Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hong Kong- South China Morning Post

Hong Kong's health authorities stepped up surveillance against the deadly Ebola virus yesterday as a Hong Kong woman who fell ill after visiting Kenya tested negative for the disease.
Updated 31 Jul 2014 - 10:02am
Unions have been calling for a standard working week of 44 hours with wages of time-and-a-half for any hours worked in excess of this. But employers say it is not practical to set one standard for...
31 Jul 2014 - 9:17am
Police management offered no clear answer yesterday on whether officers who signed an anti-Occupy Central petition ran afoul of the force's code of conduct by compromising its perceived neutrality...
31 Jul 2014 - 7:57am
Eighteen people arrested during a sit-in on Chater Road on July 2 - including a lawmaker - will refuse to renew their bail today and tomorrow.
31 Jul 2014 - 4:58am
Ng Leung-sing gave himself a pass mark yesterday for his chairmanship of the Finance Committee, but he didn't get much support from other lawmakers.
31 Jul 2014 - 4:14am
One of two Happy Valley flats that became rent-free homes for former chief secretary Rafael Hui was bought by the Kwoks of SHKP in 2002 for "long-term investment", the High Court heard yesterday...
31 Jul 2014 - 4:43am
Patients suffering chronic pain due to osteoarthritis face missing out on cheap therapies after a charity was hit with a rent increase of almost 50 per cent by its public-sector landlord.
31 Jul 2014 - 4:41am


A Law Society veteran has issued a rallying call to members to oust the institution's president for endorsing Beijing's white paper on "one country two systems".
31 Jul 2014 - 4:41am
RTHK staff say they are "deeply concerned" about freedom of expression and the role of the public broadcaster after a veteran producer failed to secure a contract renewal.
31 Jul 2014 - 4:41am
The five pan-democratic lawmakers who allegedly failed to declare donations from media tycoon Jimmy Lai Chee-ying will be asked to respond to the accusations within two weeks before a Legislative...
31 Jul 2014 - 4:41am
People have been urged to enjoy Hong Kong's favourite non-alcoholic drinks in moderation because of their high sugar content.
31 Jul 2014 - 5:15am
Boring through the mountain below Lion Rock is shaping up as the next challenge for the MTR in the construction of the delayed Sha Tin-Central link, with a labour shortage and uncertainty about...
31 Jul 2014 - 8:53am
Shocked retailers have been given less than three months to clear out after the owner of a popular Stanley mall chose to close down in the face of a 50 per cent rise in government fees.
31 Jul 2014 - 5:05am
The Council for Sustainable Development and its consultant have been accused by green activists of jumping to a conclusion on the best means of charging for household waste disposal.
31 Jul 2014 - 4:41am
Households across Kowloon and the New Territories are about to find out how energy efficient they are in relation to their neighbours.
31 Jul 2014 - 4:41am
In a paper submitted to the Town Planning Board for deliberation tomorrow, the Planning Department proposes that 44.45 hectares of Mau Ping - which is 98.8 per cent of the enclave - be zoned for...
31 Jul 2014 - 5:17am
When patients with irreversible illnesses reach the terminal stage, life-sustaining treatment can still be provided thanks to modern medical technology.
31 Jul 2014 - 4:41am
Participation in politics comes at a price. And for Robert Chow Yung, now leading the anti-Occupy Central crusade with gusto, it may well cost him the right of abode in Britain.
31 Jul 2014 - 4:41am
Jamie’s Italian officially opened its doors after months of anticipation, as British celebrity chef attempts to capture mid-range market with inexpensive Italian cuisine. So was the food any good...
30 Jul 2014 - 10:26pm
Some 15 tonnes of food products imported to Hong Kong by a supplier at the centre of a rotten meat scandal were buried in the West New Territories Landfill on Tuesday.
30 Jul 2014 - 4:15pm
An executive director of SHKP told a high-level corruption trial about his "disturbing" experience of being warned years ago by his boss, Walter Kwok, over a lease agreement he had reached with a...
30 Jul 2014 - 7:31am
Anti-Occupy Central campaigners plan to stage a "walk for peace and universal suffrage" next month, and to offer free legal advice to small businesses in Central about how to ask the courts for an...
30 Jul 2014 - 7:36am
The beleaguered chairman of the Legislative Council Finance Committee has urged lawmakers to settle their disputes before bringing contentious matters to the committee for a vote.
30 Jul 2014 - 6:03pm
The family of an 84-year-old man who died after contracting a badly infected bedsore may sue a public hospital that they accuse of gross negligence.
30 Jul 2014 - 4:38am
Shipping magnate Antony Marden became the latest victim in a string of high-profile break-ins when his daughter woke to find a burglar in her room yesterday.
30 Jul 2014 - 9:35am
The Urban Renewal Authority's biggest single project has suffered a setback after bids by developers apparently failed to meet standards set out by the quasi-governmental body.
30 Jul 2014 - 8:42am
Cheng Yang-ping, the only Hongkonger privy to the secret Sino-British negotiations over Hong Kong's sovereignty, has died. He was 85 years old.
30 Jul 2014 - 4:38am

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