Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Der Spiegel


The Wake-Up Call Europe Toughens Stance against Putin

The Wake-Up Call: Europe Toughens Stance against Putin
It took the shooting down of a Boeing jet carrying almost 300 people before the EU agreed on the first true economic sanctions against Russia. The Americans want further action, but it is impossible to know if punitive measures can sway Vladimir Putin. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

Stopping Putin The Time Has Come for Europe to Act

Stopping Putin: The Time Has Come for Europe to Act
Vladimir Putin has ignored Western demands that he cease arming and supporting pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine. As such, he shares responsibility for the shooting down of MH17. It is now time for Europe to take tough action. A DER SPIEGEL  Editorial more... Comment ]

German Foreign Minister 'European Peace Is At Stake'

German Foreign Minister: 'European Peace Is At Stake'
In an interview, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, 58, says the downing of an aircraft carrying 300 Europeans convinced EU leaders of the need for tougher new sanctions against Moscow. German industry, he says, is on board too. Interview Conducted by Nikolaus Blome more... Comment ]

The Muslims of Tromsø Ramadan in the Land of the Midnight Sun

The Muslims of Tromsø: Ramadan in the Land of the Midnight Sun Photos
During Ramadan, Muslims fast until the sun goes down. But what if you live in a place where there is no sunset? The believers in Tromsø, Norway spent years searching for a solution to that conundrum. Now that they have found one, new problems have arisen. By Dennis Betzholz  in Tromsø, Norway more... Comment ]

Resurrecting Königsberg Russian City Looks to German Roots

Resurrecting Königsberg: Russian City Looks to German Roots Photos
The Allies bombed the Prussian city of Königsberg into the ground in 1944. Residents of what is today the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, a desolate Soviet landscape, are considering rebuilding the city center to reflect some of its historical German architecture. By Susanne Beyer in Kaliningrad, Russia more... Comment ]

Ex-Israeli Security Chief Diskin 'All the Conditions Are There for an Explosion'

Ex-Israeli Security Chief Diskin: 'All the Conditions Are There for an Explosion'
In an interview with SPIEGEL, Yuval Diskin, former director of Israel's internal security service Shin Bet, speaks of the current clash between Israel and the Palestinians, what must be done to achieve peace and the lack of leadership in the Middle East. Interview Conducted by Julia Amalia Heyer more... Comment ]

East Germany's Blood Art No Justice for Victims of Regime's Treasure Hunt

East Germany's Blood Art: No Justice for Victims of Regime's Treasure Hunt
East German officials systematically stole from the country's art collectors and sold their possessions to raise hard currency. Families have sought for years to reclaim the treasures or to obtain compensation. In a rare success, one family in America recently retrieved some of its heirlooms. By Rainer Erices, Nicola Kuhrt and Peter Wensierski more... Comment ]

A Tour of France Examining the New Sick Man of Europe

A Tour of France: Examining the New Sick Man of Europe
The TV images of the Tour de France show an idyllic country, but behind the gloss is a nation where fears of decline are prompting people to vote for the far right. A trip along the route of the world's most famous cycling race reveals the deep uncertainty ailing the French. By Alexander Smoltczyk more... Comment ]

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