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Saturday, June 14, 2014

TechCrunch- Popular

  • Google’s Push Past Search

    As a recent analysis indicated, Google’s traditional search is not working on mobile as well as it did on the desktop web. Sifting through organic search results on a mobile device is a sub-optimal experience, especially when compared to the push notifications and personalized streams of cards that have made mobile apps from Facebook, Twitter and Tinder so habit-forming and successful. Read More
  • Yo Facebook, Ban Links With Fake Video Play Buttons

    Yo Facebook, Ban Links With Fake Video Play Buttons

    Oh, cute cat video? Let me watch that for a second in the News Feed. Click the play button. NOPE. It was a lie. Just a static image of a play button designed to dupe me into clicking out to some crappy website. Feed reading, interrupted. User experience, injured. Likelihood I’ll click legitimate videos in the future, diminished. Facebook. Seriously. This BS needs to stop. I get it. Sites… Read More
  • Sand Hill Road’s Consiglieres: August Capital
  • Nutmeg Is The Answer To Your Sad, Gif-Free Existence

    Nutmeg Is The Answer To Your Sad, Gif-Free Existence

    Because I love you, I’ve interrupted my regularly scheduled Saturday morning programming to bring you this breaking news update: THERE IS A NEW APP IN THE APP STORE THAT MAKES SENDING GIFS IN TEXT MESSAGES SUPER EASY! Read More
  • Survival Of The Digital Fittest

    Survival Of The Digital Fittest

    In just under two weeks from now at Google I/O, Google will announce wearable fitness functionality that Apple announced at WWDC. Next year at WWDC, Apple will announce wearable fitness functionality that Google announced at I/O. Jokes aside, Google and Apple’s competition to “own” wearable health has reached “Silicon Valley”-level proportions. After Apple… Read More
  • Behind The Scenes Of The Daily Show’s Devastating Google Glass Segment

    Behind The Scenes Of The Daily Show’s Devastating Google Glass Segment

    The Daily Show’s Jason Jones had a segment on the show last night that highlighted so-called ‘discrimination’ against Google Glass wearers. I was the butt of a lot of its jokes — the show invited me on after I was assaulted wearing Google Glass in the Mission District of San Francisco. Read More
  • Building Code To Break Poverty In Bangladesh

    Building Code To Break Poverty In Bangladesh

    Teaching people in the third world how to code seems to be a growing trend that may just help to break the world-wide poverty cycle. Danish-based microfinancing operation CodersTrust is starting to do just that with a test group of 100 Bangladeshis. “Nine out of 10 coders on sites like oDesk suck,” says CodersTrust co-founder Ferdinand Kjaerulff. It’s a problem he and… Read More
  • Netflix Will Shut Down Public API Support For Third-Party Developers On November 14

    Netflix Will Shut Down Public API Support For Third-Party Developers On November 14

    Netflix is getting a lot stingier with the way that third-party developers can use its content, announcing that it will stop supporting its public API by the end of the year. In a letter to API partners, Netflix VP of Edge Engineering Daniel Jacobson announced that it would retire the public API program effective November 14. Read More
  • This DIY Game Boy Pocket Uses A Raspberry Pi To Bring You Absolute, Unending Joy

    This DIY Game Boy Pocket Uses A Raspberry Pi To Bring You Absolute, Unending Joy

    Imagine if I told you, almost 20 years ago, that you could put every single Game Boy game (plus a bunch of others) inside of your Game Boy Pocket without having to buy or swap out cartridges. “Forsooth, what wizardry is this,” you’d say. “Tell me more, time-traveler.” Prepare yourself, twenty-years-ago-you, because your brain is about to explode. This DIY project… Read More
  • Boom Goes The Bitcoin

    Boom Goes The Bitcoin

    Dropped, as Yoda would say, the other shoe has. U.S. Marshals are now selling off 29,656.51306529 BTC, about $18 million in bitcoin at today’s $600 price. The sale announcement drove prices down for a brief period overnight moving the needle down from $620 to $608. Read More
  • Tile, The Lost-Item Tracker With Millions In Crowdfunding, Was Worth The Wait

    Tile, The Lost-Item Tracker With Millions In Crowdfunding, Was Worth The Wait

    The first thing you’ll notice about Tile, the crowdfunded lost-item finder that attaches to bags, keys, bikes and more, is that it’s big. I mean, I know the company provided the device’s specs beforehand, but it’s still a surprise to see this large white square — bigger than a Wheat Thin and slightly smaller than a matchbook — sitting there in the black… Read More
  • 500K Women Gave Up Their Boob Data To Build This Bra

    500K Women Gave Up Their Boob Data To Build This Bra

    True&Co, the e-commerce startup that aims to bring us the perfect fitting bra, took data from a million boobs to build its own line of intimates — in an effort to truly support your bust. The company, which formally launched back in 2012 and received an extra chunk of funding just this last year, upped the ante this week with the promise to personalize the perfect fit with… Read More
  • WatchESPN Apps Get Chromecast Support, Watch ABC And Watch Disney Coming Soon

    WatchESPN Apps Get Chromecast Support, Watch ABC And Watch Disney Coming Soon

    Over the years, sports giant ESPN has been expanding the number of screens and devices that viewers can watch its content on. Now it’s adding another: Starting today, the cable network is making its WatchESPN app available through Google’s popular Chromecast dongle. Read More

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