Tuesday, July 1, 2014

CNN Tech-News


It was 35 years ago Tuesday that Sony, not Apple, revolutionized the way we listen to music.

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Mars Curiosity: Take a look under the hoodupdated 14 hours, 26 minutes ago

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NASA's deep-space craft readying for launchupdated June 26, 2014

The U.S. space shuttle program retired in 2011, leaving American astronauts to hitchhike into orbit. But after three long years, NASA's successor is almost ready to make an entrance.

Mobile apps transforming the future of parkingupdated June 25, 2014

An era of fumbling for spare change and driving in circles in search for a parking space may be coming to a close.

Preserving 120 years of U.S. cultural historyupdated June 25, 2014

When the Library of Congress comes to mind, most of us don't think of movies, TV shows or old-school vinyl.

'Bionic eye' lets blind man 'see' againupdated June 24, 2014

As a teenager, Roger Pontz's eyesight began to fail. Doctors told him there was nothing they could do to save his vision and over the years his sight deteriorated until, by the age of 40, he was completely blind.

Cheating death through 'suspended animation'updated June 23, 2014

As fans of "Grey's Anatomy," "ER" and any other hospital-based show can tell you, emergency-room doctors are fighting against time.

Sonar sticks use ultrasound to guide blind people updated June 20, 2014

"On the streets the sidewalks are cluttered with street vendors, animals, streetlights and other obstacles which make them uncomfortable even for sighted people," explains Professor Meenakshi Balakrishnan, a computer engineer at the Indian Institute of Technology, in Delhi.

Lighting on the wall: World's most spectacular video projectionsupdated June 18, 2014

Sydney has had a radical makeover this summer, with the famous Opera House dressed in snakeskin and the underpass dotted with flowers to mark the city's Vivid festival.

Can Amazon help 3-D finally catch on?updated June 17, 2014

Over its extensive history, 3-D entertainment has seen its share of successes and failures.

World Cup survival glass tells you when to stop drinkingupdated June 13, 2014

Imagine you are welded to the sofa at home about to watch a third match in a row. You have been drinking throughout the day, but reach for another can of cold beer and fill your glass.

Solar storms! Full moon! Must be Friday the 13thupdated June 13, 2014

Common Western superstition says Friday the 13th is unlucky. But what does it say about a Friday the 13th with a full moon and solar flares that could create geomagnetic storms large enough to disrupt Earth's atmosphere?

Vanishing spray makes World Cup debutupdated June 12, 2014

Now you see it, now you don't. That's the logic behind the vanishing spray being used at this year's World Cup in Brazil.

What an Enterprise! NASA physicist, artist unveil warp-speed craft designupdated June 12, 2014

Thanks to a NASA physicist, the notion of warp speed might just travel out of sci-fi and into the real world.

New technology aims to rid World Cup of 'ghost goals'updated June 11, 2014

In 1966, British soccer legend Geoff Hurst booted a right-foot shot against Germany in the World Cup championship game. The ball struck the top crossbar and rifled down near the goal line before spinning out.

NASA cameras capture huge solar flaresupdated June 10, 2014

The sun is putting on a fireworks show again.

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