Translation from English

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Der Spiegel online

Fighting Google: Europe Eyes Digital Agenda to Better Compete with the US

Fighting Google: Europe Eyes Digital Agenda to Better Compete with the US
Jean-Claude Juncker, the next head of the European Commission, plans to implement a new digital strategy for the Continent. Europe, he believes, needs to become better equipped to defend itself from the US and Asia. By Frank Dohmen and Christoph Pauly more... Comment ]

More Money Please A New Plan to Boost Europe's Straggling Investments

More Money Please: A New Plan to Boost Europe's Straggling Investments
The euro crisis may have eased recently, but companies and countries in the common currency zone still aren't investing enough to fuel growth. The best solution, a Berlin economics institute argues, is to establish an EU-wide investment fund. By Christian Reiermann more... Comment ]

Foreign Minister Zebari 'Iraq Is Facing a Mortal Threat'

Foreign Minister Zebari: 'Iraq Is Facing a Mortal Threat'
In an interview, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, a Kurd, warns that his country is threatened with collapse under the pressure posed by ISIS terrorists. But, he says, it isn't a civil war yet. Interview Conducted By Bernhard Zand more... Comment ]

The Road to Mosul Searching for the Real ISIS

The Road to Mosul: Searching for the Real ISIS
Fault lines in Iraq are widening as ISIS advances: Even as the Shiite government in Baghdad digs it its heels, the country's Sunnis are losing their faith in a single nation and the Kurds are hoping for independence. But what is ISIS, really? By Christoph Reuter more... Comment ]

Obama Advisor John Podesta 'Every Country Has a History of Going Over the Line'

Obama Advisor John Podesta: 'Every Country Has a History of Going Over the Line'
Instead of a no-spy deal, the US has begun a Cyber Dialogue with Germany. In a SPIEGEL interview, John Podesta, a special advisor to President Barack Obama, speaks of the balance between alliances and security and says that changes are being made to NSA espionage practices. Interview Conducted by Susanne Koelbl and Marcel Rosenbach more... Comment ]

America's Marijuana Revolution Ganjapreneurs Hit the Jackpot

America's Marijuana Revolution: Ganjapreneurs Hit the Jackpot
Since the legalization of marijuana in two US states in January, entrepreneurs and investors have been seeing green. Observers believe the industry will grow rapidly and may even rival the Dot.Com boom of the 1990s. By Anne Seith in Denver, Colorado more... Comment ]

Part of the West? 'German Leftists Have Still Not Understood Putin'

Part of the West? 'German Leftists Have Still Not Understood Putin'
Many in Germany would like to see their country strive for equidistance between the West and Russia. In an interview, German historian Heinrich August Winkler harshly criticizes that stance and explains how some Germans have romanticized Putin. By Christiane Hoffmann and René Pfister more... Comment ]

Interview with Melinda Gates 'Simple Things Can Have a Huge Effect'

Interview with Melinda Gates: 'Simple Things Can Have a Huge Effect'
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest private global development organization in the world. In a SPIEGEL interview, Melinda Gates explains the couple's start in philanthropy, the challenges of combatting disease in conflict zones and the unique responsibility of the wealthy. Interview Conducted by Samiha Shafy and Mathieu von Rohr more... Comment ]

Russian Riddle EU Can't Agree on a Natural Gas Strategy

Russian Riddle: EU Can't Agree on a Natural Gas Strategy
European leaders agree that the Ukraine crisis has made natural gas supplies from Russia precarious. Yet they are divided over what to do about it. Poland wants a new European energy union, but others seem to be in no hurry. By Frank Dohmen and Christoph Pauly more... Comment ]

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