed that called for an international inquiry into the downing of the Malaysia Airlines plane, but the measure is not enforceable.
July 22, 2014, Tuesday

Malaysia and Australia, Still Seeking Missing Plane, Strained by Second Disaster

The nations most affected by the loss of Malaysia Airlines’ Flight 17 are still actively involved in the search for another Malaysian airliner.
July 22, 2014, Tuesday

As Anger Rises Over Crash, Malaysian Government Is Reluctant to Assign Blame

Officials have so far avoided joining the United States and many other countries in openly attributing the disaster to the Russian government.
July 21, 2014, Monday

Downing of Jet Exposes Defects of Flight Precautions Over Ukraine

Flight restrictions underestimated the risks to a startling degree, leaving Flight 17 exposed at 33,000 feet to missiles known to fly to more than twice that height.
July 19, 2014, Saturday

With Grief on Top of Grief, Malaysians Are Tested on Flight 370’s Lessons

Anger over Malaysia Airline’s decision to fly the Ukraine route could prove a new challenge for the government four months after another plane operated by the carrier disappeared.
July 19, 2014, Saturday

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