Sunday, June 29, 2014

Techcrunch- Popular

  • Apple’s New iPhone Pitch To Parents

    In my line of work  I’m often called on to think critically about the usability of both hardware and software, especially smartphones. One of my big touchstones, and one that’s ignored by a surprising amount of designers — is that stuff doesn’t exist in a vacuum. If your goal is to have thousands, or millions, of people use your thing then you’ve got to consider… Read More
  • #Love: Pride
  • Facebook And The Ethics Of User Manipulation [Updated]

    Facebook And The Ethics Of User Manipulation [Updated]

    [This post has been updated to include comments from the Adam Kramer, the Facebook employee who coauthored the study.] A recent, partially Army-funded study conscripted Facebook users as unwitting participants during a weeklong experiment in direct emotional manipulation. The study set out to discover if the emotional tone of a users’ News Feed content had an impact on their own… Read More
  • Google’s Principal Designer For Search And Maps Explains Material Design
  • Google’s Dart Programming Language Is Coming To The Server

    Google’s Dart Programming Language Is Coming To The Server

    A few days ago at its I/O developer conference, Google quietly announced that it is working on bringing its Dart programming language to App Engine soon. This implementation will use the company’s recently launched managed virtual machines and the service’s custom runtime support. Because custom runtime support is still in private beta, however, the Dart team isn’t able… Read More
  • Startups And The Un-Banking Of America

    Startups And The Un-Banking Of America

    Historically, when looking for opportunity in the financial industry where technology can have the greatest impact — for investors and entrepreneurs — the best place to start has been with one of our oldest institutions: banks. However, while critical to our economy, banks are generally inefficient, have high fixed costs and don’t exactly elicit happy thoughts from the… Read More
  • The Most San Francisco Wedding Happened, Thanks To Uber

    The Most San Francisco Wedding Happened, Thanks To Uber

    Friends and family gathered to witness Sosh’s CTO Rod Begbie marry his sweetheart of three years this afternoon. Only this was no ordinary wedding. Begbie and his bride-to-be, Lacey Shaw, sent a GroupMe message and a tweet earlier today, asking all their friends to meet them in Alamo Square Park to see them get hitched on Uber’s dime. Begbie and Shaw had lightly discussed… Read More
  • The Rise Of The “Social Professional” Networks

    The Rise Of The “Social Professional” Networks

    Back in the mid-2000s, many espoused a theory that there would emerge social networks for different types of people. It sounds a little preposterous now in the age of Facebook dominance, but at the time you had smart people like Marc Andreessen founding companies like Ning that followed this thesis. I was the co-founder of a now-defunct social network called Zaadz that you could think of… Read More
  • Foursquare, Quora, Path: What Becomes Of The Underachievers?

    Foursquare, Quora, Path: What Becomes Of The Underachievers?

    Foursquare, Quora, Path. Each is (or was) a Valley darling; each has millions of loyal users; each has raised more than $50 million, albeit nontraditionally, and been valued at $400 million or more — and each has recently done something remarkable. Foursquare and Path pivoted, hard. Quora, bizarrely, joined Y Combinator. Are they flailing, or is there method to this madness? Read More
  • Watch This Film About Why Aaron Swartz Matters More Than Ever

    Watch This Film About Why Aaron Swartz Matters More Than Ever

    Aaron Swartz was a young, bright genius who believed in the open Internet. A self-made millionaire by the age of 19, he co-founded Reddit, was part of the creation of RSS and became a political organizer and Internet hacktivist who was instrumental in the fight against SOPA. The Internet’s Own Boy, a film first released at Sundance and now opening to the public today, follows the story… Read More
  • A New App Called Moment Shows You How Addicted You Are To Your iPhone

    A New App Called Moment Shows You How Addicted You Are To Your iPhone

    Some of us jokingly say that we’re addicted to our iPhones. A newly released app called Moment will show us just how true that statement may be. Designed to promote a healthier balance between our real lives and those lived through the small screens of our digital devices, Moment tracks how much you use your phone each day, helps you create daily limits on that usage, and offers… Read More
  • Google Shames Apple’s iOS For Adding What Android Did Years Ago

    Google Shames Apple’s iOS For Adding What Android Did Years Ago

    Apple’s Tim Cook insulted Google at WWDC earlier this month saying “Android dominates the market in malware”, and quoted an article calling the fragmented open operating system a “toxic hellstew of vulnerabilities.” Well Google punched back this morning at its I/O conference when Sundar Pichai put up a slide showing Android’s progess over the years… Read More
  • Google Gets Into Domain Sales

    Google Gets Into Domain Sales

    So, you want to buy a domain name. Who do you go to first? GoDaddy? NameCheap? Whoever happens to have a sale going on right now? How about Google? For the past few years, anyone looking to Google to buy a domain has been met with this support page, which proclaims that “Google itself doesn’t register or host domain names,” before recommending up a few partners who… Read More
  • Behind The Scenes Of The Daily Show’s Devastating Google Glass Segment

    Behind The Scenes Of The Daily Show’s Devastating Google Glass Segment

    The Daily Show’s Jason Jones had a segment on the show last night that highlighted so-called ‘discrimination’ against Google Glass wearers. I was the butt of a lot of its jokes — the show invited me on after I was assaulted wearing Google Glass in the Mission District of San Francisco. Read More

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